I love the daily "what programming language should I learn" threads...

I love the daily "what programming language should I learn" threads. It never ceases to amaze me how people have got programming so wrong.

You see, any programming language can take less than a day to learn. Stuff like OOP, loops, control flow, blah blah blah, all languages share these. It's learning how to program anything of actual value that takes weeks to do.

Then there is the fact that people solely want to learn how to program to get a job. I can tell you, you will be miserably very shortly if this is the path you decide to take.

You should learn a language depending on WHAT you want to program, not to just "program". The actual process of programming is boring, difficult, and monotonous. It's akin to laying bricks.

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Learn Ruby.

It takes a day to learn the syntax. It can take months or years to learn the standard libraries, all the 3rd party libraries, their idiosyncrasies, which ones are decent, the community, etc.

Pretty much this. I had to learn SQL for a new job, so I watched a video to learn the basic terminology and syntax, which allowed me to know what to Google whenever I ran into a problem.

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Learn assembly and read a fucking pdf with opcodes

Who the fuck learns an entire library?

>The process of programming is akin to laying bricks
Many self professed big brains in here fail to realise this, and think that programming comparable to doing maths or physics

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You can just Google that shit and remember it while you need it. After the project is done, you can forget it all because it's useless until you need it again, then it's one hour max to get back at full speed.

programming is literally easy. what's complicated is programming in a big team environment full of retarded faggots

compsci theory and high level math is hard. most people who go to school for compsci just want to be codemonkeys and work at jewgle and microshaft bc they think writing code == compsci.

Anyone can build a house by laying down bricks, but you can't build a skyscraper or cathedral without an architect.

>You see, any programming language can take less than a day to learn

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He's not wrong

Yes he is

People always say "what programming should I learn" but you never hear "what maths should I learn".

Remember your roots, review your maths

No, he's not. If you know dot syntax, if statements, and statement termination syntax then you can program 90% of pretty much anything.

And yet we have dozens of people on Jow Forums who know dick about programming. Funny how that works out.

Yes, this might be news to you, but the majority of people on here and in general are very, very dumb.

>You see, any programming language can take less than a day to learn.
To superficially learn, yes.


Very based OP, thank you for this thread

Unless you are learning something specific like Prolog all languages do more or less the same thing with different syntaxes and different tools to express the same things.

That's why learning things like Python is ridiculously easy for example, because the language was designed so people will write it the same way. Languages that offer you to make the same programs with different paradigms or different syntaxes might be harder to learn not because it's going to be harder writing stuff but it's going to be harder reading someone's else stuff and remember everything about the language to understand it.

As long as you understand the logic the language's syntax is easy to get over.

Jow Forums are hobbyist larpers so they don't realise that a language is just a tool for the programmer and the purpose is to get a job done, not play with the tools.

An analogy of people arguing about which language is best is like people arguing whether the drill or the saw or the screwdriver is better. A carpenter use every tool in his toolbox to get a job done, a hobbyist plays with his tools and argue about which tool is the best.

So true.

Your analogy is dumb because every language can do the same things as any other language, just in different ways and at different efficiencies.

A hammer cannot do the same thing as a screwdriver or a saw.

You can do web dev using only C, but you won't.

This is exactly what people need to understand. Each language is a tool that has a purpose. You want to program an embedded system? You bet your ass I'm using C. You want to create animations for a website? As much as it sucks JS is the best tool for the job.

People argue and screech about this stuff all the time, and it's okay to have a favorite, but no one here is mature enough to realize every language has pros and cons and have their own merits.

There is also the fact that 95% of the people on this board are so entitled they won't believe any other opinions and believe they know what's best, even though they have only programmed a total of 50 hours in their life. I wish there was a Jow Forums alternative but for rational people who actually knew their shit.

Please create

an operating system using only JavaScript and tell me how secure, fast, and efficient it is

a banking system that can store hundreds of thousands of users and make tens of thousands of transactions per second in R

a time critical embedded systems controller which at it's core is a microcontroller programmed in Java

Hence why C is an inferior language.

>C is an inferior language
>Has never tried to program a time critical microcontroller before that has limited memory and CPU cycles

You are literally what this user was talking about

Shit all programming languages have:

Unless the person has a specific project in mind, I always say Python. Syntax is easy, and its 3rd party libraries lend it to lots of use cases.


Sepples is objectively better for that as well.
LARP harder.

>le right tool for the right job meme

> want learn program for to get job. misery follows....
BINGO! Actual programmer spotted.

> learn language that works for your project, not your autism.
All of Jow Forums is automatically disqualified from programming, or even operating a gumball machine for that matter.


The standard library is part of the language, yo

most languages don't have oop

i mean honestly while i sorta get the sentiment of what you're saying, i think most people just google shit they need to know quickly. if i want to get a random number in c++ using stl for instance, not c's lcg, i'd honestly just use cppreference. i could either read of all the ways you can get high quality randomness in stl to "prepare myself" for some situation in which i'll need it, or i could just google the solution in a few seconds and be on my way. libraries are big and you gotta take the term literally sometimes. in an actual library you wouldn't read every book to memorize all its info, you'd just read what you need to get knowledge for one specific thing

>Then there is the fact that people solely want to learn how to program to get a job. I can tell you, you will be miserably very shortly if this is the path you decide to take.
This shit right there. You should get a job which involves programming only if you _already_ know how to program and enjoy it on its own. Otherwise, why bother?

There is absolutely no reason to memorize entire libraries except the parts you tend to use often, for convenience.
The real world is not a closed book exam, it's perfectly fine and reasonable to consult documentation when you need it.
Humans are bad at sheer memorization, that's why we invented things to take such burden away over and over, starting from writing itself.
It's the methodology, the actual problem solving skills, that should be learned and mastered.
Remembering what function Y in library X does is unnecessary unless you're using it fairly often.

desu i wanna make mobile apps, what the fuck do i do?

You shouldn't need to consult documentation too often. Too slow.

>any programming language can take less than a day to learn the very basic syntax
FTFY. Actually learning and understanding how a programming language works and taking advantage of its features takes some time. Most people who say they "know c++" can't even tell you what a virtual table is, or even something as simple as how default destructors for derived classes work. Not to mention your average "I learned c++ in college" person doesn't even know how to use locks or ptrs correctly.

Maybe for C or C++. For a python library it's like 1 hour tops then you're an expert. It helps that most libs are pythonic.
Same with ruby. Ruby has a very distinct sort of functional bent to it that makes love very predictable.

Nobody truly knows C++.

>Sepples is objectively better for that as well.
Not him, but that depends highly on the microcontroller and the available resources.

Löve for Lua

i was about to learn to code, but i get to know that my computer was spyed now i can't do anything because my stuff for making money maybe stale...now i have to become a hacker too... so, my stuff don't give other moneys before than me....

Jow Forums is not a programming board, it's an anime board

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What should I learn if I want to into cryptography?

loled at gumball machine

Learn C# and use Xamarin.

Normally for mobile apps you need two languages for your apps which is a huge headache. Swift for iOS and Java/Kotlin for Android. However, there is this tool called Xamarin which let's you write your app once in C# and then it automatically gets built for each system. It's super useful and saves a ton of time, I'd definitely recommend it. Best of luck to you user!

Also not that user but the full set of C++ isn't even available on microcontrollers, only certain parts are. So yes it can sometimes be useful to have a few of the C++ abstractions but sometimes you literally can't because of memory or speed limitations that you have.

I see.

Okkkkkk mr ruski

OP absolutely blown the fuck out

>any programming language can take less than a day to learn
not sepples

No one learns entire libraries and SDKs, only what APIs are useful.

The saddest thing is that you have people here who DO know a couple of languages pretty well who now, insted of actually DOING something with that knowledge try to waste their time by learning some autistic, hard and unusable by design language so they feel like they're doing something.
Niggerlicious. Just build something.

Dart with Flutter.
It's no wonder so many developers love it. It's so damn fast to learn and there's no way to make an app that runs on both iOS and Android from a single code base faster.

The only part I don't like are the iOS components. Flutter's Material design library is really well done and adaptable (which is important if you don't want your app to look like every single other material app out there), but the same can not be said for the Cupertino widgets. I don't even use an iOS phone and yet I notice just how off the animations and behaviors are.

setting up the code environment.
learn how to variable
how to declare function
lambda/functional if need be.
learn one data structure.

There u learnt syntax.

Crypto 101 pdf and brit cruise vids

Pick your poison.

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Yes and no. While I do agree that the concepts in one language often translate to another this isn't always the case. Even within some languages you have different methods of accomplishing the same thing and that requires more of an understanding of a language than fundamentals.

There are also a lot of languages that break convention or throw it out the window. You can't dive headlong into prolog or scheme just because you are competent in java.

At the end of the day languages are just tools and the sign of a good programmer is someone who knows there languages are best applied and how to architect efficient systems from what they've come to know. Programming fundamentals are just that fundamentals. A good programmer should know more than variables and loops.