Why is Python so comfy?

Why is Python so comfy?

Attached: automate.png (747x889, 146K)

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which version, 2 or 3?

therein lies the problem with Python

2 sucks for me because I learned in 3, can anyone with more experience say which one is better?

I have extensive experience with Java, some minor experience with C, C#, php

How do I into some quick and easy Python scripts?

If you have extensive experience with Java then you basically could write a useful python script with minimal effort googling the small differences like array iteration, console in/out, file io, etc.

Python makes all IO, files, networking, etc super easy so you can basically just get started immediately.

ITT: people (brainlets) who don't automate


read the book in the op


>higher level programming language

Yeah we (researchers) leave the low level crap to techies. We're too busy designing algos.

lol. keep deluding yourself.
You apparently don't even know what an "algo" is.
Dozed off in theoretical computer science, didn't you?

This is the largest problem with python imo. Larger projects always have issues with python version because they run python scripts with "python" instead of specifying the version, and the project ends up only working properly with certain distros. For example chromium assumes "python" is a symlink to python2, and proton in the past assumed "python" was a symlink to python3.

t. Not a quant

I mean, not all research is concerned with how many assembly instructions are getting executed because they have their hashtable fitting in L1 cache (banal example).

If you're determining the use of finite fields in security research your'e not considering the implementations of hardware and software that most engineers are.

It's easy to write. That's about it.

You write in another language that doesn't have the python fluff recently? Hell, even Go implemented some of the brilliant syntax sugar that Python offers with negative array indexing and splices. You never realize how much you miss some of the fluff until you have to write straight C++ and end up implementing parts of the Python stdlib.

Dont care much about syntax sugar. To me C++ and Python solve different problems.

C++ anything remotely close to hardware
Python for when you need that high-level abstraction that is also practical and fast to write in. naturally, further away from metal.

not him btw

if you're on windows, autohotkey is superior for automation

Perl5 is better.

Definitely the two languages have their different use cases but I have found myself wanting to improve my C++ recently and in implementing some simple things like a JSON parser, there are language features that would make my life easier given I was working in a different environment.

Almost every really smart dev on Linkedin lists 'Python' as his main skill. Must be good.

>linkedin lists
>linked lists
python btfo by secret code language

never saw any useful real life examples and I searched whole night. Syntax is ugly af too

ok, so you suck at researching. what's your point? the syntax is ugly as fuck but it's far more capable out of the box compared to python. you'd need a shitload of libraries that may or may not exist to catch up to it. not to mention that if you're using ui features such as tray icon it's pretty nice to be able to compile it to 1mb exe file instead of having a python interpreter running in the background. also, mac os has applescript and automator. again, superior. python for automation would only be relevant on linux

Python is superior in every way and is here to stay. Learn to deal with it

oprettty sure theres ahk on python

>superior in every way
blatantly false
>here to stay
>deal with it
i have no issue with pajeets and brainlets having a language they can grasp

Jessica McKellar, one of the greatest innovators of our time, codes in Python exclusively.

Attached: Jessica McKellar.png (792x755, 134K)

good thing i wasn't talking about autoit
>python brainlet can't even master basic reading comprehension
color me shocked. try doReadingComprehension()
it might work

To me, ruby is comfy, because I know it and it's expressive and easy to cobble something together and get it to work.

For you, python checks the same boxes. Therefore, things are just comfy because they are high level and you know them.

for the rest of the world, 3 unicode handling is a godsend. People using 2 usially have no choice because they have to work with old embedded python or use close source binary library or something.
There are lots of non backport-able features already, namely async await, native type hint, dataclasses, faster dictionaries, fstrings etc
Plus major libraries have moved on to 3, and official support will end 2020 so have fun maintaining/compiling library and all the dependencies yourself.

Both discarded.

And whats up with Python having no brackets to scope the code.

Attached: 1538885362822.jpg (300x290, 14K)

>worth tens/hundreds of million
get on her level incel

>import sense

>Increased diversity in open source communities

Attached: worried laughter.jpg (225x225, 6K)

At the time I had little experience outside Java and Bash and managed to google my way to useful scripts very easily. I have since done an AoC in Python and now I can easily use it to the extent to which it is useful for me.

These days I rarely find myself reaching for it. Despite its many strengths, it's usually not great for automating stuff when you know Bash (along with, say, awk and jq) and Go well.

Because you haven't used anything else.
I unironically prefer JavaScript over this garbage.

Literally a non-issue. Everyone has moved to 3.
No one touches 2.7 except maintainers or porters.

It's fine when you're a newbie, but I wouldn't want to write anything but trivial scripts in it

t. retard

Fuck off, faggot. Not him, but I have used more than 7 programming languages, and JS is both bloat and cancer. Fuck you, and your shit opinion. Take your bloated, insecure cancer of a language, and shove it up your ass.

Its a garbage language.
Doesn't even have real multithreading.
What a joke man.

Because its highly dynamic and makes it possible to make really gross code look elegant to consumers. The only complaint I have about python is its packaging and dependency handling situation. I wish they'd just rip off node_modules like nodejs and be done with it instead of sticking hard with this venv crap in 2019.

> California
> Roastie
> Python
Unironically kys


To anyone that has actually read and learned off this book, do you have any tips or suggestions?

I bought it as a newfag and I only just completed chapter 3 but it's kinda getting pretty confusing. I'm not sure how confused I should be, but I feel like if I wanted to go make my own script, I'm still pretty much completely lost. I only skimmed over the flow charts section (Ch3) as it's seemed kinda self explanatory. But I tried writing a basic "whats your name" script without help, and I was confused as fuck.

I'm just curious, how much into this book should I read before I should start trying to make shit? I notice towards the back of the book it goes over making specific programs, but those examples don't really interest me a whole lot. I want to be able to make my own shit without being fed stuff, so I was considering skipping all the example shit. So basically do the first handful of chapters that actually TEACH python (Chapters 1-11 maybe?). How does that sound?

Any tips or suggestions? Please don't say "go read x book instead" or shit like that. I mean this book is highly reccomended I saw, so it shows people have learned from it. Also it's one of the top books reccomended on the python website I saw.

Attached: Cybergirl01.jpg (1364x2048, 304K)

> no brackets
> no async
> if python is even close to being less bloated v8 is still faster
> python isnt the same cancer if not worse

If python was secure it would be used more for dev but after a certain loc its useless. JavaScript doesnt need to be anymore "secure" unless youre a dumb fuck who doesn't decouple your backend from the front

Kill yourself redditnigger.

The first half of the book (till chapter 6 or 7, I can't remember) is for learning basic Python. Try reading slowly and draw the diagram. Also seach for other explanation online if you still don't get it. Don't forget to do the exercises too, they're not hard but you have to think carefully. After that, the rest of the book are for specific application, so you can read whatever you want to do and skip the rest. If you want to do other things, well you can just search for other python libraries and read their docs. But I don't think you will understand those docs that much if you don't at least read the whole book, you can skim through those specific application chapters but make sure you know what to do when you use 3rd party python libraries.

user I hate python and was reading replies to op for amusement but then I came across your retarded mouth shitting. You literally can't be any more objectively wrong than this. And here's one word to send you back to the manhole you came from: Types.