Hacking Twitter account

Looking into hacking into this libtardz account and deleting everything on it. Anyone know how to do it?

Attached: twitterrecover_pk_v2.png (2978x1979, 1.12M)

Ask him for the password

Give it back Jamal

Ask him for the password

Ask Jamal for his cock

Do the needful Faruk

You don't.

Jow Forums is 18+

Jow Forums is 18+

Ask for the password..... or become a KGB spy and get a job a tweeter and then get into the computers and take the password.....

Attached: incogmode.jpg (625x350, 14K)

99.999999% of what nontech people call """hacking""" is just fooling the other party in to giving them the password, or you just getting lucky and guessing it.
I'm not liberal but man, stop with the cringy shit yourself.

>hedging like a cuck even online

You dont even need to hack it. Just go through the fags tweets until you come acrose him tellintg someone to die. Report it and their account gets banned.

Install gentoo.

Jow Forums is 18+

get lost, underage moron

Basically this. It can be something more innocuous too. Basically anything that seems like it could be an injsult is target for this.

Delete his system 32

Try to guess password
Get the user locked out
kys op

You might need to code up a GUI interface for the nmap port scanner and do a reverse proxy into his PC. Are you prepared for this? You are getting into some serious stuff here. Likely you will need to crack a kernel exploit to spoof his IP while you rainbow-hash his password.

I know this is satire , but I can't help to physically recoil anyway.

Only works if your pfp is of a tranny and you gay and all the other shit.

Attached: thisisbait.png (625x626, 66K)

What would it bring to us? World-peace?
Do not answer, i know shitty guys like you.

take a look at their apis and learn to brute force you absolute child

Attached: grog.jpg (800x450, 41K)