Inkpad general

Why aren’t you using a Thinkpad with an e-ink screen?

Attached: 957892A0-E698-41E3-A110-ECD81B7E61D4.jpg (2189x1459, 759K)

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That sounds horrible

that's actually very comfy, desu.

how do the why get one? many please

e-ink is a fucking meme

Refresh rate sucks. It could only reasonably be used for programming, writing, and reading. It would be nice if I worked outside and needed good visibility and great battery life, but neither of those apply to me.

cool idea, post some writeups for DIYing the thinkpad screen

lol just use a HDMI cable like OP

You can shitpost on Jow Forums with e-ink just fine.

You have my attention. Tell me more.

Is it just a vnc client in the ereader?

It's one of those e-ink "monitors", it has HDMI inputs

how long does the battery last on that thing? id imagine it'd last for days for general use computing

Ghosting seems pretty terrible even from this single photo.

Why is op a faggot?
Yes an hdmi port on a 1 fps low resolution monochrome screen that requires inverse flashing between framesat a cool 1k purchase price. Brilliant.

Attached: 20190630_055819.jpg (700x623, 130K)

Why the fuck would anyone?

I dunno but they are +1k on amazon.

Just buy a used Kindle and throw a VNC client on it you fucking idiot.

what else would you use a thinkpad for?

thanks but i'm not gay

Text only computing sounds comfy imo, maybe then people would go outside more
>+1k on amazon
That doesn't sound comfy though :'(

I'd love to if I could buy one. Almost all I do on a computer is read. Would be great.

why the hell would you ruin such a perfectly good machine?

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what model is this?