I've recently become obsessed with programming. I work as a programmer...

I've recently become obsessed with programming. I work as a programmer, and then go home and program for another 4 or so hours (usually pet projects unless we're really busy). I'm just obsessed with learning new concepts and trying to optimize for readability and concurrent performance.

It all started when we started using kotlin at work. There's so many helper functions, data structures, and experimental libraries that do really cool shit bad aren't ready to be stdlib yet. All that and it's easy to use.

It's been fun, but I don't spend much time with friends anymore. I go out to a bar and meet strangers usually if I need a release. My coworkers love it though, and are talking about a promotion.

Is this what it's like to be an adult? Or is it just a side effect of all the meth and acid I've been taking recently?

Attached: Steve_Wozniak_de2dec11-5ab9-4171-8967-721a0e055cc7.jpg (446x357, 46K)

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It's called being a nerd, and the drugs you choose to do are bringing it out of you. I hope you use them sparingly, however, as it could become a crutch.

To be clear, nothing's wrong with being a nerd, you just finally found your spot and something that you literally enjoy learning. Well it might not be the first time you've felt that, but now it's deeply rooted in your life.

Now if you're wondering why you're up 5 weeks and feeling so much love reading the GPL, I'd say it's the drugs but honestly that describes neets too.

You'll go far, get a promotion, etc

What language should I learn first, OP?

Bumping just to curious this OP



is the acid use more

PowerBook G3 was peak Apple.

This sounds like a kotlin ad

good sniffer

God, I wish I could work with Kotlin, but I don't want to make "apps".
I'm working with python on a sizeable project right now, and it's terrible. Kotlin is definitely my favorite Lang right now, I only wish it had static members on interfaces


>don't want to make apps
>sizeable python project
What do you mean? Isn't you 'sizeable python project' an app already?

Spring boot has pretty good kotlin integration now with a gradle plug-in.

>static members on interfaces
Please use static members very sparingly. But, do they not have companion objects? I guess I've ever tried this. I'd reconsider whatever you're thinking about here.

he means android apps

It technically is an application, but an enterprise-faced one that runs on servers, not costumer-faced that runs on mobile devices, which is the most common use for the word "app" nowadays.

I've heard Spring Boot uses almost 1gb ram just to run, how true is that? Also, I highly doubt I could persuade management to switch to Kotlin... It's hard enough recruiting decent people for Python, which has a much larger pool.
And dude, I know what I'm doing. I meant mostly static methods or constants, such as a deserializer or factory method. They have companion objects, but there's no way to enforce a interface through them

I can relate. I just love (software) development.
Best weekends I have are when I'm home alone and just code and smoke weed till the early mornings.
Most people bore me, I have to get shit-faced drunk to enjoy going out. 90% of the time I'd rather play with some new technology or work on a side project.
I used to be a heavy gamer as well, but nowadays I don't nearly enjoy it as much as programming.
The best part? I get paid for this shit as well. Won't have to worry about employment for the rest of my life.

Attached: 1468107638962.jpg (480x516, 24K)

Spring boot certainly can use that much if you have a fuckin huge project. Smaller projects with fewer deps might use 50-100m. And with each java version that number goes down.

Kotlin is only an easy sell for Java. Tough luck. Try learning a real statically types language! Heh

Yeah, but in Java you have to jump through all types of contrived hoops in order to adhere with the strict OOP paradigm. It's really boring to make a IShittingStrategy interface just for a class that should just take a (food) -> shit function

Way to go my friend, keep going until you can't stop
It's gonna bring wonders

Nah that's just a meme really. Java and spring are very flexible, very configurable and amazing for testability. If you use kotlin, it has type inference just like python, but also has compile time type checking. It's also way faster and doesn't use white space for blocks.

How long has this been going on?

The drug use: 4 months.
Programming obsession: about 1 month, maybe more. Started when I learned kotlin.

This does not seem sustainable my dude. Have you gotten obsessed with things like this in the past, only to get burned out and drop everything? How old are you?

I don't mind an early death so much. But yes I have, usually dumb shit like video games though. I'm really glad that it's something useful this time. I'm 27

I'm 27 too. You might have ADHD. Look up Russell Barkley on youtube

Sounds unhealthy, but I trust you know when to stop it, OP.

I don't have time to figure out which mental disorders I have. I'm either coding, or drinking and doing drugs with friends. A perfect balance. I am honestly very happy with my situation.

I hope I do. I've heard people can slip into psychosis without any warning, though.

> Kotlin

I'm sure you're having a ton of fun with OOP and that's great and all but if you want to really improve your knowledge you should consider learning a functional-style language like Haskell or Clojure. Even if you end up using a different language at work, learning Functional Programming will train how you think about programs and enable you write better, less error-prone code.

>Look up Russell Barkley on youtube
Any specific vids you recommend? Not the OP, but I've been wondering if I have ADHD.

They're all useful. "What ADHD really is" is a good place to start though. Good luck user.

I have used clojure and Scala at work. Scala is similar to haskell. Clojure is cute and all, fun to write, but it's hard to read and dynamically typed. Scala is just too academic and you end up wasting time with monads and unnecessary optimizations, which still sometimes end up slower than java. Kotlin can do all the same functional shit and more. It has two large companies working on it and it has full fledged ide support. It's clean, usable, and adaptable. Clojure and Scala feel like fucking jokes in comparison.

Be careful, user. I did the same (without the drugs) for around 6 months, and I almost burnt out. I still like my job, but I try to do other stuff in my free time.

word for word me except for the getting paid to do it part

>I don't mind an early death so much. But yes I have, usually dumb shit like video games though. I'm really glad that it's something useful this time. I'm 27

I'm not saying that without speed you'd hate programming or that you'd be back to where you were, just that it definitely helps get rid of whatever in the way that would prevent you from wanting to learn more. After all it's close to adderal. As for the acid, that adds a different element. Are you doing a lot of acid, or microdosing? Or did you just mean that you did a lot of those substances recently?

Idk how much of what you do, but I can say that it contributes to this huge interest. I'm not going to say that it's solely due to it, or that it's fake, just that they helped lead you to this path. You have a genuine interest in programming and that is good fuel for drugs that make you happy, focused, alert, and pattern oriented. Can you use that to learn about something random and uninteresting, like particle board manufacturing, and gain a lot from it? Yeah, but all the amount of super soldier serum in the world is not gonna make you do that with a smile on your face. So your interest in it is genuine and has nothing to do with notions of being a big boy or drug use.

I don't care about how much of these things you do either since they're not all that bad for you, just wondering if you are able to determine how much of that drive came from them. That way it can't become out of control into an issue.

Just quoting all three posts. When it comes to just being obsessed about something short term, it's not necessarily ADHD. It describes a ton of people. You'd have to be more specific with that.

Now, amphetamines are prescribed for those with ADHD all the time, so maybe OP inadvertently chose that as his potion because it alleviates symptoms of ADHD he may not know he has.

Other than that, not enough to determine that. And I quoted all three posts but the sequence of this conversation goes "Have you gotten obsessed with things like this in the past, only to get burned out and drop everything?" and OP says yes, as most of us would (even without ADHD), but his example is "dumb shit like video games". Not enough to even hint that OP has ADHD, so I wouldn't even go as far as to say "You might have ADHD". But that's just me.

If I knew how much of what OP was doing and how often; if there was a pattern or if his drug use is random as fuck, then we could determine more. Since we can't even determine if it's recreational use. Like are you putting the stuff in a pill and swallowing it while microdosing on acid before you work? Do you do that only on your personal time? Do you even do that same routine all the time?

But I will still continue to say that OP most definitely has an interest in programming that is completely natural and extends beyond the use of these substances. I mean anyone is free to point out an example of some average guy turning programmer after self medicating and then all of that interest disappearing when they stop.

I answered all I can based on the very very very tiny amount of info OP has given us. Like I don't have a black/white view on drugs, so I'm giving a bunch of different answers here.

>for around 6 months
Were you new to the job? Just curious. I'm relatively new to my job, like 8 months there, and I am super interested in it and I found my interest growing. I haven't reached a point where I feel like I'm dragging my ass to work everyday to repeat some mundane task. So I'm wondering if my interest will grow even more.

I think it's being an adult, I am like this with any kind of work. It's like nothing entertains me but at least work is something other people want me to do and which I can develop my skills and affect the world with. I kind of have a hard time "hanging out" with people anymore if they want to sit around and watch TV or some mindless thing. Like I only want to socialize in the context of doing some project.

Why aren't pelple concerned op is doing meth hes gonna end up in the alleys homeless and crazy like what seems tohappen to a lot of em

Sounds like you're a solid workerbee. Can't even do something non-productive with friends outside of work. I know a few people like this but I can never really get to that point. Like I share my laziness and misery with others so maybe that's why. But I also can't just sit around watching TV all day, so the kind of nonproductive stuff I do changes. And then I consider it productive to just talk about meaningful things, would you consider that unproductive from your point of view?
Sometimes it just feels good to do something that feels meaningful and that is making some kind of affect, however small.

No, it was around the time I got proficient at it (a bit after 1 year, I'd guess). Suddenly everything 'clicked', and it became addictive.
I have also experienced that 'new job' interest you mention, but in this case it was more about just doing something you're good at. The danger lies in it being so much fun that it becomes some kind of comfort zone you don't want to leave.

Thanks for seeing it in a positive light and not acting like I'm a drug addict. I've always had a strong interest in programming. I would sometimes all this get obsessed with a particular project and spend all my free time working on it. Every company I've worked for thinks I'm amazing. Everyone always said "if you weren't so lazy, you could do amazing things" I was pretty lazy, I was on Jow Forums/reddit for 80% of the day, and usually got drunk during lunch and came back to the office. They never did anything about it though because despite all that, I still had more throughput than anyone else. I'll post the followup in my next comment because it's too long.

Sorry for typing all this, hope you feel like reading it all!

I recently got out of a relationship with a girl who didn't like drugs, so I decided to buy to LSD since it had been a while. I had many great trips on megadoses, and lots of fun experiences going into public with small doses. Work was starting to get stressful because we're a startup facing some very hard times.. So I started seeking out some amphetamine on the dark net to help me spend more time on work rather than Jow Forums. I couldn't find anyone selling speed powder in the US, and no way in fuck was I paying $20/pop for those shitty pills. I did a lot of reading and found out that meth is basically the same thing as amphetamine, and it's very cheap, so I bought some. Now I'm extremely focused, rarely browse the web or take any breaks, always moving forward. I only take LSD on the weekends now to help reflect and keep me out of the stimulant rabbit hole.

Anyways, now I feel like a godlike programmer. I was good before but now like.. jesus christ. I think some of our SF programmers are starting to hate me for it. I'm not just banging out garbage, I'm learning and writing beautiful, functional code.

I know I sound very arrogant but.. this is how it is. Maybe it'll make you feel better that at this point I have no friends pretty much, and the ones I do have are constantly panicing about my drug usage and are becoming distant. I rarely hear from any family members or anything. My fun nights are strolling around bars and talking to strangers. Which is very fun, actually.

I feel like I'm at that point where things are clicking to where it's natural. It already is natural to me as I'm on a computer and communicating with coworkers with casual meme filled chats and I'm able to view all kinds of data and patterns. It makes me not want to leave that comfort zone just on the thought that there's nothing comparable. That's a lie and a trap that I know not to fall into again, because I've done it at all kinds of jobs. Even years and years ago

Think about this - they prescribe that to children. Well, not the same exact chemical formula, but pretty close. You should be able to get a prescription of Aderall, I wonder if doctors can tell you're on anything though.

Now knowing what you've said, I can say programming interest came from within. To block out Jow Forums and to keep your mind focused on programming enough to discover it's aspects and your proficiency in it and how you could improve - coupled with a substance that is well known to help with that, that comes from you. Now to be able to do that on your own. I've accepted that challenge years ago when someone offered Adderall. I couldn't use it to the extent that you did, but I could see immediately how it could keep me focused on the things that I like to do and not fall into the distractions of things that are worse for me.. like Jow Forums. But then obviously I wasn't able to get more, this was just someone offering one that he had. I don't know if it was one of his prescription ones, but if it is then I'm really dissappointed when I find out that some people shamelessly allow people to prescribe it to their kids.
Without it I could still remember the focus that I had. I remembered that there was still a part of me longing for Jow Forums, but that I could block that out more. I dug deeper into this, apparently I was more convincing to myself when I was in that state of mind than without it. So I could convince myself not to go on Jow Forums or watch something, because what I was doing is better. I tried to lie to myself, because I couldn't convince myself of course, and eventually I started developing more and more techniques of focus. Of course I've grown since then and shit changes, so I understand a little bit more of what you're going through, but the process is still the same.

To continue from my last point, the reason I talk a lot about focus is because one thing you're going to have to do is to wean yourself off of it. Whether or not you want to continue doing it doesn't matter, that decision isn't affected, but you should definitely wean yourself off to a point where you still have a natural focus that you're controlling and developing. That way you can use it in a more beneficial way, as a tool, and then wean yourself even less than that. At this point the amount of focus you feel will likely stick to some extent if you're not zerked out thinking about your next fix (if you are then just stop doing it immediately).

Then you can go from there, because:

1. You've now weaned yourself off from the large amount that you're doing. You can now quit doing it or continue to do it.

2. If you continue, you have the option to do more or to do less. You've now controlled this amount and should understand it more.

I only show this amount of concern and focus on you mentioning amphetamines because of this. Not too surprised when you mentioned that you noticed the increased interest in programming soon afterwards. Still not judging. I just think you should use what you've gained out of this (the knowledge doesn't go away!) to ensure that you're not RELYING on it, else it's going to use you. Even more than that, the more you delay it the more of an issue it'll become. Are you controlling the amount you do? If not then you might end up inadvertently increasing it more and more. What if you end up trying to smoke on one of your free wild days? That's one way to create a bigger problem. So maybe have one or two weeks where your progress isn't fueled by a substance. Let that grow by a day, week, more, etc. Or you start to develop your focus based on what you notice when you're on it. If you are good at it, take advantage of the fact that you're on something that increases focus and focus on YOURSELF and what happens to your focus when you're off and on it. Use certain videos or books or other information as a common denominator in these comparisons. Or pay attention to what doesn't happen, like the things that are causing you from focusing on what you normally would be hooked on when you're on it. What thought led to the thought that led to the thought that led to you convincing yourself to browse Jow Forums for a little bit instead of continuing what you were doing? Then pay attention to how that changes when you're on the substance, or when you try to force it. Doing shit like that is one good way to understand how you can control your focus and how your focus has changed.

I mean are you going to be doing it next month? Just thinking long term here for you.

>Now I'm extremely focused, rarely browse the web or take any breaks, always moving forward. I only take LSD on the weekends now to help reflect and keep me out of the stimulant rabbit hole.

Is LSD still as it once was or is it watered down more for you? Do you have to do more or focus harder for the more beneficial sides of it like thinking inward or reflecting on certain things (if you have any issues you want to work on, that is)? I always assume doing it that much would completely fuck up your view on it.

I've been meaning to read this article for a while but for some reason have not: nateliason.com/microdosing-lsd/

But that lays out some of the benefits of it. So I can see that others have done that.

Either way doing that every weekend is definitely not helping. Are you spend 5 days stimulated, 2 days tripping out? Are you ever not on these two substances? Does your brain remember what it used to feel like? If you're doing it that much then by all means just stop period and re-evaluate how you're medicating yourself. The ideas above can help you wean off of it a little bit so you can have more days sober (when I say sober I usually don't count weed if that helps you). Maybe you'll find out along the way that you want to quit now than later. You'll be able to wean off of it without any negative effects that could be uncomfortable and noticeable. You can spend those days using your own abilities to focus, like a lot of people do. If you can't and sincerely have ADHD then you have found the golden key to have that prescribed to you.

Even if you did that 5 days a week, perfectly managed and shoved in a tablet like those with the fancy prescriptions have, why not blaze out the weekends to try and unwind that? Why take a psychedelic every weekend? Why not just spend those resting?

If things went wrong in your life, or if you ran out, things would spiral out of control. That's what I see here. I AGREE that you're happy now, though.

>not using c
>not programming asm

why even live?

have fun with your meme fad dead languages that will be gone in 1 year when the "next" awesome fad meme language comes along.

do something with your time and fix up established heavily used open source software. dont waste time rewriting some mp3 player in ruby on rails i mean javascript i mean php i mean lua i mean rust

In all seriousness what should my first true programming language be? I've given myself the options of Python or Java (only because I took a semester in high school and it's big expensive name)

OP here, i'm back and i'll answer you guys, hopefully you're still here but if not oh well.

Quick one first to stop thread from dying.



Yeah, I'm very close to the point where I need to take a break. Seems like I need higher doses and it doesn't last quite as long. But I feel like that may just be a result of not sleeping enough. Many nights I'll only get 3-5 hours of sleep, sometimes none, because I'm so focused on solving a problem. If I get a good night's rest, a small oral dose works wonders for me still.

Luckily I just found out a deadline we were all stressed about was extended pretty far, so that hopefully taking a break won't be too difficult. I also just got a shipment in of ecstasy, ketamine, and dmt, so that should help me through it. Honestly though, I've snorted speed powder daily for a few months before, and experienced pretty much no withdrawal. I'm planning to take a 3 to 4 week break.

I feel that I am in control. The only reason that I even bought this stuff is because I have very strong willpower and self control, I trust myself. I know how dangerous this stuff is, and I'm being cautious, maybe not as cautious as I should be but it's fun. Thanks for your concern though, I'll keep it in mind.

I had a whole bunch typed up but my browser crashed and I lost it all. So I think this one will be a little shorter.

LSD tolerance will be gone if you abstain for a week. After my megadose I was doing it pretty frequently, but I've since calmed down. I only take it on random weekends when I feel like I need it, not every weekend or even every day.

I do take meth every day though. I measure a small amount out and put it into a capsule, and swallow it. When I get home I'll usually do a bump. If I stay home that night I'll probably end up doing one or two more throughout the night. I've only done one binge, me and a friend sat on my porch chatting for 20 hours straight.

I was pretty happy before I started taking meth. Honestly I can't say that it has made me any happier. It's definitely a lot of fun if nothing else. Diving deep into a programming language to the point that you're reading source code is very rewarding. I'm really just taking it as an experiment to push my limits. And the results have been pretty amazing. Obviously I will have to take a long break at some point, but I'm not really worried about running out. I've got enough to last a few years or maybe more.

Java if never programmed before
C if you have some knowledge

need to get down OOP and your data structures/algorithms before you do anything else

>I've got enough to last a few years or maybe more.
I'm guessing you have enough to be done for life for distribution then, be careful.
I'm too scared to keep more than a few grams of weed at my house, but I'm guessing you know what you're doing.

I would only use C and ASM if I were writing an OS or something.. don't plan on that though. I would rather use Rust instead of C. I hope you're kidding when you say that javascript and rust are meme languages. If you don't like them, you're gonna have a pretty bad time in the upcoming years.

I usually write in Java because it's top tier for web server development. Kotlin is just the icing on the cake. Nothing can match the massive ecosystem of Java.

I miss doing acid and meth, now I get paranoid and feel like I should be doing something more productive (like studying or programming) >.>

>that upside down logo
how old is that machine?

You get paranoid because you're sober? Or when you're on them

I don't feel like I'm forcing myself to do anything, it feels natural. Whenever I try to take a break, I think of some great improvement or pattern, or a solution to a problem I'm stuck on, and so I quickly go back. I'll plan to go jerk off, or sleep, but before I know it the sun is coming up. I really enjoy it, though.

I'm a little out of it today which is why I'm posting on here. I took klonopin for the first time last night when I made this thread, I was pretty fucked up, and now I feel obligated to answer people's questions. This is a behavior trait that I have even when sober.

You're going to hate it 3 years down the road, especially when it takes 3 days to troubleshoot a bug that is simply a syntax error

I've been in the field for 5 years my man. Syntax errors are no big deal if you're using a statically typed language. You do still get bugs like that occasionally, but not often enough to be frustrating. My code usually works on the first try unless I'm doing something complex or across a network. The most frustrating thing to me is when you've nearly finished a long project, and the requirements suddenly change so much that you have to scrap it all and start fresh. Government agencies love doing that, they're just required to spend all of their funding and don't actually want your software.

I didn't like the field much in the beginning to be honest. I just kept job hopping. But I eventually found a company that I love. The people are cool, no one points fingers when things break, we're constantly trying out new things, and we encourage each other to take time off. I've called in sick before during a really intense, time sensitive project. I said I would work from home and they said no, get some rest. I could keep going but you get the point.

The work isn't always the most exciting, and you sometimes end up spending a whole week in meetings, but I don't know what other job I would want to do.

Garbage. Scala is better.

>Kotlin can do all the same functional shit and more
Hahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahha. Higher kinded types where?
>inb4 arrow
Gtfo with your workaround. Kotlin is a slightly better version of Java, that's it. Kotlin is not even half as powerful as Scala.

Its called functional interface u dont need to make a new interface to do that

Scala is literal fucking trash. It's meant for academic types to jerk themselves off with. It's slow as fuck, way too complex and unstandardized, pretends to be performant but it's actually slower than java. I'll admit that for comprehensions are kinda nice, but that's it. You could create the same thing in kotlin with DSLs.

>has an easy solution
>"it's a workaround"

Monadic bullshit is overrated.

You don't know shit about kotlin. I'm sure some people write it like a "cleaner java" but if you look deep into the docs and experimental libs, there's some serious fuckin shit. I'm constantly finding things that I had no clue existed, and are very useful. This is in the stdlib.

Not to mention scala is slow as fuck in compilation and runtime, and has garbage IDE support. Kotlin is fully supported by Intellij. They made it!

python, use edx 6.00.1x and do it over 9 weeks with the structure