Book Thread

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Attached: 9780131411555-480x600.jpg (429x600, 79K)

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Have to reread though.

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what is this ? A book on Xtreme programming?
Also this.

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Nah, it's about structuring program, would say something like: design in the small.

Also: formal things like formatting and stuff.

Reading this right now.
Looking for more books on organising software components.

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this book is shit but will get shill by CS fags to act like they are smart

Attached: CLRS.jpg (435x500, 33K)

It's literally a masterpiece. Learn math.

I like Tardos and Kleinberg.

Why is this shit?
If you read and implemented every algorithm in that book you will have better understanding of programming parts of system software.

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good one.
Here is another of my favourite.

Attached: 9780131103627.jpg (491x648, 59K)

Would Sedgewick's Algorithms 4e be better for a mathlet?

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Would you nerds have any recommendations on good, exhaustive guide into SQL Server?

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Hard cover


Unpopular opinion: Brian W. Kernighan is not a good writer. For me The C Reference Manual is much more readable and informative than K&R.
And for algos, there are a heap of books better than The Practice, it's still a good read though.

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Trying to use de-DRM tools

Any way to install these without Calibre? Or, is there a lightweight alternative?

Most of the way into it. Should have it done by the end of the month. Shame it didn't come with labs like the R/S exam did.

Attached: 41TqwVxGynL._SX412_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (414x500, 32K)

Attached: Taking_Care_of_myself_hygiene_puberty_personal_curriculum_for_young_people_with_autism_978-1-885477- (605x789, 251K)

Download link?

too bad that cert is becoming retired in February

CS in general is for mathlets and yes CLRS is absolute garbage only used in academia. For practical purposes Sedgewick's is good for a start

In cases where some frameworks/API's are poorly documented SO is godsend though