What text editor do you use for coding and why ?

I'm getting into coding and I'm struggling to find a text editor that suits me. I'm not too keen on using complex text editor like vi or emacs. I'd like something like acme but a bit more modern.

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Powershell ISE

vim cause i used ed as a kid and don't like change. 90% wasted features to get my caveman line editor workflow.

if you want modern features then adding them to acme or a similar editor would be more complex than emacs or vim.
if you're too brainletcfor either you should probably go with sublimetext depending on your language of choice

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It's not that I'm too brainlet for emacs or vi but for as for the former I already have an OS and for the latter I don't like the way it works, I use it for quick config file editing but not for lengthy programming session.
I'm learning C btw


Just use vscodium
It just werks

Emacs because I write in Lisp.


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ed. It's the standard editor.

I don't """code""", I program, but Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code for C++ and Go respectively


No you don't.

nano? really can't get more basic then that.

emacs, notepad, or geany

Just get sublime text.
It has linting and basic auto-complete.

VS Code is bloated as fuck and completely unnecessary for a beginner or even intermediate who isn't working on large projects with many files.

When you know why you need an IDE you'll be ready to get one.

jetbrains editor

>not using vs
>thinks he's programing
lololololol sure thing freetard


microsoft word

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Based and redpilled

Fucking based, it's hard to imagine that the most part of UNIX was written in ed

Geany, it's small, can use it as an mini IDE, support for many languages and plugins and don't overcomplicate things.

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oh god please fucking step on me.

I've installed Geany, it looks like it's what I'm looking for

Vim, because it's the first editor I learned.
When I got into Linux/programming, I was using a very underpowered laptop with a broken down arrow key, so a terminal-based leightweight text editor that didn't use the arrow keys was perfect for me.
Now I too comfortable with it to bother with switching to something else.

The linux distro I'm using to program, POP_OS! comes with the Nano text editor and that's what I have been using so far and I like it. If and when I need to move on, I will check out other editors but nano is super comfy so far.

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Get something cool looking like Atom/Eclipse.

Move to vim/emacs when you're ready to switch to something more durable.


VSCode and QtCreator
just werks

textadept with the textredux plugin, best editor i've tried so far.
too bad the textredux development seems pretty dead.

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VSCodium or vim when I'm working on CLI applications.

just switched from vscode, vim and sublime to nvim, it's amazing how much better than vim nvim is
