1992 comp.os.minix newsgroup thread between Tanenbaum and Linus Torvalds


Linus answers: "...You use this as an excuse for the limitations of minix? Sorry, but you
loose: I’ve got more excuses than you have, and linux still beats the pants of minix in almost all areas. Not to mention the fact that most of the good code for PC minix seems to have been written by Bruce Evans..."

Attached: linus torvalds2.jpg (400x300, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fucking why are you posting this? Literally everyone knows the now infamous debate between Tanenbaum and Torvalds. It's like posting references to Clinton saying he didn't have a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky; everyone fucking knows how it went down.

Fucking zoomers, REEE get off my lawn.

But it's still cool to read dude! Not everyone remembers it.

fuck off, tranny. not only is it old news but nobody gives a fuck.

Lurk more

Still cool to read yo fagot

Yeah, we know. I read it the first time fucking 15 years ago. Lurk more, zoomer friend.

Attached: zoomer-dance.gif (931x682, 426K)

Hey, did you also know there's these two dudes at Bell Labs that are working on a cool new programming language called C?

>internet arguments

>Who has the last laugh now Linus? Minix is on Ring -3 on practically every home computer and linux isn't even on 5% of ring 0.

>If the GNU kernel had been ready last spring, I’d not have bothered to
even start my project: the fact is that it wasn’t and still isn’t.
Hmm, I wonder how much has changed about that in the last 28 years...

rms owned again, rms apologists need not reply

>As has been noted (not only by me), the linux kernel is a miniscule part of a complete system.
>Linus, groups.google.com/forum/m/#!msg/comp.os.minix/wlhw16QWltI/PsAJDusEG6wJ

Linus BTFO

Interesting, never seen that before. Linus gets the oven though.

You goys seem a bit irritated over nothing, hysterical even.

>never seen that before

Attached: zoomer-floss.gif (380x358, 3.22M)

Linux wins on mobile

I wish Linus went for microkernel desu.
Today the performance difference is negligible.


This. It's a shame that it's Google that's going to be the one to bring microkernels into the mainstream with Fuchsia.

Wow, imagine not everyone being a gross incel neckbeard above their 30's on a site they found in their teens, wow what a concept!
I bet you are the most greasy, nasty ass neckbeards that make people gag anytime they have to see or smell you.
Go post your shitpad full of weeb stickers in your thread if you don't like it, autistic fuck. God knows you have nothing better to do, pathetic incel.

>Not everyone remembers it
I wasn't even alive back then

Sorry to hear about your pain. I hope things get better for you in the future, but with that attitude it's not going to happen.

It's fair not to know about it and just discover it right now, but to then make a thread and pretending that it is somehow sensational is fucking retarded.

Seek help

>microkernel for the mainstream
>nobody mentions XNU

Back in '92, Linus and Andy probably wouldn't have believed it if you told them that in the 2010s, Linux would be in most mobile devices and Minix in most Intel CPUs.

>Minix in most Intel CPUs
you mean EVERY intel cpu?