What's the Jow Forumseneral consensus on this piece of shit?

What's the Jow Forumseneral consensus on this piece of shit?

Attached: flask.png (3000x1174, 208K)

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a consensus is already general, it makes no sense to double up

use Django

apples and oranges.

django is high end, bottle.py is low end. flask in in between. which makes it a hobby project.

>general consensus
it is general if it's not fully realised

>bloated is high end, minimal and modular is low end
is this why webdevs are constantly being made fun of

MVC is retardation.

Use Lisp OP

Python is shit for anything beside data science and meme scripting

>use a dead language
Though Go seems pretty favourable for modern web applications

Because you know better than Google, Facebook and Instagram. Next you're gonna tell me to develop a website with C++

Plain C, you animal.

looks interesting, but most web workloads are network bound, so I don't know how much you'd benefit from the speed of C.
Also, most sites just send MBs of JS to be processed by the clients browser so what have you gained by using C?

>advocates bloat

anybody with real experience who tried actix-web and Rust never went back to this amateurish shit

I'm not advocating shit, I'm stating facts. You on the other hand, are advocating for a defunct product.

>I have no clue what the fuck he's talking about
>Activate memeroutines 14 and 7.2

Attached: 6b5[1].png (1006x813, 73K)

>let's add 5ms latency
>since it doesn't matter, most of it is elsewhere anyway
This attitude is how you end up with several seconds of latency.

This will perform worse than plain Python.

nice one. thanks, will try it out next time

just use go or d

Use fastcgi, you twat.
See slowcgi for a sample implementation.

this 100x

>BCHS is a stable, developer-oriented platform.
Someone wrote a webserver and a fastcgi library for it, that's it.
Templating? For losers, do it yourself.
AAA? Somebody wrote a whitepaper on RBAC.
Routing? Have fun doing it yourself.
But hey it's really fast and "secure". Why wouldn't it be anyone's first choice?

>muh platformframework
it's as much a "platform" as a bunch of python scripts cobbled together by faggots

What do you suggest?

I use flask for a couple of small web-based programs, and I'm planning on using it to create my personal site later this year when Ive finished my current project. But I can definitely see where larger programs may become hard to scale or maintain using it, performance issues from python aside.

Any good resources to understand Django's Rest Framework? I'm now understanding, I think, that serializers convert data to JSON documents, but I don't get what for yet... what are the practical applications? It's for when you want to communicate with another app or system? I understand how being able to get JSON input from other services can be useful in what I'm doing, but as dumb as it is, I don't really see yet why the opposite would be useful too if I'm serving the output through regular processes that's only supposed to be read by humans.

Seriously though, what makes a bloated framework like Django or Node.js more scalable than flask?

>It's for when you want to communicate with another app or system?
Yes, and to communicate with your frontend. Watch Traversy Media videos on Django/React youtube.com/watch?v=Uyei2iDA4Hs

It's shit

>muh network bound
Really hate web developers, they use this excuse all the time, yet Online multiplayer games that update at 90 FPS can handle physics, lighting, shaders, game logic, and AI while you people cant handle sending me a static fucking page of text in under 3 seconds.

look up TCP vs UDP you fucking brainlet

I know the difference shitbird, some multiplayer games use a combination of TCP and UDP like world of warcraft. Web devs are fucking shit and can't render fucking text in a reasonable amount of time which is a problem thats been solved since the 80s.

TCP doesn't add "seconds" of overhead.

These are completely different problem domains and there's little use in comparing them.

>dont compare me to other types of developers who are actually competent at their job. I want to write shitty single threaded python code and call myself a code artisan.

Apparently we have some A* brogrammers here. How about you make a framework developed in your favourite tranny language. Then benchmark it against an off the shelf WordPress site. I'll wait.

I don't work in webdev fucknuts. If I ever had to do it professionally I'd shoot myself in the fucking face. You can take your pompus greentext and shove it up your ass.

Yeah, a competent webdev should absolutely be able to return a response for a simple query in under 3 seconds, but if you're half the fucking programmer you pretend to be you should know that saying "BUT MAH MMORPG RUN AT 90FPS" is not an apt comparison.

anybody with real experience doesn't use dipshitty obscure languages like Rust to do simple things like build REST services.

>Dead Language
da fuck

Nothing outside of the fact that Django has a better documentation which gets increasingly important when you add people to the team.
We never put newbies on the flask based services because they are harder to master, which means harder to scale.


so flask is better for small projects and django is better for large ones?


Is MVC worth learning? I didn't learn anything about it at all during my undergrad but now every job is asking me to know some crazy garbled Spring shit with BeanFactories what ever else. Or other forms of MVC in different languages/frameworks.

Is this something I should invest time in?

Is MVC actually trash? If so, why?

>piece of shit
>/threading yourself
Python as a backend is a bad idea regardless. I would genuinely use Java for that purpose.

Clojure is not Lisp. Lisp is a specific language with a proper ISO standard that is very different from Clojure.

That's Ansi Common Lisp, not all Lisps are ACL buddy

thank you for this, wasn't aware.

>Is MVC actually trash? If so, why?
no, not really, though it implies that there are clean distinctions where they don't necessarily exist. for example, you'll often end up in cases where a piece of code could plausibly go in the model, or the controller, or the view—how do you make a principled decision about this? it can lead to messes in larger teams if people don't stick to common conventions. speaking of conventions, Rails is probably the best introduction to MVC stuff and, contrary to the opinions of know-nothing shitheads, it's still relevant and good

The idea is to decouple front-end from the back-end.

You want to A/B test two front-end frameworks? No problem. HR decided to hire a bunch of people with an IQ of 50 as an affirmative action and you need a UI with Big Friendly Icons for them? No problem. Your CTO refuses to use anything with more GUI than the terminal? No problem. Backend team decides to rewrite the whole thing in Brainfuck? No problem, assuming the JSONs stay the same.

That also means you can access your website's functionalities perfectly fine with anything that can fire off an HTML request, so you have full programmatic access to it.

you can't be real

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-02 at 01.11.07.png (945x507, 60K)

Thanks. Though you probs meant 'HTTP request'

>TIOBE index
lmao. i guess Go, Scala, D, Elixir, Erlang, Rust, all variants of Lisp, etc. are all irrelevant

it's good, but python for web is not good.

It's OK but if you want to scale it up you're going to have to re-write it in another language because python has dogshit performance.

Get on your knees, fl*skoid

Attached: BAF26A37-69CD-48A2-AB0B-A95EBD1C6699.png (365x201, 23K)

stop fighting kids, I got candy!

web development
one security hole at a time

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I fucking love Flask. Such a joy to use.

>Using one of the slowest languages for the web