Is Dvorak worth learning or just a meme?

Is Dvorak worth learning or just a meme?

Attached: dvorak3.jpg (799x756, 191K)

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A meme.



a meme worth learning


I used dvorak for a few years. It is fine as long as you are only typing, and specifically a lot of typing. Things that suck ass about dvorak:
> no one else can use your machine without going insane. Good luck if you have a wife/family. Also the IT guy at work will hate you if you do it to a company machine.
> copy pasting becomes more tedious than it was before
> it can be frustrating if your work involves specialised software where key shortcuts were already optimised for QWERTY (i.e. CAD software etc).
> WASD controls for gaming obviously aren't going to work as per the above, so you will need to switch profiles if you are a leet gamer.
> you are going to look like a retard everytime you use a computer for a month or two until you memorise the layout.
> even the geekiest retard at work will make fun of you for being a nerd

I did notice significantly less strain and probably a higher speed after about 3 months. I stopped using it about 4 years ago and don't miss it. The benefits were not worth the hassle.

Colemak-dh is better

it's shit. after learning it i forgot qwerty now i look like a retard typing on any computer but my own.

meme placebo that will only make your life worse

domo arigato gozaimaso sensei

>no one else can use your machine without going insane.

Everyone I know who switched to Dvorak does it specifically for this

a meme


It's comfy but only worth it if you do a lot of typing, like an epic amount of writing, e.g. a novel or transcribing documents or something. It won't make you faster but it is much more comfortable.
I switched back because it screwed up Emacs shortcuts and I was too lazy to fix it. I used to manually switch to Dvorak when writing long-form and standard when programming, but again over time it was just too much of a hassle and you honestly don't type a lot when programming or shitposting.

It's a meme. They did studies to see if there was any improvement and there wasn't between any keyboard layout because your brain to hand reaction is slower then the distance between keys.

Learn colemak.

> copy pasting becomes more tedious than it was before

Colemak is better. Copy paste stays the same.

I wish I could learn colemak. It's that inital 3 month period where your productivity drops to almost nil while you learn the new keys. My brain is already stretched so thin, I just don't have the mental bandwith.

Attached: colemak_heatmap__to_build_a_fire.jpg (810x375, 83K)

A shitty meme

>doesn't know how to change hotkeys

I’ve tried to switch to it. There’s always one critical thing that doesn’t support alternative keymaps.

it sounds like it's more the fact that you have to change hotkeys to begin with that tips the scale toward pain in the ass

I learned it.
desu it's pointless as a programmer.
it might be worth it if you type many documents.

change muscle memory < change hotkey

worth learning technically yes but 99.99% of real world places will have you using qwerty

If you're set on it, you can make it work. I've gone down that route. It just isn't worth it. Also consider things like using your phone keyboard and other people's computers. You learn to switch between qwerty and dvorak but all in all it's just not that great of an improvement to justify everything.
It's a shame that we're stuck with qwerty, but being one of the few to use dvorak sucks.

it's not usually difficult to change keymaps, it's a pretty standard accessibility feature. Dvorak users tend to do 80-90% of stuff in dvorak, and of course there will always be times when qwerty needs to be used.

I'm french and I use bépo (dvorak like for french)
It's really cool, I feel like my typing is way more fluent

>basically requires two hands to type "loli"

lol no, fuck that format

I have used Dvorak for years. Never switched back
> make a note by your computer for how to change the layout (usually just an icon in the tray)
> how does it make copy pasting more tedious? you learn where c and v are by muscle memory, just like all the other keys...
> Good point. If you want to keep the keys in the same place, you can rebind them to the keys in that spot, but then you lose any connotation there is between the key letter and the command name
> some setup cost. no biggie
> it will def not takes months. even if it did that would, again, be an upfront cost with good long-term benefits.
> that reflects on his character, not yours


invent a new coding tailored language and matching keyboard instead of using this stupid human one or you can just wait until neural links where you spend your work day plugged into the matrix fueling gogel facememe and newebay with your brain soul thing.

You can no longer ctrl c or ctrl v with one hand, and they're no longer next to each other.
Not to mention ctrl x and ctrl z.
All the main hot keys are together in QWERTY.

colemak dh

I learned both Dvorak and Colemak in addition to QWERTY. Colemak was the best but issues with software support (like WASD for movement and VM layouts) really make it a pain to use.

The main thing is the bottleneck isn't your ability for your fingers to travel but your ability to translate thought and speech into text. It's like putting wheels on your car capable of going 2,000 mph while your car can't go past 300. Is the 2,000 mph tires better then 1,000 mph. Theoretically yes but you'll never see it. Honestly the best keyboard layout when you take that into consideration the best keyboard layout is abcdefg.

what's the lisp of typing styles?

just have the standard us layout in your chooser

I had an argument with my friend about this years and years ago. In the end he went with dvorak for the higher typing speed and I stuck with qwerty because it's the standard. There are benefits and detriments to both of course. Now he's faster on his computer while I'm faster on every other computer in the world.

Usually it's only noticeable for us when we're at each other's house and has to use a house computer for something. When he's here he types like babby because his muscle memory is all dvorakd up. When I'm over at his it's always
>*tap tap* wtf... oh yeah... dvorak...
>time for you to be my dvorak-pajeet and do this menial task for me

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i have backspace on caps but it doesn't repeat, how to make it repeat?