I drew a pen, Jow Forums

I drew a pen, Jow Forums.

Attached: 4F451512-E1F0-4ABB-9211-93A6CA43F92C.jpg (2126x1395, 404K)

Now draw a TimeStamp of fuck off

What with?


add an is to it


You forgot to change your name

like this

Attached: 1526671371327.png (400x400, 8K)

but can you draw with it?

Attached: eh.jpg (394x353, 41K)

you forgot to not be a manchild

Attached: teacup.png (264x243, 114K)

Well I sketched it with a variation of .5, .3, and .7 mm pencil, and did the ink work is done by a uni ball.

Attached: image.jpg (3088x2320, 919K)

Now draw a section view of your house/Apartment at 1/8" = 1'-0" scale. Dont forget to include dimensions and callouts.

These guys are amateurs. Can't even get the flag right.

No, it’s 2D, like most of the women you’re attracted to.

Holy shit thats actually really good

I’ll just stick with pens.

Now this is based. 100% confirmed Jow Forums masterpiece. Well done user. I feel proud.

Need to improve on lineweight, but shading doesnt look too bad

hahahaha Yea, you are the best Pinky Imposter of them all lol

Thanks, I’m trying to get better.

If you can make a living doing what you love doing you have mastered success.

what's the point if a pen if you can't draw with it?
>women you're attracted to

Attached: 1493066528437.jpg (794x972, 77K)

Pulling a Confucius.