Why do pharmacists exist? A doctor could just tell the machine what to perscribe and give it other info

Why do pharmacists exist? A doctor could just tell the machine what to perscribe and give it other info

Fuck man. Either im retarded or soceity is.

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Just you.

can't sue a machine when it fucks up

sue the doctor retard

Not everything you buy from a pharmacy needs a prescription from a doctor. Pharmacists can counsel you on those products.

Still need people to stock the machines correctly.
Pharmacists also stock non-prescription medicines and give advice on them for simple ailments.

low iq inbreds. You can't see my vision?

>go to doc
>he perscribes you something
>he enters some shit into his computer
>go to counter
>machine has your drug ready and delivers you it with instructions on it

no need for a fucking pharmacist. I know many pharmacists and they are huge retards. They just have a stupid degree and make 90k for just giving you drugs and chit chatting with you for a few mins. You need a fuckin human to grab something a counter and chit chat with you for 4 mins? GtFO pharmacists are useless cunts.

from a counter*

fight me bitches

I understand. They say they doublecheck prescriptions to avoid fatal contraindications and stuff, but I'm pretty sure the machine can do the same as long as your medical profile and medication history are tracked. So, I reckon it's a job destined to be replaced with the machine in the long run.

Yes. im glad you agree. I want all pharmacists to be replaced in 2021.

user, did you know there's medicine that doesn't require prescription? Did you know you can consult your prescriptionless purchase with a pharmacist?
Did you know certain prescription medicine (like morphine) must be prepared beforehand (individual dosage etc.)?

bro we should have pill machines like we got Bepis machines :DDDD

Agreed. It's obvious that's one of the first jobs in the medical field that will go away with advanced AI. They are glorified store clerks.


You just ignored the part about non-prescription medicines.

>They are glorified store clerks.
damn right. They can suck a nigger dick

>They are glorified store clerks.
No they literally are store clerks. Its probably the lowest paying job you can get with a doctor's degree.

>They just have a stupid degree and make 90k for just giving you drugs and chit chatting with you for a few mins.
This is the crux of OP's issue.
He's too stupid to get the degree and they make more than he does.

They exist as someone educated enough to hopefully not make mistakes. However, an automated digital prescription system would reduce mistakes even further.

Some countries ask to drug store strong controls for avoid drug addiction using legal drugs and people with special course for manager pharma.

But no one fucking B.S in pharmacist, maybe some chemistry,medicine or biology work as pharmacists but no special studies.

actually we make 125k

Attached: salary.png (625x190, 31K)

Isnt there a cartel to stop pharmacies competing each other and caps for the education market? To not have a race to the bottom and high profit.

How does that work in the burger land? Doctor is at a clinic or hospital, pharmacist is in an independent store that sells the medicine based on the prescription. Clinics don't deal with medicine. Besides, here pharmacist used to be able to mix herbs and stuff. But in Anglo countries it seems burgers buy at chemists stores which are selling drugs, soda drinks and everything including toys. Six to buy stuff life depends on from a burger flipping wagie.

>actually we make 125k
lmfao no
Pharmacists are lucky to get over 70k and assistants get paid min wage.

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man shut the fuck up. Cashiers are useless too.
dude. Im gonna destroy pharmacists. You will be outta jobs hahhahhahh

Doctors don't know shit about drugs compared to pharmacists. Doctors' knowledge is almost always outdated, and this is besides the fact that they're the whores of pharma, whereas pharmacists actually update their knowledge.

>t. pharmacists

Society is prescribed redundancy my man

It's not always a simple "parse the prescription paper, grab the bottle, give to customer" case. Probably the most complex case is when the pharmacist has to actually to prepare the medication.

Example: your doctor gives you a prescription for only 60 tablets of a medication however the generic brand at the pharmacist only has 100 tablet bottles, to handle this usually a 100 tablet bottle is opened and 60 tablets are put in to an empty bottle.

You would need an AI and robot which is capable of opening thousands of different methods of packing medication because just about everything comes in different forms of packaging.

>pharmacists actually update their knowledge.
lol no they don't, they just see more prescriptions and have to read the instructions to the patient.

>implying most doctors have time to play pharmacist as well
Have fun not getting your non-prescription medicine, because you don't get an appointment.

Because boomers hate using technology and need a person to serve them

lol no
you're talking to one, i know how much i get paid

plus, google it

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Some pharmacists will prepare you custom drugs if you are allergic to some components. At least where I live (Italy), don't know about the US


As someone who's working in a pharmacy there where plenty of machines are coming in, the primary job getting replaced are the pharmacy techs who are responsible for pill packaging and lots of stocking etcetera. Pharmacys are slowly developing into a pharmacist for patient interaction, doctor chasing, and legal compliance, and one pharmacy tech who will just work the machines and outputs. All of the old stocking has been phasing out as our integrated system manages orders from multiple retailers and all current stocks of items as they're put out and sent in. All the manual labour is replaced it's just a matter of the pharmacies acquiring these machines.

>tfw have a crush on my local pharmacist
too bad she knows the medications i take for my mental probelms

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dude you are just a store clerk that memorized some medicine and biology shit. goddamn

That could make a good premise for a movie.

Actually, most of the time a pharmacist won't give you exactly what the doctor prescribes because there are other brand medicines that are cheaper or generic.

yeah, employers just choose to pay us 6 figures because they like throwing away money

anyway, we're used to getting talked down to and usually have a good sense of humor about it

>up this late
>daytime in half the planet

Simpsons already did an episode on it.

They can tell if a product is trash/overpriced and recommend alternatives, especially if you don't have the money for the modern hugely inflated medicine industry.


dude omg. HHahahhahahahHhaha. Fuk u. Machine will replace u. Time to get new degre hehe

Id never trust a machine to fill out the prescription. Modern programmers are trash and it'll probably be a walking SLI 2080Ti monstrosity that regularly drops shit and makes mistakes'

Doc here. On the wards, pharmacists are very useful. They’re good for checks, know formularies better than we do (which is important for patients with poor insurance or at the VA), and know the nuances of drugs better than we do (can you crush a med? Dissolve it/in what? Does it suffer first pass metabolism?). We often round with our pharmacists and it’s so much faster to just ask them. I know less about retail pharmacies, but OTCs are a thing, and just because I explain what to do with it in office doesn’t mean the patient will absorb it.

OP here..How do i cure phimosis?

Kill the host.

Actually the doctors OP is talking about would be easier to replace with machines than pharmacists.

Interview: Akinator WebMD.
Blood Pressure: Machine
Heart Rate: Machine
Listening to your heart and breathing could be pattern matched.
Checking eyes, ears, mouth; machine.

What you'd really want the doctor for is the physical checks, checking your abdomen for lumps, grabbing balls, feeling tits, tickling prostates, but that's like 5% of his day-to-day job.

Pharmacist are scientists who work in academia and for companies that develop and test drugs too, not just as clerks in a pharmacy....

"refill my peels faggot"
*spits on you*

I asked my doctor how I should dispose of nitro pills. He said he did not know and told me to ask a pharmacist.

>frogshit realized that he is retarded
what a time to live in.

He can also charge you whatever he likes + consultation fee

That’s cute. You make almost as much as a software dev who dropped out of college.

what I learned out of all those datamining threads makes me think that you're wrong

What if I don't want to go a clinic and just want to get some medicine that doesn't require prescription?

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