/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

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$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
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Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Daily reminder that fish is the only /fglt/ approved shell

first for install Guix, Nix

let's be a bit realistic, bash is the only relevant shell in the year 2019

Bash is never gonna go away, is it?
It's going to be *the* ubiquitous shell for ever and ever. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Soon Gash (Guile Scheme shell) will be the only relevant shell
You heard it here first folks. Screencap this post.

GNU software is the best.


Fish is the best shell for interactive use.
Bash is the only relevant shell for scripting.
Something smaller like (d)ash would be fine except for the fact that too many morons write their scripts to be compatible with bash instead of sh.
Fish will never catch on for common interactive use because most people can't comprehend the idea of using different shells for different purposes.

Trying out steamplay with DXVK and Proton and all that shit for the first time today. Wish me luck frens.

At this point, they should turn EMACS into an operating system, where everything is done via EMACS.

Don't talk to me offliner.

I don't even exist in your sphere of normalfag concerns. I'm better than you.
Go cry about it on your social media profile. Don't bother responding because I'll be ignoring you now.

>download a text editor
>100+ mb




>download a text editor
>when you open the program you cant actually edit text without pressing 2 buttons or more

go back to your Apple Store

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how about they extend bash to function like the newly announced windows shell, allow interactive content, tabs and lets me run different sub-distros?

no icecat in debian?

Because that's retarded.
We've had terminals with tabs since the dawn of time though.

but bash has no tabs
or what's the trick?

>>Something smaller like (d)ash would be fine except for the fact that too many morons write their scripts to be compatible with bash instead of sh.
so bash added features to the POSIX shell, and people.... found them useful and used them?

Why, the nerve of those people! How dare they!

Bash is not a terminal, it's a shell.
You run bash inside a terminal emulator program. I'm not familiar with WSL but my guess is they're also running bash inside a win terminal emulator.

The closest thing there is to having tabs inside your shell is running something like tmux or screen. But that's very different from what you're talking about I'm sure.

Honestly emacs is nothing but a textual interface for Elisp, with some pre-programmed functionality for a text editor. The whole "emacs is an os" meme is way over exaggerated.

ah yeah

what Terminal is everyone here using?
I'm not really happy with the gnome terminal anyway

I'm using Konsole on my work pc because of the themes, and font ligatures

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Ligatures were a mistake.

I have an Arch install without a DE yet, and I need to quickly edit some project con Pascal. Is it easy to achieve this? Do I need to look for a Pascal compiler on the AUR?

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So was your birth, yet here we are.

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Bash is the industry standard. I do play with mksh because muh minimalism but is no Bash.



>mksh because muh minimalism
Why not dash?

Didnt knew there was a shell based on Guile. It was inevitable I guess.

>not using zsh, the superior shell

Attached: Screenshot at 2019-07-13 16-29-43.png (700x491, 237K)

Dash is a non-login shell, not for all uses.

Most people use urxvt (rxvt-unicode) I think.

Thank you kind user, I don't know how I wasn't able to find that.
Now I only need to learn a way to open and save .pas files. Hope I make it.
Thank you.

why shouldn't I use sabayon?


Isn't Bash more bloated than Zsh?
Pls no bully if I've got it completely backwards, I don't actually know anything.

urxvt is old news, I thought all the cool kids were using their own custom build of st (simple terminal from suckless) nowadays

No, even if the code base is slightly larger, while Bash has more features zsh doesnt. So why all the bloat?

I'm trying to make a bash script that will automatically encode flac to mp3 V0 or 320 given the option.
[name@name]$: script V0/320

Something like that. I don't know shit about scripting. I already know how to do the encoding, but I'm not sure how to add an option like V0 or 320.

I can't get the delete, home, and end keys to function properly in all applications for the life of me.
If I could I might use it.
>inb4 someone who'e detele, home, and end keys in st also aren't functioning properly calls me a n00b

Should take you 30 seconds to google it and find your answer.
If you're really that new to programming at all I'll give you a hint: if-statements. Command line args are just $1, $2, etc

Dont use oh-my-zsh
Just enable the same features by filling out your .zshrc.
Fuzzy completion out of the box and a better selection menu out of the box, makes zsh decades ahead of bash in every way.

It's pretty interesting actually.

They're going to be using it very soon in Guix to "bootstrap" bash.
They're also building scheme versions of coreutils commands

Fucking hell, is happening.

Bash completion is better. Try it.

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>Try it.
>press tab
>arbitrary menu shows up
>press tab again
>nothing happens
>press tab yet again
>nothing happens
>have to use arrow keys to move around


I was told qutebrowser was bad so I am looking for similar browsers. Or any good minimal browser for that matter.

Do people really see bauty in programming languages?
I can appreciate efficiency, or ease of use... but beauty?

Sounds like you need Lisp in your life

I don't see ugliness either and I've been forced to use some generally accepted ugly languages, as C or smalltalk. So what's the deal?

Is the same driving force behind people saying mathematics is beauty. They see the flow between equations, programs in the case of Lisp. How everything fits, is orderly and integrates, while the logic and syntax of the language makes sense.

You'll see through its use.

how true is this?

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Thanks for the hints. The script works just as intended.


He erroneously refers to GNU/Linux as Linux.

how is C ugly

in my opinion only really dumb coding conventions make C ugly
all that _____var_name___ bullshittery and so on

Scala syntax on the other hand gave me cancer on the first day

Very much so, we have lazy bait threads daily here on Jow Forums and they always end up with a spoon full

I don't know user, to me they're just languages. I like using C, but people often tell me how ugly and shit it is.

The $()'s are unnecessary.

What's the difference between a daemon and a script I run in the background from cron?

Attached: IMG_20190527_092053.jpg (768x1024, 198K)

Yeah you're right, thanks

A daemon is a program, a script is a collection of programs

Well is there a difference between a daemon and a program started from cron then?

You should make those "=" sings into doubles "==".
Also for the record the code could be made cleaner by using a single "case" statement instead of if, else. But either way works, so nothing to worry about.

A daemon runs in the background, doesnt prompt or anything. But cron can run daemons or programs that prompt or output stuff to the user.

why can't I run chromium on debian without in root and the --no-sandbox flag?

it is just a minimal debian 10 netinst on virtualbox
sudo apt-get install network-manager xorg openbox xdm pcmanfm tint2 xterm chromium chromium-sandbox --no-install-recommends
typing in "chromium" or "chromium --no-sandbox" prints
00713/16802.564975:FATAL:chrome_main_delegate.cc(444)] Check failed: process_type.empty(). Unable to get the user data directory for process type: zygote
Calling _exit(1). Core file will not be generated.
typing in "sudo chromium" prints
[2526:2526:0713/162020.804400:ERROR:zygote_host_impl_linux.cc(89)] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported.
only "sudo chromium --no-sandbox" works. it doesn't matter if i remove chromium-sandbox i still get the same errors

They're basically the same on a computer with a modern init system. Historically daemons had no parent process besides init and their stdin/out/err were detached.

Why dont you read your error message and then fix that?

I'm wondering how it's even possible to work with that shebang. AFAIK ${file%.flac} is a bash feature.

Also, case instead of if/else would make it more pretty. I'd do it like this:


case "$1" in
for file in ./*.flac; do
flac -cd "$file" | lame -b 320 - "${file%.flac}.mp3"
for file in ./*.flac; do
flac -cd "$file" | lame -V0 --vbr-new - "${file%.flac}.mp3"
for file in ./*.flac; do
flac -cd "$file" | lame -V2 --vbr-new - "${file%.flac}.mp3"

the error messages are at least 5 pages long and this thread says "Friendly GNU/Linux Thread"

>I'm wondering how it's even possible to work with that shebang.
Why? Most distros symlink sh to bash

>sudo botnet
don't do this

bash doesn't have friendly in its name so it can't be the /fglt/ approved shell. sorry buddy

I see. Just tested it. I expected bash not to run bashisms in posix mode.

Arch, which else?

What's the difference between "./*.flac" and "*.flac"?
I already made myself the script using the case statement, but thanks anyways.

./* instead of just * is for safety. It makes sure that filenames aren't interpreted as flags.

>AFAIK ${file%.flac} is a bash feature
> not calling bash through /usr/bin/env

Alright thanks
Is there a specific reason why you would call bash through /usr/bin/env instead of /bin/bash?

Lisp is "homosymbolic" (or whatever).
Everything is lists. It also makes heavy use of recursion.

One thing I find beautiful about Lisp/Scheme which is simple enough to understand and explain is that you can basically do the equivalent of stuff like this:
>callMyFunction( if ( some_global ) { return "hello"; } else { return "goodbye"; } );
The return value of the inner if-statement would be evaluated first and then passed on to act as an argument of callMyFunction(). You can really put Lisp/Scheme code together in odd combinations that you really can't do in other languages.
Of course you can always accomplish the same things in other languages, nobody ever said you couldn't. It's just a question of how its put together.
Because you have that "homosymbolic" factor you can end up writing things like the above which seem almost "inside out" compared to how other languages would do it, and it feels more flexible and expressive that way.

Python can do some similar stuff, but it's not as powerful, not as clean, and is limited to a single line.

There's even some things which are kind of "mind fucks".
Since everything is the same (homosymbolic) you can even do something like return from a function the "return" function of that function itself. But that's something I've only read about, I don't have experience with it myself.

>Lisp is homo
lispfags btfo

On my system, bash is in /bin. I don't care about macOS or BSDs. If someone doesn't have bash in his /bin, she should get a superior OS that does.

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You posted the most relevant error message in your post

actually pretty based, brb changing my habits

I'm gonna bash ur /bin m8

this is a really stupid question but does anyone know where in the file system the terminal is installed in xfce manjaro?

>Find the correct path to an executable file in Unix


screenfetch or neofetch ???

stop ricing

uname -o

fixed it, upgraded to ubuntu minimal, works perfectly

hello. I have this weird problem with time settings.
my timezone is set correct, but the time itself is set to two hours to the future.
timedatectl always prints two different options for the time, of which one is correct, but the system somehow always seems to choose the wrong option.
sudo ntpd -qg temporarily solves my problem and sets the time right, but it always goes back to the wrong time once I boot again. Anyone know of a permanent solution? (I'm using xfce if that's relevant)

timedatectl set-ntp true

install gentoo