Linux minimal

I installed linux void without a GUI and I can't even shut down the computer.

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install gentoo

systemctl poweroff
Oh wait...

sudo poweroff

shutdown 0

>incorrect time
Ur in trouble, user.

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Dumb kot poster.

Attached: BBB.png (446x473, 289K)

init 0

shutdown -h now
as root, -r for rebooting


>boot TTY after install
>forgot password
>can't turn off my machine

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what is linux?

Attached: 6b7fbf870e78ee98fd60db37fe5379bd.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

You guys are good even at worst linux distros, I'm very happy for you.
But fuck linux.

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Is that his lunch?

>>can't turn off my machine
Press the power button and let ACPI Jesus take the wheel.


shutdown now

Install pupperlinux

1) switch to root
2) enter the following command
shutdown -h now

A kernel

>shutdown now
have sex.

login in as root and run "shutdown -h now"

Press the power button?

I think ducks are pretty big and intelligent to be cat's food.
Rabbits also get along or scare cats even though they are pretty retarded

I guess in this instance it looks like a kitten with a duckling. Wouldn't surprise me if a full sized cat eats ducklings though.