I got a CS degree... Now what?

I got a CS degree... Now what?

I got no idea what I want to do with my life.
And I don't mean how do I find a job I mean how do I find something I enjoy? I can find some web dev position easily but I'd probably get depressed doing it.

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>I can find some web dev position easily but I'd probably get depressed doing it.
Welcome to the industry!

Now you become a wageslave and think about dying on a daily basis.

nut on degree to mark your territory

Do what the rest do. Get the job as the web dev. Use your spare work time to work on your own sites or other client$. While using company resources to further your goals!

>completes entire degree before knowing what he wants to do

the absolute state of zoomers

I knew I wanted to work with computers but working and getting a career at something is way more specific

you dumb motherfucker. you were supposed to find a job or an idea before getting the degree

well I wanted to be a game dev then when I went for it I was supposed ot learn to draw and it put me off

I work in a very cushy aerospace job.

>I got a CS degree... Now what?
mmkay if you got that in Europe or the USA then you need to consider a job in burger flipping
if you got that in Asia or india then you have a promising youtube career

now do something else, programming is the worst job.

I also wanted to be a game dev, then I realized the job is shit.

What about Europe but not EU

Welcome to the tech industry, why do you think half of the devs are all depressed trannies?

thats one of the reasons i got into cs but you're just gonna be a slave for the most part. I would try finding a job at a company that you really admire. If you cant get that get a job at a decent firm and look at what problems they are having and work on solutions to those. This is all theory ofc cause im not done with my degREE yet.

How could you see me ?

>I got a CS degree... Now what?
The world is yours, motherfucker. Find the field you're interested in and get crackin'.

t. six-figure earner with no degree

but idk what Im interested in that's the problem

Should I unironically try shrooms or LSD as a one time thing to see the light

That's a total meme imo.

have you tried, you know, doing shit
fuck around with things until you find something you like
programming is pretty fucking huge
there's always something new

idk either OP, send help

Go into defense

I feel you're perfectly highlighting a point I often bring up about the school system. You've been taught there's no flex, only what people instruct you to do. Your mind is probably searching for that perfect "A+" answer to your question. Time to realize that there's no set path in life. Figure out what works best for you. And most importantly get over the student mentality. Trial and error is a great way to learn. You don't have to be spot on first time round.

you don't want to be worked like a slave and risk getting fired for complaining about the current year-long crunch?

Sys Admin /Linux Admin / Server Admin
Networking / Network Admin
IT Sec / OpSec

Forget programming and come to the adminstrator chads

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An hero or get a job

How to get started?

>how do I find something I enjoy?
sorry bro you're fucked ESPECIALLY if you're asking here

Administration is a good back up plan if you can't get a development position. Don't see why it should be his first choice.

this but unironically

no, but you should grow your own mushrooms.

don't eat l, too difficult to get non-toxic shit

have you tried masturbating?

Why tho?

Do psychs if you wanna do psychs. But do a shit ton of research first and read trip reports. Don't count on it to be a magic bullet for your problems.

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This but unironically.

The problem is quality control and he's not a drug addict so he doesn't know. If he just buys some shit it's not gonna be that premo

1. Apply to jobs, talk to tons of recruiters, work your network and get refferals, find some company to work for


2. Find a problem you can solve with code, find the target audience you can sell that software to, build it, sell it, ship it, repeat

Well, considering you're likely actually 16... I doubt you have finished college.. but here's a (you) maybe you can add it to you K/D and impress you "waifu."

>tfw I've been doing this on a freelance basis for 8 years before getting my degree
>tfw pic related
>tfw got a position as senior sysadmin with next to no professional experience
Best of luck mate, just keep applying like a madman and use EVERYTHING you've done as experience.

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DevOps seems pretty easy andppays good if you can actually write code and use Linux for things other than riding.

>I got a CS degree... Now what?

Sounds boring.

> adminstrator
> chads
More like girls next door for programmer chads
t. admin

become a neet

this motivates me because i've just hit a low point after quitting my last job, gonna get the ol' resume shotgun out


>Got a degree 1 year
>Went looking for open positions
>All decent entry jobs require experience with proprietary in house tech or experience in fields no student can have experience in(how the hell am i supposed to learn programming avionics in school)
Went straight back to school to get a MSc and probably after that a PhD to get a comfy position in research as the industry environment is completly fucked.

>mmkay if you got that in Europe or the USA then you need to consider a job in burger flipping
CS grads are literal godd in many parts of europe, eastern especially. Earning anywhere from 2-6k EUR net with average salaries around 500-800 EUR depending on country. Which might seem like nothing to westerner, unless you realize this salary pays off house by 30-35 tops with early start and good budgeting.

What's your github look like? Have you done any internships? Read any books outside your degree? If you've just scrapped by your degree to the point that you know Java well enough to be a code monkey and not much else well then...sorry user, I'd look into that webdev job, or compete for the application development your uni fed you and the rest of your class into on a treadmill, at least until you can take some time to learn real computing to do something interesting. Install Linux and maybe if you enjoy that you can look into systems or even embedded programming. Maybe try out HackTheBox and discover a flair for pentesting.
Computing is a massive field full of amazing shit, you just need to get into it a bit more to figure out what you like. Best if you had done that during your degree but, hey, no time like the present.

do you even love computers or software??
if you dont know what you want but you have privilege to find any fucking job..

You are the main reason for why technology is progressing in turtle steps..
And the reason why everything is controlled by sociopaths..
If it does not interest you and you have never built your own project because you were busy to score 100.
I hope that you will not continue in this field

Literally every webdev.

Find open source projects to contribute to, figure out what kind of stuff you enjoy developing for while boosting your CV/resume.

Devs: "Here, I made this, keep it running"

DevOps: "Fuck it's down again, how the fuck does this thing work? Help"

Are you in the US OP?
You probably should have done software engineering internships while you were in school

no Im in the Balkans

The problem is what I am interested in is hard shit which I can't do as a newb but I wouldn't know the steps to take to do them.
For example I would be interested in getting in the AI Sexbot industry of the future before it booms. There's so many incels and neets everyone will have their own robot waifu.

gee too bad he cant just hop on the onion

>Commit Suicide

I got sick of programming and wanted to do something artistic so I became a UX designer. Only education I have is still a cs degree. It opens a lot of doors my dude.

name the doors

How do I become a cia nigger?