If you could add 3 features to vim, which would it be?

If you could add 3 features to vim, which would it be?

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1. arrow key movement
2. mouse support to highlight things and set cursor
3. a way to exit the program

but I can

heres your (you) you glow-in-the-dark

1. org mode
2. better remapping support (t. a dvorak user)

>mouse support to highlight things and set cursor
kys zoomer

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1. be written in lisp

1. have it ship with the complete works of Karl Marx
2. access said works with the :marx command
3. text-to-speech, with the voice of Sean Bean

An emacs lisp interpreter
That's it.

A complete overhaul of vimscript

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>Mouse support
this is retarded and negates the point of vim

>if you could
You literally can though. Not only is it open source but it has plugins

>1. org mode
>2. better remapping support (t. a dvorak user)
3. removing the plugin support

The strength of Vim over Emacs should be the
>it's the same, no matter where I open it
We need a sophisticated editor with sane defaults where plugins are not only not necessary, but completely unwanted. Like Nano, but for power users who are willing to learn the tool.

Most of the plugins people use are already useless as, in many cases, they can be substituted with one ore two settings:

" Statusline
set statusline=
set statusline+=\ %F " full path to file
set statusline+=\ %m " modified flag
set statusline+=%r " read only flag
set statusline+=\ %{tagbar#currenttag('%s','')} " current function
set statusline+=%=\ line:%l/%L\ col:%c\ " line and column
set statusline+=\ %p%%\ " file percentage

1. it does though?
2. gVim
3. :wq, :q, q!

>not using :qa!

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Probably gonna get hounded for this but, some support for native apps in some way, so vim can effeciantly browse the code and provide synthx completion and correction

Also a way to simply paste the last non destructive buffer

Get rid of vimscrip tand replace it with python or lua if you absolutely have to

Literally set mouse=a and behave mswin

nano emacs and gedit

1. removing vimscript
2. add a proper language
3. generalise the auto-complete menu code so users can use them for other things.

1. Plugin that uninstalls vim and installs emacs
That’s it

I swear, Emacs users on Jow Forums seem like some of the most obnoxious people I've ever come across

Ultimately vim isn't fixable. vim isn't vim if it doesn't have the nonsensical shortcuts it uses, and that's its problem.What we really need to ask is "How can we make something that's as good as VS Code but doesn't use memory hogging JavaScript?"


>on Jow Forums

1. being based on Electron
2. native Windows support
3. mouse-only mode

I feel like being compatible with nothing but textbased input and output is a category higher than being based on electron and way more portable.

What do you mean? Does something not work on windows?

behave mswin
set mouse=a
are your friend

I would unfuck the copy/paste to/from system clipboard feature on all platforms and consider that to take up all 3.

I love vim/neovim, but any time I need to copy/paste large blocks of code or text I just open sublime instead.

Does anyone know if emacs has a better copy/paste function? I may switch over to the dark side if that's the case.

org mode
(dunno 3rd)

remove the hungry uganda spam first, i wont even install it anymore because of that, and i always remove it from any distro i have

Attached: i-am-become-bait.gif (625x626, 52K)

you Jow Forums tards do realize that if you feed the darkies the would actually stay in their own country right?

>not using ZZ

1. works by default
2. set mouse=a
3. :x (write and exit)

>not closing terminal and opening emacs