/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: 1562955569411.png (306x306, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:


green is my peepee

new bread bump

is ubuntu hated as an OS or is it a good OS indeed?

Are you from the land down under?

LISTEN 0 0 *:22 *:*
It doesn't look like it is blocked on your system. It must be blocked somewhere else on your route.

GIMP is my penis

Install guix

It's going downhill with Ubuntu since 12.04, sadly.

you think those cheeky russians are playing me like a damn fiddle?

How can I quickly list all devices in my network?

read the manual for it

Great OS, just pick the variant that offers the desktop you like. If I was to pick GNOME I'd probably go Pop! OS since it features a nicer theme and newer drivers. I like MATE though so I'm on Ubuntu MATE. Super comfy.

Problem with it is, fast scan doesn't find all devices, slow scan takes ages.

Damn, scratch that. I'm retarded.
It looks like it is only listening on IP6
LISTEN 0 0 :::21 :::*
Check your configs.

It's the only distro I know that cones with telemetry.

Does "arp -a" do anything?

thanks user, will report back if I manage to fix it

Do I need intel microcode? I'm using an amd processor, ryzen 7 2700 specifically

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-12_14-46-58.png (790x364, 19K)

printf 'Your 10 most boring files:\n%s\n' "$(find . -mtime +30 | tail | tac | cat | tac | cat | tac | cat)" | cowsay -n

If you want to upgrade to the latest botnet, yes.

You don't need it to use your computer, but it's good to have it for security reasons and bad to have for security reasons. Flip a coin.

the only thing you changed is what ports are scanned (rtfm)
if you only want a list of active hosts then you can disable port scanning completely
you may want to use something like this:
nmap -sn -oG -
alternatively if you have firewalled devices which don't respond to ping, listening for ARP packets would work. you could also look at dhcp leases / dyndns registrations depending on your infrastructure.

why would you need intel when you have amd, wtf


Can less remember the last cursor position?

It clearly says 'processor microcode' in the description user.

>| tac | cat | tac | cat | tac | cat
This is just silly

I know. I was legit asking, because I do not know why it would be required otherwise.

Canonical put spyware that reported activity to Amazon in one of their older versions. They've since removed it, but that's where their lodestar led them. Shits EZ AF, but so are the distros based off of it, which have a decent chance of having Canonical's BS stripped out before it makes its way to your system.

To branch off of this point. I've been screwing around with linux mint for a bit and I'm thinking about switching over to debian. Using an OS based on an OS based on debain seems kinda weird when I could just use debian. I'm curious how much of a pain in the ass I should expect compared to the plug-n-play™ linux distros I'm used to. Tips on how to get something out of debian I can't get from Mint would be welcome too.

Attached: TheManTheCoastGuardNeeds.jpg (720x826, 69K)

It's called hacking.

Is there a rootless option to mount samba shares to android so much so that applications(files,gallery,google photos) can see the folder as a local drive and access the files from it.

alright, i changed the conf to listen on ip4 instead of ip6 (even though the file said enabling ip6 should cover both)
State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port
Cannot open netlink socket: Protocol not supported
LISTEN 0 0 *:443 *:*
LISTEN 0 0 *:111 *:*
LISTEN 0 0 *:21 *:*
LISTEN 0 0 *:22 *:*
LISTEN 0 0 :::22 :::*
same issue tho :c

Now it's an iptables issue.
Read this:

What are you talking bout , what telemetry

>even though the file said enabling ip6 should cover both
Honestly then; iptables may have been the issue originally. You will have to forgive me, I don't know IP6 and go out of my way to not have it on my network.

>what telemetry
user is probably referring to ubuntu-report.

it wasn't spyware, it was just a search with just one click to disable

yet not telemetry at all

>yet not telemetry at all

What distro is your favorite and why?

Attached: the_big_question.png (295x221, 93K)

think with your head instead of reading stupid clickbait blogs

ubuntu 'cause..

Arch because the packages are fresh (sometimes a bit too fresh) and it has AUR.

yua can actually get shit done whith it, and it's rock solid

Is this book still good to get at ease with Linux?
What other books would you recommend to do cool shit on Linux?

Attached: The-Unix-Programming-Environment.jpg (1130x1467, 143K)

Great distro for cloud if you bootstrap it via debootstrap or like
Bad distro if you want desktop, spies n shit.
If you can debootstrap a desktop of ubuntu would be amazing, but dpkg recommends kills the value quickly.
Now that buster is out go with that till it's kernel is too decrepit.

It's reality, user. It was all over about a year ago. Here is another one (out of hundreds):
That's probably just clickbait though too, right?

You could always try LMDE, its based off debian instead of ubuntu, with the same mint tools.

>it wasn't spyware
>describes spyware
You know it searched everything, even internet histroy, which means it cookied everything, which means it reported everything, you web history included, in it's telemetry. I know, I dumped those packets to be sure I couldn't keep using that function. Then I found dmenu

i really doubt it since non-root means fuse which i don't think exists on any stock roms.
i rate synchronize ultimate and solid explorer though - maybe check them out if you're not able to gain root or unlock your bootloader.

what's up with this story that ubuntu spies, are we living in idiocracy era already?

Yes and No.
It's great if you are already into the Unix environment and want a bit of backstory on why some things are done the way they are, but for the most part stuff has moved to a "higher level" as it were. This is a must if you intend to actually write C application code but if you're writing scripts to python tools can be missed without academic harm.

do you understand that you can opt out, it's not mandatory

So? It's still telemetry by definition.

You're confused. It's not botnet if it's opt-in. It's totally spyware if it's enabled by default, even if there is a opt-out option.

Inbuilt search function, it was removed, but it searched *everything* on the system, even your browser history, and then used the cookied information to recommend you amazon products. The problem was the system was in place for the longest time before anyone outside of Canonical or Amazon actually really read the code so it sorta flew past people untill they actually noticed amazon recommendations being creepy and browsing history in their search bar. Really it was the communities fault for blindly trusting shills, I mean use and abuse their software but don't be offended when they swindle you out of data for no money.

I don't think I plan to write C code, do you have any other recommendations for Linux? I'm planning to learn a bit more bash.

Why did you have to write this? Like honestly what the fuck is wrong with people.

i remember a "turn off" option for that, was it just a fake?

its cool, user, i appreciate the help all the same
i added the rules but still no dice, contemplating suicide atm

>When you enter a search term into the dash Ubuntu will search your Ubuntu computer and will record the search terms locally. Unless you have opted out (see the “Online Search” section below), we will also send your keystrokes as a search term to productsearch.ubuntu.com and selected third parties so that we may complement your search results with online search results from such third parties including: Facebook, Twitter, BBC and Amazon. Canonical and these selected third parties will collect your search terms and use them to provide you with search results while using Ubuntu.

cron and systemd timers is a good place to start if you want to do linuxy stuff, bash scripting is far too much "heavy lifting" for doing cool stuff from cold start. It would waste your time on boring stuff and make you hate linux, look for easy outs like cron, anacron, systemd timers, init scripting and even break virtual machines. Actually writing the systemd timers to scrub a disk, umount a drive after a certain period of time online (simulating bedtime?) things like this will give you better drive to learn.


thank you for letting us live under a comfy win10 monopoly spreading FUD about ubuntu aand or linux in general

It doesn't matter if it was fake, "on by default with option to turn off", is unacceptable spyware.

Bro shut the fuck up.
Ubuntu spied on people, stole their data.
We were trying to be nice with terms like telemetry and opt-out but that's the truth. You can blame canonical but fuck you, Ubuntu stole my data and sold it to amazon you cunt.

Canonical and Microsoft are in partnership. Guess who made the WSL.
Linux is as well. Guess who shills the WSL.

What are you using to test the connection?

Well, when it comes to Ubutu...
>What do we do with your personal data
>"To market our products or services to you."
That's not FUD, that's Ubuntu's own words.

as for "linux in general", this is my website:
tell me, am I really spreading "fud" about "linux in general" or do I simply lay out what the options are so people can decide for themselves? if a distro's spyware it's spyware and I'll state that it is here and elsewhere. and your "comfy win10" bullshit, I've never recommended it and I never will.

Yes, unless you opt out, if you don't want it opt out is it so hard?

In 2017 google put out a "Android Samba Client" app which provided this functionality without root. They no longer offer this app though,atleast that i could find. It did exactly as i wanted, exposing a smb share to the files/gallary framework. So it has to be possible

The issue isnt getting the files, i have sftp for that. What i need is a way to expose the files to the default framework so i can take advantage of the google drive unlimited support for the phone i have. Currently i have to transfer to the phone then upload, which is limited by the ssd size. If i could get that folder exposed i could directly upload from the share on to google drive

I cannot root/unlock my phone as it breaks a few apps i need for work and banking apps, and the developer of magisk is incompetent and refuses to look in to any bug reports regarding the hide feature while still promoting his app mainly for the hide feature.

open source was a mistake
the basar ruined the cathedral

microsoft made wsl, do you know what it is?

is this a meme or should I actually read this

Yes, if you do not understand the concept of making me do something to not have my data stolen as default is still high crime then you are simply a shill.

Attached: 1562964731092.png (720x1117, 185K)

Its a meme, RMSes writing is almost all philosophical. Not bad philosophy and therefore some of the best in all of computer science, but definitely not good philosophy to read.

i tried that telnet thing in the link you sent, aswell as typing "ftp://mydomain.com" into a browser, but both failed. telnet did manage to connect on port 22 (ssh) though, so the problem does appear to be with the port

>Ubuntu userland
>Ubuntu bash
>Linux command-line tools

Attached: 1537819850810.png (480x320, 360K)

"It defaults to GNOME but you do not have to use stinky foot desktop."

totally unbiased blog sure, you were right i was wrong

Must read if you want the complete redpill.

You tried the netcat test too?
I'm at a loss then, user. We're both missing something, or it's being blocked somewhere else on your route.

im convinced the vps provider is blocking it and they arent telling me

But I like philosophy...
alternatively I might prefer spending my time learning more Linux stuff but a little detour cannot hurt right.

The best way to consume RMS is visiting his speeches (or steaming one, OP copypasta contains a list).

It's not good philosophy and I wouldn't recommend it.
If you want a book that does a better job at social tech cathedral and bazaar is a meme for an actual reason beyond being just a meme.

and this is bad because..?

Guess I'm going back to bash.

Didn't windows say they were going include the entire Linux kernel in the new releases of WSL?

If you're so clever, then tell me how to CTRL-C this:
for i in {1..254}; do ping -c 2 -w 1 "192.168.1.${i}"; done

Yes. WSL2 will contain Linux and run in a VM instead of NT.

no you are right, still ubuntu is much better than win on the spy side and that ubuntu feature is long gone

>ssh, hey slave, wanna try our free-man simulator?

When I moved from Windows to GNU/Linux I started to learn new things. I can't believe I didn't know about things like pipes. The command prompt was too boring for me. I got a laptop with Endless OS and it was really nice. I'm using GNU/Linux for over a year and I learned about so much stuff that isn't in Windows. The problem is that WIndows users think this is boring and nerdy. Is WIndows for cavemen?

There's now opt-out telemetry. Opt-out is bad practice for a reason; people will assume it's safe, because it's default and keep it enabled (look up Default Effect, Psychology).
Funny enough is that even if you opt-out, it still calls home and you have to unironically block metrics.ubuntu.com in order to make it stop. I think a button "don't send anything" shouldn't send anything.

(trap 'exit 1' INT TERM; for i in {1..254}; do ping -c 2 -w 1 "192.168.1.${i}"; done)

ok i have a new pc i can install windo10, or ubuntu, or have the installer crash on boot wit xy linux, what would do suggest to do

Is it possible to setup a git repo on a USB drive? Any guides for how do I do it?

Not really, I haven't used windows in YEARS but the greatest thing I have ever experienced was finding out they had mixed dos like COM and piping into a scriptable shell. Go get powershell if you haven't it's amazing, if a bit pozzed.