He wrote a compiler

He wrote a compiler.

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Writing a compiler isn't difficult. Writing a good one is.

A 20,000-line divine intellect compiler, that operates just-in-time and ahead-of-time. How will that nigger Linus ever compete?

reminds me of that Go derivative, vlang.io that made stupid claims then released the code and revealed it was a pile of shit

And an assembler, dissasembler, bootloader, graphics library and a whole OS in a ultra small 2 megabyte distro.

I don't lurk enough

Pls explain

Gone too soon

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Damn... Literally all I need from an OS.

any one with a lot of free time can make a operating system.... my last helping comment.... for a big time.......

sure they can user

did he use flex, yacc, etc?

He used his divine intellect.
Every goddamn line in it was written by him, no outside programs needed.

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He wrote fucking everything from scratch, that's something really impressive.
We all make software on the shoulders of giants, but what's what lies behind it? Something made by another person.
He has been in every step. Every byte, every pixel and every beep has been placed by hand by him.
That's a feat almost nobody can achieve nowadays; in a world where everything gets so complex that things gets centralized quickly because of the sheer inconvenience of reinventing the wheel. We can see it in our browsers, our operating systems, our microprocessors, our own computers.

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this, I wrote one for a CS class.

Big fag who's never wrote a compiler.

zoomer faggot here

who's this guy and what did he do?

Did it just get hot in this room? I'm feeling a little angry coming on...

Terry A Davis spent ten years full time writing his own OS from scratch. ~200,000 lines of code from what I understand. The OS was originally "a fun place to program" but between Terry's developing schizophrenia and rising online fame he began to suspect the CIA had it out for him, and eventually turned the OS into an oracle through which one could speak to god.

Terry died a couple years back getting hit by a train. He leaves behind a legacy as one of the greatest programmers ever known.

>hit by a train
he finally was got by the cia that was after him. probably "hired" to develop an OS just for them

It could have been a suicide. His final video he was surprisingly lucid, maybe he killed himself in a moment of clarity.

>moment of clarity
assuming he had schizophrenia in the first place

thx, also that shit fucking sucks. i'm not a tech guy but i'm coming from a math background (/sci/) there's some Galois vibes here

If you can't manually compile your code using macros and flat binary output from an assembler then you don't belong on this board.

>couple years back
it was august 11th, 2018 you fucking zoomer.

Fuck off it felt like longer. I'm not the damn TempleOS historian just giving the basic summary for this guy.

I bet he used stack overflow

There are similarities, Terry did something unimagineable. Writing a modern OS from scratch was a huge undertaking.

>if(i%3 == 0 && i%5 == 0)

He was a fucking artist after all

>couple years back

what about hardware ? he didnt design engineer or manufacture any of those

when someone singlehandedly implements a comptuer from scratch and when isay from scratch i mean straight up from sand then ill be impressed

he dead

Terry laid out a vision for the ideal TempleOS hardware somewhere. It'd be interesting to see something do the whole thing though.

But not many compilers writers write compliers that compile the os that they write

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Thanks for that, good shit

Oh here it was, pretty impractical without divine intervention though.
Found some other interesting articles about design decisions too.

The songs have amazing lyrics, he could have been an indie star

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He seemed like a nice guy. How did he kill himself?

It was the CIA that did it.

Imagine thinking a bachelor's level understanding of computer architecture is divine intellect. Even semi-ironically.

Have you seen his Sabbath cover?

Have you made an OS before? Fucking idiot.

I learned to create a compiler from scratch in my second year of bachelors. Once you have a basic understanding on how it all works there’s not really any magic behind it. I could probably manage to write a working C compiler with enough time at my hands, it would be shit and unoptimized but it would work.

And you fucking killed him.
