How can I access someone else's google drive or phone gallery? No I don't want nudes, fuck off

How can I access someone else's google drive or phone gallery? No I don't want nudes, fuck off.
My job depends on a picture of a now "missing" file and I know this person has a picture of it either on google cloud or his/her gallery (I couldn't discern them, I saw it accidentally).

As I said, my job depends on this, any info will be appreciated.
inb4: muh hax creep

Attached: 1540848467098.jpg (441x441, 26K)

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this guy will help you

I don't know if it is legit or not (haven't clicked yet)
If it is, thank you very much

i can ensure you that it is legit

Not another fucking pajeet, jfc

Start by following this guide:

give it back jamal

Huh, that's not what I'm looking for but I do have intentions of running gentoo

Kwame, just give it back.

Just ask them.

This person is actively omitting this document because they know without it I'm getting fired.

Send a PM to this guy :

get fucked retard

Sounds like you might deserve it then. Don't be such a retarded prick next time.

If you work in an office, the obvious thing to do would be to login to their PC when they're not there. Although, how sure are you that this person is 'omitting' a document from you?

I am the chillest guy in the entire building.
I don't fuck with people, I just live my own life.
And YET people try to fuck me over.
I'm not trying to dig into a gallery for some revenge porn, I just want to keep my job despite this jealous person setting me up.
I do everything in my power to not be a prick when I'm around people.

I can't get into detail, but he physically stole a VERY important file off my desk when I went to use the bathroom. I am sure it was him because and even though I never even talked to him I've seen a picture of the file on his phone (some hours after it went missing) for a split second. And yes, the file is quite distinct, if it wasn't I'd just shrug it off as just a random picture. I believe someone want's my current position in the industry, it may not be him, but he does have a picture of the file, that's all I need atm (won't go in detail on this).

I'd also like to point out, I pull none of that r/niceguy bullshit. I genuinely try my best to make other people comfortable.

Ah yes the I'm the perfect and the world is against me meme

Ice em before they ice you.

Tell your boss the file was stolen and to check security tapes for evidence. If you say that there's magically no way to even partially gather up any evidence of stealing in your office, you're 100% guaranteed to be a lying pajeet skiddie trying to get Jow Forums to hack into the account of a white girl who tries her best to hide her disgust when your curry-spiced fecal matter scent wafts by.

Alright, this is getting on my nerves. No, you moron, one or two people are against me because they want my job. What an absolute buffoon.

I did not want to resort to this, but if it is the only way, I will do it. Guess it goes like the user above said: "Ice them before they ice you."

Doesn't change the fact that just getting the picture would give me the info I need to make another file without fucking this guy's job.