Thunderpird :DDD

Thunderpird :DDD

Attached: proxy.png (400x400, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>a thread died for this

Attached: 130614992638.png (759x685, 22K)


ebin :DDDD

Attached: 1366379041640679.png (638x911, 96K)

Fuck. Why is those memes so funny? Or is it me just dumb?

>he uses mutt

Attached: 971eb8e8.png (416x387, 25K)

More like thunderturd LMAO.

both :DDDD

Attached: 1508542962316.gif (238x190, 1M)

anime and techbologgi bread :DDDD

Attached: spurdo 2.png (691x465, 18K)

VERY good thread



Attached: sbjbibberifx.jpg (1188x716, 54K)


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this guy in particular has seen a lot of popularity lately, I wonder why
might as well post one Jow Forums related

Attached: 1516354539682.png (512x512, 51K)

This meme is so bottom of the barrel idiotic you just can't help but giggle like a 10 year old tard.

even the Jow Forums derivative ones feel light-hearted and much more in jest than those just meant to incite anger and shitflinging
I guess it just feels more genuine than the others that get co-opted for a movement or just a way to insult others

Attached: 1507486717468.jpg (3788x1052, 626K)

The two achievements of Finland: Linux and Spurdo :--DD

Attached: 1538603293887.png (195x202, 13K)

Attached: 534.gif (337x398, 119K)

Best thread

It is a good thread

Attached: 623753b00607fcc493b97361b75a633eb9afd4777e5dec2b93fe0fb91bd820d8.jpg (2048x1536, 1.49M)

breddy good

Attached: 1557549970502.jpg (1050x1418, 955K)

Attached: 1535122593111.jpg (676x581, 54K)

oh fuggg :DDDDDD

Does anyone have that four-winged gondola wallpaper ::::DDDDD

>/a/ thread died for this

Attached: 1547597250970.png (416x345, 9K)

dis is nod degnology

Attached: 1521999896930.png (792x588, 5K)


Attached: 1557682040361.png (379x289, 75K)

gööd :D:D:D:DD:DDD

Attached: rotaded.webm (548x548, 1.85M)

oh fug :DDDDDD

Attached: 1547395481702.jpg (770x770, 114K)

more technology than the average tech support/e-celeb/retarded consumerist garbage thread desu.

Attached: spurdoplane.jpg (1968x1113, 160K)

Attached: 1428657071853.gif (512x481, 646K)

oh fug :DDDDDD

Attached: 1528966742257.jpg (812x883, 125K)

oh fug :DDDDDD

Attached: 1550146361411-g.png (540x270, 52K)

there is a version of this where the animals were swapped for lolis in animal constumes, anyone has it?

krautchan is better at memeing than Jow Forums

Too bad it's gone


helo yes is this the degnolgoly bord

Attached: 1526214481924.gif (720x403, 64K)


Attached: 1551613641320.png (589x749, 251K)

hab segs x--D

Attached: 1539968746849.png (400x400, 7K)

Attached: 1556520805084.jpg (780x442, 58K)

oh fug :DDDDDD

Attached: 576aec5fdefd2d6d33fd5f3067e99892409b4a32e4091229a80eadfbb5733555.jpg (960x535, 77K)

oh fug :DDDDDD


Attached: 1542659228260.jpg (250x250, 5K)

Attached: realtek snibedi.png (331x260, 7K)


The language here is horrible. This image looks like it was made by an American who didn't know the proper usage of spurdo dialect so he just mixed lolcats and nigger speak together thinking that makes it sound silly like spurdo. I'm so ashamed.

Attached: boger.png (514x352, 32K)

Attached: 1543857568743-g.jpg (614x461, 52K)

Will spurdo ever die or is it the eternal meme?

True. He should have used the spurdofier

Attached: 10312976.jpg (200x300, 9K)

haha benis

I'd jusd lige do inderjecd for a momend. Whadd you're referring do as Linux, is in facd, GNU/Linux, or as I've recendly dagen do calling id, GNU blus Linux. Linux is nod an oberadding sysdem undo idself, bud raddher anodher free combonend of a fully funcdioning GNU sysdem made useful by dhe GNU corelibs, shell udilidies and vidal sysdem combonends combrising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many combuder users run a modified version of dhe GNU sysdem every day, widhoud realizing id. Through a beculiar durn of evends, dhe version of GNU which is widely used doday is ofden called "Linux", and many of ids users are nod aware dhadd id is basically dhe GNU sysdem, develobed by dhe GNU Projecd.

There really is a Linux, and dhese beoble are using id, bud id is jusd a bard of dhe sysdem dhey use. Linux is dhe gernel: dhe brogram in dhe sysdem dhadd allocaddes dhe machine's resources do dhe odher brograms dhadd you run. The gernel is an essendial bard of an oberadding sysdem, bud useless by idself; id can only funcdion in dhe condexd of a comblede oberadding sysdem. Linux is normally used in combinaddion widh dhe GNU oberadding sysdem: dhe whole sysdem is basically GNU widh Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All dhe so-called "Linux" disdribudions are really disdribudions of GNU/Linux. :-----------D böre :-----------D böre :--D böre

Attached: spurdo crying.gif (408x397, 35K)

oh fug :DDDDDD

oh fug :DDDDDD

>booding dhe kebnel :DDDD

Attached: 1536113405197.png (515x286, 99K)


Attached: 1554112844580.png (958x660, 16K)

Attached: 1540818801012.gif (500x500, 17K)

toasting in ebin thread

Attached: 1493923505423.png (680x433, 78K)

This is now a three of liberdy bread :DDDD

Attached: 1543292075572-g.png (853x621, 87K)

Attached: 1494153153671.png (853x543, 42K)

>shutdown now

Isn't this gondola?


Attached: 1554105932230.png (1303x2273, 1.08M)

Finns make the best menes.

Attached: 1488306245710.png (1064x699, 140K)

Attached: tumblr_onlx5sIYLj1vl141wo1_1280.jpg (771x681, 81K)

Why isn't this a sticky yet?

Attached: 1530467871714.png (307x462, 11K)

Attached: 1449618289866.jpg (650x632, 116K)

şpırdo is degnologi

Milidary deknolojee :DDDDDD

Attached: 1548634867769.gif (350x195, 797K)


this is the best thread on Jow Forums right now

baggin baggin ganu yo XDDD

Attached: 1497047448300.jpg (1042x1497, 294K)

bröm bröm :DDD

Chegg dis oud :DD
Ids a bropeller spurdo XDDD
brapellers are deknologi :D

Attached: 1497851687044.gif (250x194, 47K)


Attached: eac9eadd7b1dbdefcc11e12d84f1d042316f0b8474d37d8cf3a9e855607ba5c5.gif (250x194, 13K)

hyberbipeline :D
intel BPU of olde :DDD

Attached: 1490523294146.png (801x1500, 973K)

intel :DD in twendy sebenteen XDDD

Attached: 1516398419164.png (801x1500, 856K)

oh fug :DDDDDD

Attached: 1502540328887.png (800x576, 324K)


Attached: 1516844468682.jpg (972x1076, 863K)

Attached: 1546130309535.gif (355x355, 661K)


What a heart warming thread
this stuff is wonderful

blub blug :DD

Attached: 1516843329644.png (1000x750, 34K)

Hereiz a shell sgript from anoder user:
spurdo() {
sed "s/kek/geg/gI;s/epic/ebin/gI;s/america/clapistan/gI;s/right/rite/gI;s/your/ur/gI;s/\./ :DD/gI;s/'//gI;s/,/XDD/gI;s/wh/w/gI;s/th/d/gI;s/af/ab/gI;s/ap/ab/gI;s/ca/ga/gI;s/ck/gg/gI;s/co/go/gI;s/ev/eb/gI;s/ex/egz/gI;s/et/ed/gI;s/iv/ib/gI;s/it/id/gI;s/ke/ge/gI;s/nt/nd/gI;s/op/ob/gI;s/ot/od/gI;s/po/bo/gI;s/pe/be/gI;s/pi/bi/gI;s/up/ub/gI;s/va/ba/gI;s/ck/gg/gI;s/cr/gr/gI;s/kn/gn/gI;s/lt/ld/gI;s/mm/m/gI;s/nt/dn/gI;s/pr/br/gI;s/ts/dz/gI;s/tr/dr/gI;s/bs/bz/gI;s/ds/dz/gI;s/es/es/gI;s/fs/fz/gI;s/gs/gz/gI;s/ is/iz/gI;s/as/az/gI;s/ls/lz/gI;s/ms/mz/gI;s/ns/nz/gI;s/rs/rz/gI;s/ss/sz/gI;s/ts/tz/gI;s/us/uz/gI;s/ws/wz/gI;s/ys/yz/gI;s/alk/olk/gI;s/ing/ign/gI;s/ic/ig/gI;s/ng/nk/gI" \

Attached: finnish achievment.png (195x202, 12K)

This is the best thread on Jow Forums ever.
clabistanXDD fugg yeah!
gomin again to save de moderfuggin dayXDD yeah
clabistanXDD fugg Yeah!
Freedomiz de only wayXDD yeah
TerrorisdzXDD ur gameiz drough
gauze now you have ta anzwer to
clabistanXDD fugg yeah!
So ligg my butt and sugg on my ballz
clabistanXDD fugg yeah!
watcha gonna do wen we gome for you now
idz de dream dat we all share
idz de hobe for tomorrow
(Fugg Yeah!)

Not much of a bar to clear.

Attached: drugus ar milidary degnology :D.gif (300x214, 2.58M)

Oh fug :-DDDDD


Attached: ameriga_burger.gif (846x504, 1.01M)


Dun run dis, id creaeds musdard gas :DDDDDD

Attached: 1462787194318.jpg (780x812, 91K)

Attached: realtek_logo.png (452x300, 6K)

oh fug :DDDDDD

Attached: be8f2a736f0c50250a7d2925ab2bf38f.jpg (660x784, 80K)