Can I trust the duck? Searx is hit or miss, startpage isn't any better than google...

Can I trust the duck? Searx is hit or miss, startpage isn't any better than google, and all the other options are way to obscure to actually be feasible.

Attached: A61A2621-FC60-4E44-9834-EFCA46839E19.jpg (709x1017, 442K)

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>Can I trust the duck
Not really but it's better than google if only as a competition to their monopoly

Just configure searx.

when i wanted to see projared's penis, I couldnt find it with google. I was able to find it with DuckDuckGo.

it's one of the best alternatives. not sure if you can fully trust them,but they're definitely worth having

Yahoo is unironically the best one nowadays.

DuckDuckGo literally is a front for Bing that also forwards your information to Amazon and Google anyways. Fuck the duck.

Attached: cat-swat.jpg (960x758, 146K)

Yahoo is also a front for Bing. If you want to search, use Fireball

Attached: (672x265, 10K)

No, but I have found !bangs to be really useful.

>Can I trust the duck?
no but you can use it for benign stuff


Oscobo is good

Duck has the worst results.

Attached: 990BFF54-E438-4DA1-B7B9-9E658FB7690E.jpg (523x720, 198K)

what do you guys think about qwant?
I heard the french government started using it to rebel against google, but can it be trusted for everyday users?

Attached: qwant.png (1200x675, 32K)

Just use startpage.

(((french government)))

Here is a brief DuckDuckGo vs Startpage comparison:

DDG: Based in the United States (not very good for privacy)
SP: Based in the Netherlands (strong privacy laws)
DDG: Hosted on rental Amazon servers in the US
SP: Hosted on servers owned and operated by Startpage, with users being able to select an EU or US data center
DDG: Started by Gabriel Weinberg in 2008. DDG is privately held and also backed by various VC investors.
SP: Started by David Bodnick in 1998, currently owned by Surfboard Holding B.V., a private company in the Netherlands with a strong track record of privacy activism. SP is privately held with no third party (outside) VC investors (that I could find).
DDG: Earns revenue from Amazon and eBay affiliates, as well as ads that are served through Bing.
SP: Earns revenue from ads that are served from Google.
Search results and partnerships
DDG: Sources search results primarily from Bing and Yandex, but also has its own web crawler. DDG has a “strong” partnership with Yahoo.
SP: Sources results from Google, but has policies and anti-tracking methods in place to ensure user privacy.
DDG: Stores all search queries.
SP: Does not store search queries.
DDG: Has not been audited.
SP: Has been audited by independent third parties (see here and here)

Startpage comes out in top in this Startpage vs DuckDuckGo comparison.

startpage's results suck
also it doesn't understand "specific searches" or -removing -words -from -a -search
fuck googlepage
also you're funding the botnet, they pay google.
>let me just leave the botnet so i can use a service that gives them money and also can still be used to track me for specific searches because google processes the searches and can corelate the subject matter to analytics through trackers and sites that are a front for google or dont work without their services

>I have found !bangs to be really useful
This, !bang searches are the real reason to use DDG

Dunno how "secure" ddg is (I don't care anyway), but I'm sure it's the most comfy one.
!bangs feature is a deal breaker for me. It's like the whole web at my fingertips.
It's search engine also suits me well. It puts the query's official website on top more frequently than Google. Fuck customization and bubbles. When I search, I want the most default answer.
And it's instant answers are one of the best, too. Keyboard shortcuts, answers from Stack Overflow and so on.

So, you know eh, startpage or duckduckgo?

Is pretty shitty

If you do your grocery shopping online google stores the information from the purchase receipt.

same goes for any other spreadsheet or data you receive in your gmail account.

you can trust the duck more than most search engines but i'd still be wary of searching things that your government could use to build a case against you.
as an aside, its funny how i can search literally anything in DDG images and get porn, it reminds me of google images back in 2009 before they did all the censoring work.

say no more

Config file

Bing is unironically better than google at this point.

>SP: Earns revenue from ads that are served from Google.
>SP: Sources results from Google, but has policies and anti-tracking methods in place to ensure user privacy.
Good job discrediting yourself retard.

Startpage might be better than Google. It is the only one that works decently. If you want to be paranoid: they are all botnet. The difference is that yahoo and google are guaranteed botnet

Why would you want to see tthat?