If you could erase one of these two companies from existence, which one would you pick and why?

if you could erase one of these two companies from existence, which one would you pick and why?

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google represents more control over the internet

I like facebook because all the normies that tried to force me to make a facebook account now hate it and still use it all the time

google no question. Facebook is still shit and should be eliminated.

facebook because i dont like zucc

I'd go facebook.

I know google is muh botnet or whatever but way more people depend on google related things on a daily basis than facebook could ever dream of.

If everything google stopped existing right now the tomorrow would the world would be at a stand still.

Facebook on the other hand, nothing much would be different at all, except the world would be better.

Facebook owns whatsapp, instagram, and a ton of other social media, so without a doubt they should go.

>If everything google stopped existing right now the tomorrow would the world would be at a stand still.
Yes, Google has amassed extraodinarily vast amounts of global power. I don't see how you can see this as anything other than an issue that needs to be immediately and forcibly addressed.

One lets you talk to people you should have let go, and one gives you answers to questions you don't actually need. Really tough choice. On one hand, young social media users get to practice a societal persona before showing it to the real world; on the other, search engines can provide tools for legit change.

I'd have to say Google. Get rid of the instant gratification of information.


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Really tough question but I'd pick Google. Facebook will destroy itself given time. FB, Amazon and others will try to fill the void left by Google, but I don't think FB will be able to compete and that'll just signal their eventual downfall as well.
Googlezon (youtube.com/watch?v=AT9ho2G0N_Y) might be just as bad as the original Google was. Hopefully people seize the opportunity and popularized FLOSS alternatives.

Alphabet, Google's parent company, with google and it's a done deal.

Facebook is already on the way out.

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gaygle of course
ideally alphabet as a whole like said


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Facebook. At least Google actually builds things. What does Facebook even do?

normies are corralled there, it is like a containment board. They are beyond salvation now, orkut is gone, long live orkut. Something else shall take it's place

evil and useful
evil and useless

what other answer is there

The only good thing about facebook is its marketplace.

Facebook represents more control over people

Well, see, the problem is, th eissue's become too big to be addressed. If we address it at this point, the cost in human life will be so great that it's better to just leave it be.

Neither. Get fucked

Google accelerates human progress and brings us closer to the singularity. Facebook only increases idle time on a massive scale. Between the two companies, both evil, Facebook is worse.

definitely facebook. theyre much more restrictive

delete google

facebook, because google is about to be trustbusted anyways.

holy shit what a fucking bad take

social media is pure cancer

With google destroyed, Facebook would just become the internet.
With facebook destroyed, normies might actually leave the internet again and let autists reign in Google themselves.

So, Facebook.

>google drones defending it so hard

retards, all of you


Google. Social media mostly stays on its own waters while google spreads cancer everywhere with tracking, ads, captcha

facebook, easily.

>you now remember old comfy de-googled YouTube

>Social media mostly stays on its own waters
are you fucking retarded? this may be the dumbest shit i've ever read on this board.

please explain. Other than a few like buttons and "login with facebook" I didn't see much social media related stuff on other sites

Google solely because it's bigger thus worse; invariant of scale they're equally malign.

social media is by far the biggest cancer in modern society.
if you can't realize that, you've been fully assimilated into cuck culture.


it is cancer but you can easily opt out of it. Opting out of captcha or google ads or tracking is not as easy as not opening a site

what did he mean by this?

they track you too user

how would they? they can only do that through like button or login with facebook button. i don't see either of those on even 1% of the sites i see google cancer on

I would pick Facebook:

I acknowledge that Google is vastly more evil from a Tech. perspective but I have two reasons for picking FB

a) Google's power vaccum would no doubt be filled by Apple, Facebook, Microsoft.
b) Socially Facebook is more powerful, destroying it means wiping out Instagram, Tinder, WhatsApp etc.
Which is far more impactful and useful.

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>human life
I'm not so sure about that

Google has a lot of control over the internet but Facebook is a fucking plague. They monetize building echo chambers around people and while Google does similar, they are magnitudes ahead. Google is at least useful. Facebook is just monetizing the corruption of society.

Google because Facebook is dead anyway

Mostly this. Google is the more sinister entity but Facebook's influence among the general populace is much greater. I can take measures to prevent Google from collecting my data and I can find alternatives for their services; I can't do anything to help my brainwashed friends and relatives who insist on sharing conspiracy theories and boomer memes on social media.

Google. Facebook is a dying platform, and Google runs a monopoly over web standards.

Easy answer - Google.
Why? Because Facebook is already dying. More and more people are coming to understand the dangers of social media, people don't like zuck, they're haemorrhaging users, even normies now are saying things like instagram are better. In the next ten years or so Google will probably buy them out.
Google, or to be more accurate Alphabet, are everywhere. Facebook is easy to avoid - just don't have an account. Avoiding google is really hard though. They're totally integrated into Android, youtube has no viable alternative and they go from strength to strength, and worst of all the normies are clueless. Their manipulation is on a much higher level, they're already conspiring to use their influence global politics (project veritas), it's terrifying how ubiquitous they've become.

I use Google products way more than I should, but I lose nothing of value if Google goes bye-bye.
I don't have a Facebook account.
Google into dust it is.


>delete google
>huge power vacuum
>facebook fills it
>world is now a slightly worse place

>even normies now are saying things like instagram are better.
Facebook does own instagram at this point. It's the hydra of the internet.

google, they are cancer

google is more powerful
i would nuke google

GOOGLE IS GREAT. Why so much antagonism for a company that provides free goodies? What the fuck are you hiding?

Google does some bad things but also some good things. Facebook though, there's literally no reason for it to exist, let alone be this big.

kill one, two more take their place

Having worked at both of them, I can easily say that both are bad for humanity, but Google is considerably more evil at the moment. When you're the first place everyone on earth turns to for information, manipulating search results to socially engineer users according to a political ideology is a direct threat to everything that depends on having access to accurate information.

More competition is good

definitely facebook, they manipulate people, they steal people's personal information and sell it.

plus zuckerburg is a douchebag full of diarrhea

this, it's amazing how stupid they are. Glad they have containment sites.

>implying google doesn't do that at a much larger scale

google, there's too much cute and funny pictures on instagram

This is the right answer, and perfectly worded to boot. Kudos.

Google exerts exponentially higher global control within the infrastructure of the internet, it would be more logical to erase them if you're concerned about that, then deal with Facebook. However, Facebook has more immediate social control.

facebook seems really incompetent, like a joke villain
google are a powerful jews that have all the strings in their hand

Facebook only controls sheep, who are already easily controlled. Google is far more powerful.

I thought Google+ was defunct

facebook, fake libtard news. If facebook disappears then the libtards are forced to watch real news like breitbart and fox.

Google, easily.

Boomers aren't people

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Well said
It is - they gave the useds an amnesty period of sorts to back up their data.

The only person I ever knew who used it I met in a web dev. class in HS, she was diagnosed aspie/ dedicated RPer.

Facebook is dying.
Google will shamble along for a few decades yet.


Add Apple to the list and it’s perfect.

Google because of recaptcha and monopoly

Facebook because i don't use it so i don't give a fuck and it's being the epicenter of degeneracy


>when user takes apple memes too seriously
i bet you unironically use gentoo


google. no question. because
Google has a near-monopoly on advertising, solidified by basically buying out the competition. Look at all the websites using Adsense. Think all the medium/small sites using it will write too many bad things about Google's censorship knowing full well that they will lose their revenue? No. And there's something else only those of us who have a smaller site with Adsense knows: Remove Adsense and Google will immediately berry you in their search results. You'd think that behavior would be in conflict with say Anti-Trust laws but it's apparently fine. Google controlling which sites people find and the advertisement on the majority of sites is a problem.

absolutely not facebook because
I know people who use Facebook care about this company for some reason, perhaps they are addicted or who knows. I don't use it so I absolutely don't care what they do with their platform. It doesn't impact the _rest_ of the Internet. Facebook could close tomorrow and I wouldn't notice. FB is limited to just a hand-full of sites (fb/instagram/?). Google's a very different all-encompassing beast.

Google so moot becomes a NEET and gets back to us.

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I'm a bit crossed. I sympaythize with these anons
as well as these anons
either or, the world will be a better place, but getting rid of google would shake the world up quite a bit. I guess facebook does still have it's swan song (instagram) and might clamber on a bit too long for comfort, so I'd say get rid of facebook

as much as i hate google but cant live w/o their products but i van do well without fecesbook

>muh too big to fail

Spotted the kike

No, since google controls the internet now they also control facebook. Alphabet is the worst threat to civilization since grain-based diets.