Is programming ever going to be unsaturated again?

Is programming ever going to be unsaturated again?
Did I make a big mistake choosing this field?

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every field is saturated mate, just gotta git gud

It's probably going to get even worse.

>Did I make a big mistake choosing this field?
Depends on if you want to do it. You'll just have to climb the ladder, but this ladder has handrails and lots of rungs, you'll be fine.

It is under saturated with GOOD programmers. Just git gud

The future is vbleak.

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>entry level job web dev job
>interviewer asks ranodm obscure JavaScript stuff
>have to solve pic in 45 minutes on whiteboard
Just fuckign kill me god.

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lmao I wouldn't even bother reading that shit
you don't want to work for those retards

Yeah, you should have went into IT instead and kept programming as your hobby.

First one is a search algorithm just choose sequential or interval or whatever search you want. Second one is a local minimum question. Third one is basic statistics.

You're telling me you want a 6 future salary but you're too stupid to answer these basic questions? Do you have a CS degree? Wtf did you do the entire time you were in class? Sleep or jerk off?

>lol I don't wanna read but pls give me $100k/year starting salary
Fuck off.

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>every field is saturated mate, just gotta git gud
Absolutely not true, there are plenty of engineering disciplines hurting for bodies.

>"you have two eggs"
>"smallest number of egg drops"

so you only have 2 but you also need log2n amount of tries for an n of 100? who wrote this?

Stop letting Pajeets come into the country to code and it will get better.

COmpanies want to flood the market with shits from outside the country who suck at coding to keep costs down.

I know Intel does this, they abuse the visas of pajeets, use them up for 4 years then send them packing for new cheaper pajeets.

theres an IBM plant near me that spam recruits "app developers" for entry level pay and chucks em right back out, theres "competitive pay" and minimal mobility

In the past, "good" companies had loyalty going both ways. Employees were loyal to the company in bad times, and the company didn't immediately fuck over the employees whenever convenient. Now, that culture is dead, and it will never come back. Essentially every company is now a publicly-traded quarterly-report-inflating trash heap, and every employee is a dishonest nihilist looking for a stepping stone.

such as?

>First one is a search algorithm just choose sequential or interval or whatever search you want. Second one is a local minimum question. Third one is basic statistics.
You just restated the questions...
The eggs don't break below certain floor.

Right now the field is definitely thriving for most positions beyond Junior/Entry-Level. I think the bulk of the competition is getting _into_ the industry itself but once develop a decent skill set and have experience you're basically chilling.

Drop an egg on each floor until it breaks. When do I start?

>with the smallest number of egg drops

public static int checkFloor(){
for (int i = 1; i == 100; i++){
if (dropEgg(i)){
return i;
else if (dropEgg(100-i)){
return 100-i;

Here is my solution for the first one:
Start at the bottom (i = 0) and step by two. If the egg doesn't crack, go to the bottom of the building, pick it up, and then increment. If it does, then we know that are in the range of it cracking, and we down one level and drop the second egg. If it cracks, then we have found our level. If it doesn't, then we know it was the floor above us (the one we were just on before going down one level).

Why 2? Because that is the maximum number we can use to test our egg drops. If we had 3 eggs, then we could step by tree and cover the possible floors we skipped and still get our answer.

Honestly this. I hate having to compete with resumes of broken English just to get an interview. I hate companies having the ability to outsource my job at any moment. I hate having my work devalued by people who will work for cheaper because their rent is pennies on the dollar. We need regulations on these jobs. We need to keep our money in our country.

>for (int i = 1; i == 100; i++)

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the optimal solution that you'd never come up with without looking it up before an interview starts at the 10th or so floor and goes to the 20th next until it breaks and then you do them 1 by 1

public static int checkFloor(){
for (int i = 1; i

You'll run out fo eggs.

Name some, faggot

No I won't. The idea is to drop one of the eggs from floor 1 and then floor 2... and also drop the other egg starting at floor 100 then floor 99. I will never break more than one egg. I'm pretty sure this is right. Going up by tens and iterating between is slower in some cases like if the floor is floor 100 but my way is really slow at floor 50.

If you think CS is saturated, have a look at any other field. Grass is always greener my friend, but I wouldn't want to be a lawfag or a medfag.

>eggs only break at or above a certain floor
So just throw all of them down from the 100th story

First one was already solved in a previous thread, best answer was dropping the first egg from floor 10, then 20, ecc
When it breaks, use the second and go a floor at a time from the last good tenth floor. Worst case was 18 tries

Kill me if I know what a local minimum is though

I think I thought of something better. Go up by 10s and also down by 10s from floor 100. Iterate over the ten once you find the floor that breaks. I think this is faster. One sec.

Just git gud, no one is going to pay you better than the average if you stay average
Except if you have good connections, but then you wouldn't be posting this

Just ask on sci, every engineering field is full, except maybe for nuclear if you're in the us

A lot of people seem to be confused about #1. Look up bisection.
I'd be very surprised if there even is such an algorithm for #2 without further assumptions on the number distribution which would allow steepest descent or something similar.
With these two out of the way (well, sort of), there is plenty of time to tackle #3 where it's probably more about the way you approach it rather than you finding the right answer in the given time.
The interviewer's goals are often misunderstood when it comes to that. Of course, if someone gets it right, they have to hire that one so you better try your hardest.

oohh k I get it now i think
I see why going up by tens is the way to go

What the fuck are you on about
>answer is 5
>drop egg 1 from floor 100, it breaks
>drop egg 2 from floor 10, it breaks
nice algorithm you got there

Engineering student here solved this in 5 minutes
1. Drop one egg every 10 levels until it breaks, use the other one from the bottom of the size 10 intervall the floor has the to be in
2. Check all 8 surrounding blocks for the smallest value (O(1)) and move to it
Since you will be moving in line shape this is O(n)
3. its always blue since if a single blue one and a number of red ones is left the blue one can not be removed

I might be stupid since steepest descent should work in the given scenario. I didn't think it could get there in O(n) every time but now I think it does.

It's oversaturated with street shitters. If you're even a little bit good finding a job is not hard.

then start at floor zero

>100 questions in under 10 minutes
I've literally never had that happen to me

Scratch that, I was wrong on all accounts. Better get some coffee before internet first.

People been saying programming is saturated since the dotcom crash despite contrary evidence.
>mployment of computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations.
>261,000 number of new jobs added in tech in the past year

>didn't follow instructions
>didn't read thread

> answer is 99
> your top-down egg breaks right fucking away
> o-only 98 more iterations to go!

Are you like a freshman or something? I have no idea how mean I am supposed to be here.

Mad cslet?

what is this meme?
I got my job a year ago with basically no experience and they trained me.

The other egg breaks at the first drop and gives you no information.

hmm.. I tried it and got:
worst case 15 drops
best case 2 drops

No, I'm not mad, kid.

How is worst case 15 drops?

>1. Drop one egg every 10 levels until it breaks, use the other one from the bottom of the size 10 intervall the floor has the to be in
Not optimal.
>2. Check all 8 surrounding blocks for the smallest value (O(1)) and move to it
Since you will be moving in line shape this is O(n)
This is O(n^2).
>3. its always blue since if a single blue one and a number of red ones is left the blue one can not be removed
No. If I take the blue and put it back it can be drawn next and discarded.

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> Not optimal.
Go on

It's a fucking egg, guys, it's going to break if you drop it more than like two feet, you don't need to drop shit to know that. “hurr durr, algorithms ≠ real life”

If it's floor 99, it will take you 19 drops.
You can do better.

public class HelloWorld{

private static int q = (int)Math.round((Math.random()*100));

public static void main(String []args){
System.out.println("Number of floors: " + q);
System.out.println("Answer: " + checkFloor());

public static int checkFloor(){
for (int i = 1; i


18 drops - you never have to drop from 100.
What algorithm tops that?

irrefutably fucking based & redpilled just archive the thread its all over

>This is O(n^2).


I think changing the intervall size will ve better
Like for example starting with 15 then 14 etc or something like that

If you don't drop at floor 100 and it's that floor then you still drop 19 times.
Drop at these: 14, 27, 39, 50, 60, 69, 77, 84, 90, 95, 99, 100

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O(logn) solution:
construct a btree with 2 layers. for n = 100 that'd be 10 keys per node. traverse all keys in node until egg breaks. follow the node ref before key where egg breaks. repeat

For first question shouldn't you use a binary search to make it optimal?

I guess worst cast its true but if the numbers follow a "normal" function it should just be a somewhat curved line
Do you know the actual solution?

There's no logn solution.

>Anal exam
>Mandatory programmer socks

Binary search isn't optimal. You only got two eggs.

does anyone have the answer for 3? I know how to simulate it but I'm not sure how to calculate it statistically.

Well big o is worst case.
Find smallest element in the mid-line, check if it's local minimum. If not pick side with smaller neighbor. Repeat.

complexity = logn*logk where k is the number of keys per node.
k logk

tree without the binary part is correct

A btree doesn't work, if you modify it so it does it won't be logn or log*log etc.

The worse case is checking all top nodes then traversing entire bottom node. This is not log.

Wait but if the numbers have values according to f(x, y) = y, all local minima lie on the top row, then wouldnt you need to do the line check (O(n)) n/2 times making it O(n^2)

Girl who?


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Like this.

Attached: divide.png (500x500, 11K)

ah thanks

>Minimum requirement - Not be a dumbshit
>One man can support entire family because necessities are cheap
>All you have to do is be willing and loyal

>Degree and experience required for entry job
>Overtime and dedication are mandatory and does not lead to better compensation
>We only hire you because our company is shit and nobody else was dumb enough to apply for this underpaid position
>Rent is 1k a month in our region? How about an entry salary of 1.2k
>Promotion require spending 2 hours in a night school after you‘re through a 10 hours shift and there‘s no guarantee you‘ll get promote


public class HelloWorld{

private static int q = (int)Math.round((Math.random()*100));

public static void main(String []args){
System.out.println("Number of floors: " + q);
System.out.println("Answer: " + checkFloor());

public static int checkFloor(){
int x = 0;
for (int i = 14; i >= 1; i--){
x += i;
if (dropEgg(x)){
for (int j = x-i; j = q){
return true;

return false;


man I am stupid
I don't like being stupid, because I'll never get one over on smart people. And I'm wary of their intentions.

Wait isnt that still like n*log(n) since you need to the find the minimum on the line which is O(n) and then do that in a binary-search-esque way, which is as I understand should be O(log(n))

never mind I got it

my python solution for task 2:
(O(n) follows since 1+1/2+1/4+... =2)
from itertools import chain
from math import inf

# helper for base case of recursion
def is_local_min(grid, i, j):
val = grid[i][j]
for di, dj in (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1):
ni, nj = i + di, j + dj
if 0

The solution for the first one is you need 13/14 throws

Throw it from the 14 floor. If it breaks, start from the first floor go up and throw the remaining egg each floor until it breaks

If it doesn't break, throw it at 14+13 floor. If it breaks, start from the 15 floor go up and throw the remaining egg each floor until it breaks

then repeat this process at the 14+13+12 floor, etc.. etc.. until you reach the top. At worst, it would have taken you 14 tries to find at which floor the eggs break

This is literally because A) too many people applying for too few jobs and B) most economies in "developed worlds" are completely out of whack, unchecked inflation completely ballooning prices far beyond what they should be. Less people or less jews would solve the issue to be quiet honest.

It's because our countries have become a bus stop for the whole world. Fucking retarded boomers were so high on how good life was that they removed the door to their own house and let in every fucker alive in exchange for "ethnic" foods and ego stroking on good feelsies (haha look at me I'm such an enlightened white man that I even care about the shirskins, I'm so kind and empathetic guys).
These arrogant parasites did the same shit in all facets of life too, even basic shit like parenting with their overprotective government regulations on what you can and cannot do you fucking peasant slave, you have to breath this way for your safety because the boomer dumbfuck wanted to feel good again.
Good thing the non wealthy ones were abandoned by their new age thinking families and are getting beaten and treated like the foul shit they are by minorities in retirement homes - some justice at least. Get a taste of that modern life yummy.

>3 years doing software development in C/C++/Java
Pretty much maintained/enhanced an existing application the company bought. Can't be too specific, but it's Siemens Teamcenter/Windchill/Arena. So not much thinking involved, just solved issues and customized it based on what my company needed.

>3 years as Business Intelligence Analyst
Figured my career would be stuck in a cliche market (product lifecycle management), so I moved to this role. It's fun, but now I want more pay.

Company is great, might I say even perfect. Pay has been fine, 4-8% increase every year, but I'm in a 3rd world shithole so it isn't really that much at all. It's enough for me to go on maybe 4 vacations to other SEA countries every year, but I want to explore the world more while being able to save for retirement at the same time - this just isn't happening if I stay here.

>applied to various companies in Singapore/Japan/Taiwan/Shanghai
>failed 3 programming exams from top companies so far
>all of them were something along the lines of
Fuck. Am I fucked? Did I get too complacent from staying in the same company for 6 years?

my python solution for task 1
returns 14. the found strategy agrees with apart from the fact, that for the first move it suffices to drop from the 9th floor,since sum(range(14))=91.
from functools import lru_cache
from math import inf

def worst_case(eggs, floors):
print(eggs, floors)
if floors

my python solution for part 3
the result is 101/105 and I don't see any reason why that should be the case...
from fractions import Fraction

def P(red, blue):
N = red + blue
blues = [Fraction(0, 1)] * (blue + 2)
blues[blue] = Fraction(1, 1)
for n in range(N, 1, -1):
blues = [(blues[i + 1] * (i + 1)**2 + blues[i] * (n**2 - i**2)) / n**2
for i in range(blue + 1)] + [Fraction(0, 1)]
# print(blues)
# print(sum(blues))
return 1 - blues[0]

res = P(80, 20)

# 101/105 WAT?????

A lot of jobs they list the "required" shit so far outta wack in proportion to what you "really" end up doing/needing for/to do the job that's it just a big fucking joke anymore.

They do this for two reasons: To make their own jobs easier; why bother interviewing 20 people when we can just hike this and this and end up cutting that inverview number down to 8.
and for two, cause they got some "buddy" or they want "diversity" so they rig the process to screen out 90% of potential hires. The few who do make the cut they give some bullshit reason and then they hire the "buddy" or the "diversity" dude/girl.

Never mind that the job itself don't require "this or having this" in order to actually do it. Never mind that the people they fucked outta the hiring process could do the job if they did get hired. Then you also got this "college is a for profit business" So it works out better for colleges if all jobs end up requiring a "degree" in order to get hired. Even if the job itself don't need it.

Take my job for instance: I do a lot of labor work, not a desk driver. I'm up doing shit. It don't require a college degree at all. (and I don't got one either) yet my job title under the requirements lists "bachelors degree" as a must have. So you tell me.

>work in junior position
>can hold it well, but I'm very dumb and hardly make any improvements past basic code monkey skills
>soon I'll be 30-40 and I'll have the skills of a 20 years old
>nobody will hire me because they can go for younger ones instead

I'm gonna become obsolete real fast, and this shit scares me.

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What skills do you have? Im in the early 20s wondering if I have skills of a 15 yo

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>entry level

you dun goofed your story faggot.


Isn't the second literally just a for loop over the array and only holding onto the smallest number?

Problem is HR happened and to make themselves "useful" they have set up these hiring protocols who are full retarded.
They are the scourge of the industry and should be shot on sight.

If your industry is over-saturated depends it is in my country for a time.
But they always somewhere where it is un-saturated like fuck like in some cities in Berlin, Japan, Malaysia with very good wages compared to living costs.

You can reach mastery in 2 years if you actually make an effort.

Started going in this industry since i was 33 started studying since i was 28.
Now i know 5 programming languages and 6 script shit.
For back-end web stuff.

And now going into embedded shit micro controller/processor.
Which pays really nice.

Just don't be lazy and keep trying and learning which you will do all your life as a programmer any way.