Hello Jow Forums. A genie just appeared! It has the power to grant you one tech related wish...

Hello Jow Forums. A genie just appeared! It has the power to grant you one tech related wish. You're allowed to change a single standard and the industry will work with it from then on. Hardware, software, even a trend can be altered or entirely reversed! What's your decision?

I wish we started with IPv6 addressing from the very beginning to no more dynamic IP addressing ever.

Attached: Genie-Bottle redo.jpg (200x239, 19K)

i wish webapps never got popular and we still had individual desktop apps for everything except very basic pages

We know the real answer.

Attached: 1559334935227.jpg (1200x675, 115K)

Ah man if only.
No idea what you're implying or who that is

whishing that youtube...
> wouldnt autostop running vids
> wouldnt show me what yt-channel owner post
> wouldnt prestop yt videos (wtf if i click on it i want it to play imediatly)
> had a drag&drop function for the next vid in line
> had a better algorithm for showing me "might intrerest you" vids.
my life would be a bliss witz these changes

GPL permanently becomes a standard license in the industry.


>wouldnt autostop running vids
>wouldnt show me what yt-channel owner post
>wouldnt prestop yt videos (wtf if i click on it i want it to play imediatly)
YouTube does none of those, are you on some kind of meme browser?
>had a drag&drop function for the next vid in line
And how's that better than just clicking on it?
>had a better algorithm for showing me "might intrerest you" vids.
The first legit point in this list, but this is a larger problem of most content being shit on YouTube these days.
>my life would be a bliss witz these changes
Your life should be absolutely terrible if those changes mean any meaningful change to you.

Attached: IMG_3999.png (1440x2560, 820K)

I wish cell phones were not and would not ever be invented.

That's interesting. Why? I can see not liking smartphones if people are always sucked into social media, but any phones at all? You want to go back to the times of pagers?

I wish all Windows programs became Linux programs.

fucking this
Holy shit I'm sick of this garbage.

I don't really know what could be changed, most of the bad things in the industry (incompetent people being put in charge of developing things, normies jumping on to the web and ruining it) are because of people wanting more money, so any wish to reverse such things would only result in delaying them rather than getting rid of them altogether because they came about as natural attempts to grow companies.

I guess I'd wish for there being fewer monopolies and more competent competitors for various services. If there were three or four different "YouTubes" that all took off and had proper ways for people to make money off of their videos then that would benefit a lot of people, especially the ones that are getting fucked by YouTube currently. Maybe I'd wish for hardware manufacturers to design their shit to last at least six years instead of the current three and mandate that their products could be easily repaired, so shit like Macs being glued together so that removing the battery destroys the entire computer wouldn't be a thing.

In this case I only get one wish, I'd wish for Terry to come back. Terry gave me inspiration to write my own shit in a world of most """developers""" just importing 20 libraries, writing Hello World in them and then putting it on Github not out of liking programming but out of padding their resumes. When I found out he died, it felt like the end of an era.

Yea I agree about Youtube and Google as a whole. Too many vested interest with nothing but money in mind trying to tell people what's right and what's wrong. Look at Google banning people for wrong think. I.e. anything right of Stalin.

I wish that AI waifus become real.

Attached: 8b7IJeC.jpg (1819x1080, 236K)

I wish JS was used sparingly.

I no longer consider Google to be a good search engine because it's too censored. Whenever I'm trying to find a pirated stream site, Google now gives more results with pages saying why sites like that are a bad idea rather than giving pirated stream sites because someone paid them to cripple their search engine. When I try looking up the same thing in Yandex, the first result (at the time) gave a working site that was, as far as I could tell, free of viruses. I usually use DuckDuckGo as my go-to these days, but it's getting to the point where even Yandex is starting to run circles around Google just because less money is being fed into it.

Is Yandex that "Russian search engine"? Someone once said that it's a botnet. Or was that DDG? I'm trying to leave Google, but Gmail, chrome, etc are all so we'll interlinked it's hard to leave it.

This is the only thing I want. Literally 90% of my problems would be solved with this.
DDG has some things that are shady but not considered total botnet while Yandex is Russian and therefore shit.

I use it every once in a blue moon because I'm a slavshit, IDK if it's a botnet but since it's Russian the answer is probably yes. You can leave most Google services by just not being lazy about it; get on Firefox and most of the other "interlinked" things probably have Firefox plugins for them. The only Google service that currently doesn't have an alternative is the aforementioned YouTube

well after about 3h autoplay it stops playing, asking me if im "still there"
prestop video is also real, mb firefox is the problem, dunno ill try another1

if i could drag n drop vid into "play next" frame i could do that while im currently not playing, instead of vid is over tab out of game to choose ur next or we will play whatever is next in this list

while yt content might be shit, it could play the shit im interestes in

i wouldnt consider my life terrible if this were the only things i would change desu

Yandex is a botnet, they don't differ in essence from Google very much except their influence and power.