Isn't it funny, that you can learn all this but never be rewarded for it?

Isn't it funny, that you can learn all this but never be rewarded for it?

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Knowing things isn't valuable. Hasn't been since books and even less so since the internet. Try learning to do things.

Code monkey books

Attached: CLRS.jpg (420x475, 49K)

I've realized that reading all this shit is for people who want to do their own projects or start their own company. Learning a new language or framework in excess of getting the job done is a waste of time and money.

being rewarded is poor practice meant for kids

Isn't it funny you invested time and money into yourself but never learned to market your skills?

coding isn't that impressive anymore, also you should stop expecting a pat on the back passed 20 for doing something

this i should have read job advertisements and books on how to ace the interview instead

Well I thought I could at least get a job and make just enough money to eat as a "reward" for knowing how to program.

you sound like codemonkey that reads "1001 job interview questions" and memorize some stupid answers, but has no actual interest for algorithms

I licked a negro once

how is knowing which algorithm to use any diffent from knowing what to say at the interview?

I wish I knew how imcompatible I was with the programming world, I hate corporate stuff and the business world, if only i started lifting weights sooner then I would have gone down the outdoors path. Now im just too broke and poor to do anything. I wasted everything to learn to program.

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>I wish I knew how imcompatible I was with the programming world
What do you mean?
Normies are always fixated on frameworks, sorounding technology and all this shit, but i dont think its all difficult to learn if you know CS fundamentals

You have to know marketing and be a good communicator if you want to sell you're programming skills . Without these two sub skills you pretty much scrwed and won't be able to compete.

what if i am incel who was bullied as a kid? Should i kill myself?

These are legitimate code monkey books and have little to no value. All of their knowledge is easily attained through the internet and personal practice.
Code by yourself and read/do math and TCS books. Those are the tomes you can derive actually impressive/useful/novel intuition from. Also don't jerk yourself off over practicality. Some of the biggest leaps in technology, math, science, engineering, algorithms, etc. happened because somebody entertained the notion of a then-infeasible solution and fleshed it out into something robust and rich. For example
Four Russians
ML papers in the 60s
Topology in graphics and robotics
Abstract Algebra and type theory in compilers/languages
Fourier analysis in noise stability
The list goes on. Start off with concrete mathematics by Knuth and CLRS for background info.

>how is knowing which algorithm to use any diffent from knowing what to say at the interview?
Because algorithms aren't what you mix and match to get a solution. What they're looking for isn't that you memorized bits and pieces of background info to type at a terminal all day. They want to know that you're not a mouth breather and can reason through basic problems knowing canonical algorithmic solutions. Granted, I'm a researcher and fucking hate corporate and business shit in computing, so I share your sentiment to some degree, but being an engineer is signing up to turn rote knowledge into novel solutions through creativity and collaboration. On the practical side, knowing a few popular languages and being able to market yourself through good resume skills is important, but on the actual vocational side, being able to reason through problems in their general form is the most important thing you'll need to be an effective engineer.

You don't need to be jacked to get into the outdoor path. I got in during college by taking a guided hike with the outdoor center. I started working as a bike mechanic and leading bike tours of the city. Probably the best college gig.

I should put a disclaimer: this is for actual personal gain to become a better thinker. It's not for your resume.

not true

You'll never be compensated if you don't ask for it lol

It always takes me 2 hours to read like 5 pages when it comes to these books, what do? How can I read faster?

You sound poor


people arent dogs, why are you expecting to get a treat after every trick you perform

Having the intuition to solve different problems takes a baseline amount of knowledge and a lot of exposure to actually solving problems. So I'd say memorization is useless, but it sure is important to make sure you hone your skills to suss out good solutions.

I'll rephrase. "Alone, knowing stuff is useless"

but you need food to live.

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>Knowing things isn't valuable


tfw wage slave programmer with no aspirations

what is TCS?

Money is disconnected self fulfillment. OP asked why knowing things alone doesnt get him money. If you had read this instead of being an NPC you might have figured this out.
Kill yourself, beep boop.

All these piles of shit has been written to be sold to idiots, not to be read.

Top tier textbooks like CLRS, PAIP, AIMA, SICP, HtDP and few others are the only worth reading.

I have realized too late that I have spent years of my life reading low-quality narcissistic bullshit, like blog posts about monads in Scala

Read the classics.

knowing things allows you to solve problems.

solving problems is how you receive rewards. you have to apply knowledge.

fucking autistic faggot.

You can read and entire library and never be rewarded for it.
You're not entitled to rewards.