Functional programming

Should I learn Haskell?

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You should learn Haskell, Clojure, Ocaml, Erlang, Scheme and synthesize knowledge

Learn Haskell, then transition to a useful functional language like Scala

>useful functional language
no such thing
scala is an abomination

> using Scala

Kotlin+Arrow is functional and useful, you fan build anything with It.

Learning niche meme languages that no one has ever heard of or will ever be widely adopted is possibly the single worst thing you could do with your time

Definitely, chances are that in 10 years the dominate programming language will be a haskell-like language.

This is insane, but I'll give you that the 5 most dominant languages will have a lot more support for functional programming.

Python is the final language

OCaml has a lot of professional use. Getting a job with it might be tricky because all the OCaml jobs I've seen are either phd level or are very senior level in small research companies

You absolutely should learn Haskell if you are suicidal.
Though your chances of successfully learning Haskell properly can be exceptionally low due to the absence of official learning material.

the only god-tier language is Lean

Yeah, what's up with that? I learn most of my Haskell through 3rd party blogs and Stack Overflow.

Might be because it’s practically useless

It's bad, it doesn't teach how to not make errors which is of *critical importance* with Haskell when bad newbie reasoning will cause obscure GHC errors that cannot be understood by the begginner programmer, and in fact can't be easily understood by anyone but the experts.
It just crushes beginners' motivation to learn when all you get is a generic error with no way to understand what in the fuck causes the error.

Start your hrt first.

Yeah if you hate yourself. Learn Clojure if you wanna have fun!

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No one needs that negative talk, or a little bitch, so shoo
That's the entire point of synthesizing knowledge. You'll find where it's applicable, and who knows, you might get lucky and land a job using one of them. loser.

t. Seething Haskshill

i like it

Joke's on you loser, I don't write in Haskell.
Now go smear poo on the walls with Java, slave

take a good look at what programming languages are doing in terms of features, you can clearly see a movement towards functional programming, you will inevitably end up ahead of the curve, even now arbitrary side effects are considered bad practice, in 5 years even monads will be widely used.

so, rust

Learn OCaml. Maybe dabble with Racket first.

Haskell is actual trash; don't fall for the meme.

Haskell is easier than C++.

>i only learn things to get a job
Check out this bugman.

Sure. Memes or not, it's a unique language which will expand your horizons.

Haskell is great if you want to be disappointed. You'll see it's features being butchered in other, less-consistent, languages.

arrow is pretty horrible tbqh

lol, the argument could be made for ocaml, but certainly not about kotlin

this basically, even javascript has anonymous functions now. In hindsight it's pretty absurd how OOP heavy things have been when making everything an object is wacky and impractical.

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Nim is a better functional language

arbitrary side effects are considered bad practice only in specific domains, usually where the entire application is a literal side effect (webshit). Those domains usually have patterns for separating side effects from pure functions, mostly for maintainability reasons.

FP isn't being adopted for any of the reasons FP was invented for. Popular languages don't have the features needed for FP to shine. People just use its patterns because it's a move towards simplicity in a certain sense.

I only know Python and SQL/NOSQL
the only two languages you need to be successful

Congratulations, you're the First Loser

consider learning erlang at least, erlang has some real world use, haskell is literally language for exercise book examples