Was the time you wasted on Rust worth it?

Now that the dust has settled and everyone is beginning to realize that Mozilla has no future as an organization, was all the time you wasted on Rust worth it?

Attached: Rust-BTFO.jpg (662x602, 212K)

>imagine devoting your free time to learning a trash language made by cookie-cutter vegan anarchist trannies

I'm literally fucking amazed that Mozilla didn't die the year after they booted Eich.

Nigger rust is full steam ahead still
You live in antartica if you can't see c demise... Eventually

>implying C will ever die

I just want something to replace C++. I know Rust ain't the best but can we please replace the archaic C/C++ nonsense?

why replace C++?

>I just want something to replace C++.
Just like you replaced your dick with an open wound, huh?

Big, complex, language with messy syntax and archaic features (e.g. header files and makefiles, static/dynamic linking, et cetera)

>he cant program

t. hobbyist programmer


I don't want to write redundant boilerplate. Why should I have to write a header definition in one file and the implementation in another? It's retarded and needs to go away.

make peace with a GC and then you've got like 20 options.

kinda, it gives me insight to mock it properly, but i kinda wish i hadnt lost time on something that became what it is now (with every version it gets further and further from its original design, fuck that shit)


have you ever programmed in any other non-meme language?


Use D.

D stands for dead

>Why should I have to write a header definition in one file and the implementation in another? It's retarded and needs to go away.
So that you can distribute a library and header file separately?

The thing you hate is actually the most powerful feature of C++.

C/C++ is deprecated and unsafe.

C++17 released, C++20 coming soon
Your face is unsafe

Yeah it was, I use Rust for my job and it has definitely been worth it.

>Using Rust at work
Mozilla employee

No. I had to rewrite all the fucking crap i made with it

That's what you get for falling into Jow Forums memes.

Yes because the language is great as it is and is only improving by the day, and works well for my projects. I've been stuck with C++ for 5 years beforehand and it really feels like a breath of fresh air.
>buh mozilla and trans
Yeah, the Linux kernel also has been worked on by people like that. Are you gonna stop using it now? Does it affect the product? No.