Install code blocks

>install code blocks
>"Can't find compiler"
>Install mingw
>Install doesn't actually have the compiler
>Open mingw's package manager and download the compiler
>Is not actually the compiler but some dummy file
>Re install code blocks from a different source
>"Can't find compiler"
Give me a better IDE for C, I can't stand this bullshit anymore.

Attached: 1485558699478.jpg (354x423, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread: targetting Win32/Personal Builds/mingw-builds/8.1.0/threads-posix/dwarf/ targetting Win64/Personal Builds/mingw-builds/8.1.0/threads-posix/seh/

>using Windows
sudo apt install gcc

Attached: 1443872143299.png (415x598, 288K)

Install Cygwin and then from there install gcc/g++ and a text editor like emacs, vim or joe

Eff pee bee pee
lmaoing @ ur lyfe wangblows fag
If you're really serious, use clion

Attached: 1555681896512.jpg (750x937, 79K)

most C++ compilers on winshit are trash: mingw is just shit and generates fuck huge binaries even with stripping and also a fucking pain in the ass to install and use, wangblow studio is overbloated and will generate fuckhuge precompiled files by default plus forced telemetry in your executables and has inane settings in general.

for C++ use clang
for C use Pelles, it's really good.

just install cmake and gcc/clang

samefag here, didn't notice you're on Windows, it'll probably be harder than that
good lyck fren :-)

Or install clang if you want as well

Use VsCode. Has it's own package manager and uses clang i think by default.
Code blocks is a waste of your time.

that's what you get for using wangblows fag

GNU/Linux is a good C IDE.

>not sudo apt-get install build-essentials

Already have cyg win, I want my programs to run on windows
I don't work with c++ but I'll check out Pelles
But muh telemetry!

Install gentoo
Here's the version with mingw bundled you retarded little shit

Attached: 1562232300054.jpg (812x1024, 61K)
That user is retarded and meant for you to install visual studio though. Which you should if you intend to develop on/for windows

do not use shitty fucking code blocks or mingw

I never tried to write C on windows
C++ works fine with codeblocks or even devcpp tho

I'll try this out
That seems fine but I tried using vscode before and it doesn't compile C out of the box only c++ so i ditched it
Does this version change that?
I don;t want to but you have to offer alternatives.

visual studio community, why would you ever use anything but the correct and native toolchain

Windows is not for programming, it is a toy OS for toy computers.

>C::B has a package for wintoddlers that actually comes with gcc/g++ on mingw installed and preconfigured
>this wintoddler takes wintoddlerism to next level


you were supposed to download the installer with mingw included, retard
also this


Setup MSYS2 (native) or WSL, learn how to compile using the CLI, then learn how to use CMake and then RTFM for the VSCode integration.

Being unable to use the CLI and not understanding how these tools work and interact with each other will only hinder you in the future.

How do you find to do anything? I mean, between fixing broken configs, comparing 27 different open source programs that only half work, and jerking yourself off for installing ubuntu you must have no time at all for anything.

the mingw bundled version was on the downloads page, if you took 2 fucking seconds to read without immediately clicking the first "DOWNLOAD" button you see you would not have killed a thread for this mongoloid retard abomination

you should feel bad


OP is using C not C++

learn to read what you are about to download before downloading it you nigger

Attached: file.png (1012x290, 54K)

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y snap build-essential cmake
sudo snap install code --classic


So? I'm using exactly that to work with both C and C++, I don't see where you're going with this.

Because the binaries are huge and the actual compilation is slow as shit. Programming in C on visual c++ is unnecessarily painful.

Just install Linux ffs.

codeblocks mingw + fortran

wtf am I looking at here?

I don't use that garbage

are you not op?

I'm not

Why would I swim against the current? Write windows desktop applications in .NEET C# from a windows machine. Write optimized utilities and lightweight servers in C from linux machine.

Intellij fuckin idiot

that's weird, on my pc all i do is type "gcc -o program program.c" and it works

So you're supposed to install codeblocks and then download a compiler. I reccomend MinGW-w64 since the original MinGW is abandoned and Clang is a clusterfuck on Windows.
32-bit targetting Win32/Personal Builds/mingw-builds/8.1.0/threads-posix/dwarf/
64-bit targetting Win64/Personal Builds/mingw-builds/8.1.0/threads-posix/seh/

Afterwords go to settings -> compiler and make a copy of GCC and call it MinGW-w64.
Then change your compiler to MinGW-w64, set the directory locations to the compiler directory and it should auto-detect the binary locations.
Then press the set as default button so it doesn't default to GCC anymore.

Restart codeblocks after all that and it should work.

You can set up the debugger the same way through settings -> debugger.
You should see them trying to link libraries.

Have sex

Sounds like someone needs to buy a Raspberry Pi to code C

My dad has been really interested in one
Tell me more and maybe I can get some use out of it too.

Idk, it is a $35 computer that runs a debian based OS
All I had to do was 'sudo apt-get install codeblocks" and it JUST WERKED

a near-full build of codeblocks from source (missing: wxsmith, multiple symbol definitions) and configuring it to work with the unix vendor compiler was easier than this

IDEs are for retards. Just use a fucking text editor and a terminal emulator. Even using notepad++ is better than using an IDE.

I already use notepad++ I just want a debugger with a gui

Use Qt Creator. It ships its own MinGW. And you don't have to install the terabytes of Qt libraries if you don't want to.

It's much better than CodeBlocks and still free.

Well it should've been easier. MinGW has been deprecated for almost 10 years so it's no surprise it barely works.