I really dig BibleTime (pic related), but I'd love an interface that was also meant for sacred text and exegesis from traditions and languages outside the Abrahamic world. For instance, it would be hella suite if BibleTime could also rock out Hindu and Buddhist texts in Sanskrit.
Does such software exist? For LiGnux?
What do you use for analyzing and reading sacred texts on your machine?
That looks really a lot like Xiphos. Is it some kind of fork?
Ian Cox
xiphos and bibletime openly borrow code from one another, so there's a ton of similarities between the two. i think the only major difference is that xiphos employs gtk while bibletime relies on qt. i found text rendering to be a tad cleaner in bibletime, so i switched over from xiphos to it a few years ago.
Kevin Baker
Works On My Machineā¢
Also >having books stored in any format except pdf
Epub is better because it can reformat to any window/screen dimensions, and can convert to plain text in non idiotic ways.
William Brown
Except having each line 20 miles long is horse shit when you're trying to focus on actually reading a book. There's a good reason for most books being taller than they are wide. It makes them easy to read. Converting to plain text is fucking gay. You have a keyboard and a text editor. Use them.
There's nothing wrong with xpdf as long as you use a patched version that ignores DRM crap.
Luke Fisher
So you set your epub reader to show everything as as many columns as you like. Or drag its window narrow. Converting to plain text, or at least having a good copy/paste, is amazingly useful for quoting things. With pdf you're stuck with whatever page layout they made, regardless what size screen you view it on.
Cameron Jackson
I always prefer pdfs or djvus because epubs are always full of wrongly printed text. I don't know what it is, but it's always there, some amount of text printed twice and then something missing right after that. Also random weird characted at times. I've never seen an epub that didn't have those.
Dylan Sullivan
Probably converted from shitty PDFs
Julian Sanders
>There's nothing wrong with xpdf as long as you use a patched version that ignores DRM crap. Not sure what you're talking about. What does DRM even have with PDFs to do?