Why did they fuck up their algorithm so badly? Why isn't it based on tags and shit like it used to be...

Why did they fuck up their algorithm so badly? Why isn't it based on tags and shit like it used to be? Is there any extension that has the "related" section like it originally was?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Why did they fuck up their algorithm so badly?
Fuck up? It's all part of the plan m8.

G**gle bought it.

They aren't trying to show you want YOU want to see, but what THEY want you to see, ie adverts and left wing propaganda.

>left wing propaganda
That would be against their interests.

There was no recommended videos in 2006 user

Yes, instead there were "related videos" which was based on tags, descriptions and titles, So if you were watching a video about mechanical coin-op machines, you'd get more videos about those, now if you watch a video about mechanical coin-op machines I get shit reccomended that I watched two weeks ago and shit related to shit I watched two weeks ago.
The "related videos" system was objectively better as when you liked one video, you immediatly got multiple videos like it, it even helped create multiple sub-communities like Youtube Poop. The current "up next" shit is worthless soulless garbage that doesn't work properly.

god damn JORDAN PETERSON OWNS videos started showing up in my recommendations again.
i thought they had fixed that garbage.

>"related" section
Half of the related videos you see on fresh popular videos are manually curated. The trending page is also highly curated, one spot goes around 100k USD per day for the US market. They report these under misc earnings in their quarterly report.

Well, maybe you should watch them, eh?

Can't push an agenda if people can discover stuff on their own.

surely you can take time out of your day to watch the libs get DESTROYED with LOGIC and FACTS.

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But there's no agenda pushed, shit just doesn't work correctly

Generate more clicks is the end game, why the fuck did you think your feelings on the matter were part of the equation?

>But there's no agenda pushed,
Look up anything news related.


How does this new shit generate more clicks? It's just shit, nothing else.

Yes, google is rightfully pushing anti-israeli news. I'm proud of them

I just use the video blocker extension and browse recommendations from my home page. At least that's working fine. Suggested videos are total garbage and have been for a long while.

95% of my related videos are videos i have seen before. What is even the point of building a propaganda machine if you're not gonna feed the user propaganda

Don't forget to SMASH dat LIKE and click the bell for notification squad.

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Finally something left and right can agree on.

Depends on what content are you watching, if you are watching conservative or political youtube creators they will push that agenda, if you're liberal, they will push youtubers with that agenda.
In the neutral status, just (openned youtube without nothing) promotes the more cliche mass media news outlets, that's the reason why independent content creators got fucked with any political view

>Depends on what content are you watching
No, they'l literally shove CNN and MSNBC down your throat no matter what you actually prefer.

>And how a word from our sponser
>With dashlane....

Attached: dashlinedup.png (630x630, 118K)


They have little incentive to show you more of the shit that you like if it doesn't make them money or push their political agenda.

So they'll force feed you John Oliver and Jimmy Kimmel

Or Fox News or Vox or whatever the shit they want to see you (normal mass media), are you talking about recommended videos or sugested videos? If they're the second one, yeah, probably and can be disabled. But if it's recommended videos in a video, that's something about what you're watching

>are you talking about recommended videos or sugested videos?
Search results. Far-left media always comes up first.

Why go to them gym where you can learn about how an oil rig works a thing that was briefly mentioned in that rust video you came across through your randomly generated recommended list? Gotta keep the user glued to the screen and flood new information at them constantly.

>videos are niche and completely unmonetizable
>youtube doesn't even recommend them to people because they make no money by doing so

Whenever there's a shooting or something I only get CBS and Bloomberg on my feed.

sure user

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you tell em, man. i'm so sick of seeing all those trotskyites in my anarcho-syndicalist feed.

It would only be against their interests if they could actually be touched but at this point even the most hardcore commie is sympathetic to google in some way

But the older "related" videos section was way more addictive than the new one though as you actually got videos you were interested in, now every video is basically a dead end

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I still think it's funny how they made it so that writing shit like "hillary clinton emails" or "hillary clinton benghazi" returns no autoresults. How hamfisted and unsubtle.

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Yeah, but this way it's not a closed-off circle and more of a branching out rabbit hole. The more they can spread you across their entire platform the better their platform looks. They are also aware of the fact that you have nowhere else to go.

I always get CNN, NBC, Washington Post, and I watch nothing from them ever. I always tick that Not interested button. The same happens with those late night shows and sometimes shit from Vox. It's really annoying.

This is literally the opposite of what actually happens, though. It's a well-documented thing that if you're not logged in, YouTube will always have "LMAO FEMISLUTS REKT BY MALE INTELLECTUAL" at the side. They know they're in danger of being too left-leaning, so they always add some autistic Jow Forumsshit to trigger the libs, so normal people who don't want to see politics exclusively get le epic kill le niggers, and the only way to avoid that is to (((log in))).

>Libertarians vs Capitalists
Holy moly

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>he thinks it's possible to ever not be logged in

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Your first premise is correct, but your second one is not completely true. Veritas showed some truth to it, but the main goal is to keep you watching, regardless of your wants.



It makes sense
Crony capitalists wish to implement more laws and impede liberty to protect their business while libertarians wish to lower barriers of entry so lesser businesses can compete

>even the most hardcore commie is sympathetic to google in some way
*commie LARPer
And sure, Google loves those harmless soi faggots with Che Guevara T-shirts. But actual commies? Fuck no.

Yep, that pic would be an example of a commie LARPer.

Actual leftism = nationalism (and nationalization of private property), anti-consumerism, strong societal values, which would also mean restricted immigration... aka everything that Google is against.

Google is just a company trying to maximize profits. They're not pro-immigration because of some open borders ideals or solidarity with brown people, but because (brown) foreign workers cost them less.
Calling Google leftist or leftist-sympathizers is ridiculous.

Except the related section allowed you to explore the site way better, Up Next section is just a dead end

Try to search for 9/11 conspiracy videos. Even if you formulate the query exactly to match the name of a video, it always brings mainstream media videos first and the video you wanted is in some 50th place or so.

> (((they)))
that's why

I fucking hate modern search engines and their artificial manipulation. Just give us raw algorithm, nothing more, nothing less - as it originally was.

Didn't you hear? Efficient things that work properly are outdated now

That's in the idealist world, in reality the corny capitalists love the unregulated world even more than the regulated, they have more freedoms to stablish corporate corruption and create more big markets with job explotation in some countries or zones. Also specullation*

it's amazing to me that people can look at capitalism through the 20th century and think 'yeah, too much regulation is really what the problem is'

Just move to bitchute already, sure it's like 90% political videos but that can change as long as more people move there.

How do/will they make money, though?
Serving huge amounts of data isn't cheap.
I heard some talk of decentralization, but that doesn't work (yet). AFAIK Bitchute is fully centralized.

>but that can change
the handful of times i've been to bitchute, there's literal natsocs on the front page. as long as 'free speech' platforms are just little more than glorified honeypots for the extreme right no one will ever take them seriously.

I don't care about politics, I go to youtube for shit like this

>there's literal natsocs on the front page.

Bitchute is centralized. Use Dtube.

I've been to New York. The towers are gone. It's not a conspiracy.

That's just the political reality of our time. If you're against neo-liberalism you get banned from major platforms.

Oh and calling natsoc extreme right is wrong.
Extreme right would be something like monarchism or even de facto monarchism, with powerful elites and rich people ruling over the masses (kinda like what Google and such are doing).

hey man, i know you lead an internet life that leads you to think that most people are okay seeing their stuff, or stuff they like, next to literal nazis but that reality doesn't exist.

Nigger what are you saying? Just let people belive what they want, stop trying to censor shit.
>B-But it's HARMFUL
Name the last time a natsoc on the internet has done anything to you physically

fine, far-right.

i'm not trying to censor anything. feel free to continue using bitchute. just be aware that as long as the platform continues to put natsoc content on its front page it will be repulsive to the vast majority of people.

>with powerful elites and rich people ruling over the masses
What do you think Jow Forumstardism is? If you successfully empower a dictator to fight anti-fascists in the name of "owning the libs", guess what? You've just empowered him to oppress anyone who disagrees with him.
Is he going to grant the masses special privilege? He can't since their wishes are going to contradict each other.
"I want to be the most special!"
"No, I want to be the most special!"
The result is he rules through a cadre of the elite since they control a disproportionate amount of power and he CAN give them special privilege over the human cattle they own.

You didn't think white liberals were against fascism because of "muh feelings" did you? It's because it doesn't fucking work, and I'd rather not have to make the choice between bowing to jackbooted thugs or shooting them in the name of my basic liberty.

not all left wing propaganda is anti-corporate

>What do you think Jow Forumstardism is?
I don't know, do you? I don't think it's a coherent political ideology and nowadays it looks like /b/ anyway.

If you think people who rant about demographic change are asking for a dictatorship you're deluded and brainwashed to embarrassing levels.

>You didn't think white liberals were against fascism
I don't even know what you're talking about. What fascism? Mussolini? Where are the fascists?

Yeah, in a sense fascism was both left wing and corporatist.

>Yeah, in a sense fascism was both left wing and corporatist.

more simply you can be in favor of gays, browns and women having equal rights and a protected position and having lots of money

I mean that's what's money and power is about, everyone always goes "hurr they just want more money" so they think a company like google has to aim every single fiber of its being towards higher market share and control, but it's run by people who probably have opinions outside of that, for the purpose of enforcing their opinions

never mind what happens when a company with total control has those people replaced, if hitlers ghost possessed the google leadership everyone applauding the company would be gassed within 10 years. It's simply not in the interest of anyone having an entity that powerful and opaque around


I had a phase where I followed white nationalists online. Most of them just want fewer brown/black people in their countries. You can call them racists, sure, but fascists? Pretty much nobody wants to unironically move away from liberal democracy. Don't take Hitler memes literally.

Imagine having the same politics as companies like pepsi and burger king and thinking you are morally progressive.

>nobody wants to unironically move away from liberal democracy.

there are significant political movements in hungary, poland and even italy that specifically want to replace liberal democracy what what has come to be known as illiberal democracy.

they're not fascists, but they are explicitly opposed to liberal democracy.

>Don't take Hitler memes literally
stuff like this is why people treat moden nationalists with utter contempt.

>more simply you can be in favor of gays, browns and women having equal rights
I don't really see those as left-wing ideals.
It's just an offshoot of universalism, which goes back to Christianity... it even has the same non-scientific delusions about all people (races, genders...) having the same "soul" even though we know that's not true.
Not everything can be placed on the left-right spectrum.

Also, gays, browns, women.. have had equal rights for over 50 years now in the US. Let's not pretend this new era SJWism is fighting some meaningful fight other than some religious virtue signaling (for commercial gains in the case of big companies).

christianity is extremely leftist, or rather leftism is christian

As soon as they fix their search engine. Their search bar has been broken for like year now, making their videos undiscoverable.

Works pretty good for my interests.

>left wing propaganda.

Also burgers conditioned into thinking that CNN is left wing kek

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>movements in hungary, poland and even italy
Well we need to know what we're talking about then.
I assumed with Jow Forumstards you meant the US scene, where people who get called "fascists" are mostly people with libertarian sentiments who don't like blacks.

Then why hide it? The moron's stupidity will speak for itself.

thats the modern web "dev" in a nutshell. constantly changing shit that was never broken but never actually improve shit or fix things that would be need to be changed / are broken. literally every 6 months there is a new flood of outsourced curry nigger shitstains that are "trying to leave their mark"

Youtube doesn't care about what's good for you, they care about what makes them the most money. They funnel you to videos which would possibly fit your interests (based on their creepy big brother spying algorithm), which have lots of views, which will mean more ad money for them.

Friendly reminder that Iridium lets you blacklist certain channels from your YouTube recommendations and search results, among other useful tweaks

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