>still not creating your own desktop Jow Forums browsing application
>still using the browser like a plebian
>not browsing 4chinchin

Do you peasants even know how to code?
(banter aside, this shit is work in progress)

Attached: mw.png (452x702, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


For now, i have only implemented catalog parsing but I'll be gradually adding more features

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-14_12-49-11.png (512x740, 91K)

please tell me that's not python with Tk

interesting. what's it coded in and why are the images only


It is python tk
I originally wanted to do it in C++ with Qt but I honestly don't know if I should invest so much time in something like this
Tk ain't the best as far as layout management is concerned, but it gets the job done

I download the images from 4chin but tkinter library in Python can only display gif images (PPM too), so I programmed the application to convert all image formats to gif using ffmpeg
It's very crude but it works

that's not python with Tk

Good goyim

Attached: recursion.png (800x657, 168K)

>Imagine not funposting with clover on your phone in the current year of Our Lord
Based gookmoot should range ban every single one of you disgusting d*sktoptardoids and send death squads at your doorsteps

>STM32 Related
Based embedded poster

No seriously, how the fuck isn't there a viable desktop client for Jow Forums already

Good question desu, there's a whole board dedicated to technology, and nothing productive ever comes out of it
I plan on creating a client if python, a cheap and dirty kind. Later, I'll recreate it in C++ & Qt

Stallman wouldn't let any harm fall on his GNU/Follower

Attached: stallman.png (431x658, 110K)


>Later, I'll recreate it in C++ & Qt
or you can try contributing to unless you really don't like what's done so far

I'll be damned, someone has already done it
Welp no reason to live anymore lads, time to an hero

there's still a lot of work to be done on it though

nigga I ain't [cloning, building, opening issues and submitting PRs] that thing

let niggerator=1;let niggers = [];while(true){niggers[niggerator]="niggers".repeat(niggerator^4); niggerator++;}

Attached: 1553895594596.jpg (1080x1080, 66K)

why not trying to contact the guy and ask for contributer status?

it's a joke. when people post .exes somebody replies "nigga I ain't downloading that". updated the cliche for the github era.

How the fuck does one even plan to build such a software. Everything is so neat, and well managed. Everything looks well planned and executed
I just program everything spontaneously as it comes to my mind and it produces shit compared to this

tell me you don't need captcha and im sold on this idea 100% if not, begone

just buy a pass goy

if it were that easy to bypass there'd be no point for its existence.

Cool, a Jow Forums browser that supports the one thing I don't use

>Is Intel dying?
Yes. Fuck yes it is and let them burn in hell.

I'm also making my own Jow Forums browser, but I'm doing it with Angular JS and Electron.

Attached: 1386086103855.jpg (499x499, 179K)

>I'll be damned, someone has already done it
>Welp no reason to live anymore lads, time to an hero
Wait wait, before you go, can I have a zip file with your source code? I'll cherish your memory

Alright, here's the file

2b675cd625ad81013e0850e23773a6a6 Jow Forums_catalog.7z

>making a browser to avoid using a browser using a browser
Chromefags are really something else

Awesome! And, user, godspeed

Friendship ended with browser niggers desktop my new friend now!

Attached: 1551371846400.png (676x1082, 112K)

Jow Forums-x is best
I even use my own CSS

One issue, OP. On line 21 of ui.py, where you have "os.remove('/tmp/out.gif'). If you are running your app for the first time and that out.gif image is not there it causes your app to throw an exception and since this line is right before the ffmpeg line that creates the out.gif image, you'll never get there. So new users will never see any images. Easiest solution is just wrap that in a try/except.

Attached: 1551100311691.png (1563x872, 123K)

Hm. I guess OP really did an hero :(

But why

Yes that was a last minute addition, it should be inside a try except.
I added it because ffmpeg was showing a y/n prompt regarding overwriting the output file (if it already existed). That blocked the whole application

what the fuck

fucking kek

Lmoa what a fag