Separating partitions

Do you guys use one single partition, or split home and root?

Attached: 2.png (512x512, 25K)

A /home partition is how I save my stuff from when I install a new distro

i for one always split partitions
home root boot swap and if enough ram then tmp on a ramdisk

everything is on one partition but most directories under $HOME is symlinked from my storage partition.

/ btrfs
/home ext4

Attached: tumbleweed.png (596x366, 9K)

I should increase the root partition sometime soon
/dev/sda2 20G 17G 1.6G 92% /
/dev/sda3 214G 129G 75G 64% /home
/dev/sda1 188M 91M 97M 49% /boot

I'm planning to re-install my distro, should I bother separate my partitions or just go with a single one ? (personal files will mostly be music, that aside others file will be coding files)

splitting home and root means only ever needing to set up home once

>what are BTRFS subvolumes and snapshots

>BTRFS subvolumes and snapshots
I've been Windows' slave my whole life

what i do is, i have a huge storage partition and a 25x1024m in size linux install parition. everything valuable is on the storage partition and symlinked to the linux install partition. i did this ages ago when i didn't know you could have stuff separate but it works. it's also good if you're imaging your system to save its state via clonezilla or something since you don't have to go through the pain of removing your cache files since it takes space as well but then you have to relogin to every service on your browser etc.

Go for a separate partition for home to go safe from now on. 20, maybe 30 gigs max for your root and the rest for home (not counting boot of course).

Thanks, seems spliting partitions prove handy when you store lots of personal files. I'm installing on a laptop, which will only be used for school, I still have another computer.

Seperate /boot, /boot/efi and /var/home

on desktop I use 2 separate physical drives, one for / and /boot and one for /home
on laptop I only have one partition since when I reinstall I'd rather everything cleaned up and I don't want to have to worry about correctly splitting the drive at the right ratio. I keep everything important backed up anyways.

I thought they were split by default

obviously at the very least a separate home partition, if you aren't retarded you would know why it's useful

boot, swap, root on ssd
home on hdd

your partition scheme depends on how you do backups, what filesystem and distro you want to use, etc
I use opensuse tumbleweed that has support for snapshots so root is btrfs but my home and files are ext4 (do not use btrfs for your home/personal files), that comes with the additional planning of not making / (root) full because you made it too small
if im using fedora or ubuntu i always go full ext4 in a single partition
but i always use lvm+encryption
do whatever makes sense for you
(im leaving boot/efi/swap/etc out of the picture because its irrelevant)

Yup, I already have a boot partition since I was on Windows and want to dualboot

Yeah I know, for recovery purposes

I remember an idiot in a gentoo thread who didn't know how to separate home from root and he kept arguing how it didn't matter and that you could do the same with a single partition.
Probably remorse of being retarded and having his only partition filled

How the link between those partitions will be established? Any drawback about permissions?


just make sure to use a decent soldering station like hakko and you'll be fine


nigger tux


What do you mean? Just mount everything (fstab) at the right location with proper permissions and it will be seamless.

Got it, thanks

btrfs with root subvol not mounted
root subvolume
var subvolume
subvolume for each user home
usr, opt and boot subvolumes, read-only
swapfile subvolume
each with appropriate automated snapshot schedule

Only 2:
> f2fs /
> FAT32 /boot

This is really necessary in 2019? I already have 16 GB 6 years ago and never create a swap part in that PC.

[homo@ymir ~]$ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk |-sda1 8:1 0 1G 0 part /boot `-sda2 8:2 0 464.8G 0 part |-centos-root 253:0 0 50G 0 lvm / |-centos-swap 253:1 0 7.8G 0 lvm [SWAP] `-centos-home 253:2 0 407G 0 lvm /home
idk whatever the installer suggested.
I don't really save anything either, I just go to twitch and Jow Forums anyway

yeah, you can never know when an outage will take shit down, best to keep your backups periodically and image your system if possible to avoid reinstalls.

I just went with a single btrfs partition on TW. That way I don't have to worry about snapshots hogging space from / while there still is plenty of room on /home

wouldnt a snapshot rollback your personal files too?

By default it's configured so that it won't snapshot your home (same as some other subvolumes IIRC).

Only /boot is on a FAT partition because EFI, everything else is on a plain ext4. swap is dynamically managed with systemd-swapd (file).

It's always one for the system, one for me

What even happens when you try to hibernate without swap? I imagine it would just fail. Other than that, modern systems try to make lots of predictive or preemptive allocations, not all of which actually get used, but all of which do need to be usable if need be. In theory, the more virtual memory you have, the more of these allocations can happen and the better your performance. Of course, at some point, there's a cap and a point of diminishing returns, but what I'm saying is that while having no swap works, it's not ideal.

I would at the very least separate partitions not writable by human users from home so that accidentally writing a lot in userspace (haywire script, program bug, unruly browser, etc.) doesn't render the system unbootable or even corrupt. Beyond that, the more locally-placed separate partitions you have in your FS hierarchy, the less likely you are to run into related problems.

Alright, thanks for your helps guys. Guess I'll seperate the partitions as recommended. Will 30gb enough for the root?

20 is tight on arch, 30 should be good unless you use a bloated distro

Thanks mate. I'll be on the safe side and maybe put 50gb to be sure. I will still have 350gb left.

I have separate partitions for /, /boot, /home, /tmp, and swap

Linux SSD:
512 MB /boot
7.9 GB swap
159.3 GB /

Windows SSD:
499 MB Windows recovery environment
100 MB EFI System
16 MB Microsoft Reserved
465.2 GB NTFS Windows Partition

Storage HDD
128 MB Debian fucked up this partition
1.8 TB NTFS /media/username/Storage