Using the products of a company that censors free speech, and especially free speech about the ongoing war on whites

>using the products of a company that censors free speech, and especially free speech about the ongoing war on whites

You dont do this do you Jow Forums?

Attached: Google-censorship.jpg (580x259, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You just did by not having a pass. Massive fucking retard

I do and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

Free speech? It's not a law or anything, google is merely doing with its private property that it sees fit.

everytime I post


Fuck off back to Jow Forums, little mind.

Fucking jewgle at least i dont use g(oy)mail and ditched youtube lately

No, I do not use Microsoft products.

I migrated completely to duckduckgo voat gab and bitchute. Honestly, I wish more people would give them a try because the content is much better in general.

>free speech
the use of an online platform is a privilege, not a right. some platforms, believe it or not, don't want their entire userbase to end up as much of a hateful cesspool as Jow Forums or Jow Forums.
>ongoing war on whites
even if we assume the "white genocide" conspiracy theory is true, it is entirely non-violent, natural and not at all genocide.

Googel sells your data and is bad for it. It doesn't do free/non-free speech you idiot

>not genocide
>implying that all those ads that promote race mixing is for fun

Nigga u mad?

This guy is NUTS!

That's how we train the AI bby.

based stormnigger trole

It makes me sad that, when the AI takes over, a little bit of the blame will be on myself

cooperation with the government also belongs to their policy?

(ekhem lavabit it's protip)

Only Google shit I use is YouTube, as that replaced TV for me for 13 years. Maps on very rare occasion.

Random reminder: if you can't publicly speak against minorities and incite people to take actions against them. There's no free speech.

Popular culture that still promotes drinking is infinitely more damaging than race mixing.

>>implying that all those ads that promote race mixing is for fun
>implying porn is real

>Nigga u mad?
seems like projection to me

Its impossible to not use

Have you asked yourself why you're not allowed to hear the truth about miscegenation?

>it is entirely non-violent, natural and not at all genocide.
Actually, it still falls under the definition of genocide genocide.
>c. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>d. Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Have you asked yourself why alcohol is accepted in society when it causes massive amounts of societal and economic damage?

nothing systemic is preventing white people from breeding

nowhere in the definition does it say systemic.

Being able to afford an abortion.

An alcoholic pure gened white is still way better than a mongrel

Honestly if they made alcohol illegal I would just brew my own in 5 gallon buckets.

>conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
>imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
heavily implies that these measures must be systemic in order to work
abortions apply to all races

I have many white friends with kids, no one tried to stop them from having them..

Wasn't a legitimate answer, I was just being overtly racist by implying that only white people can afford abortions.

The reality is that way way way more blacks get abortions.

Alcoholics are scum of the earth and all deserve the noose, desu

>wasn't a legitimate answer
why post it then?

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should be a right desu

anecdotal. Will be a minority by 2045.
on a whole there are many things designed to subtlety influence birthrates.

the obstruction to the border crisis is actively replacing the majority of the population with non white hispanics because they vote desirable to the people fighting so hard to get them in illegally, oppose voter ID laws, etc...

The same people who support post birth abortion, abortion without question at any time, and pride parades. homosexuality does not promote birthrates and the original reason marriage gave you a tax break was to promote birthrate. Now with gay marriage and pride parades and infinite genders it is all opposed to the classical nuclear family which produces the environment of the most successful children statistically.

A minority in that less than 50% of the population will be white, however there will be no singular majority in the country at that point, and whites will still be the largest ethnic group by far.
Also, calling the nuclear family classical is absolutely hilarious. It's something that only existed for an incredibly brief moment in history, and definitely wasn't peak TFR.

Do you have an anecdote of white couples who were prevented from having kids? Seems it isnt happening at all
>Will be a minority by 2045.
In the United States, which isnt originally a "white" place in the first place, and only based on the extremely shaky idea that american latinos arent white. In reality they are mostly-white rape-babies of the peoples who actually inhabited the americas in the first place, and the whites who invaded it..

If anyone is getting genocided it's what's left of the native americans.

We need to create our own Captcha service, to train a counter-AI that will do our bidding.

>whites will still be the largest ethnic group by far.
No hispanics are projected to overtake. white birthrate is below replacement in all white countries. If we were an animal species we would be considered a vulnerable species on the fast track to endangered species.
>calling the nuclear family classical is absolutely hilarious
Over 94 years old at this point how old does it need to be considered classical?

>In the United States, which isnt originally a "white" place in the first place
Incorrect propaganda. The United States was founded by whites for whites.
>Naturalization Act of 1790
>This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character.

In 2045, which is what we were talking about, it is predicted to be 49.7% white, 24.6% hispanic, 13.1% black, 7.9% asian, then other and multiracial taking up the rest. Even if we take the projections for 2060 whites are still the largest minority, the point where whites fall behind hispanics is further down the road than that.

Classical implies more than age, the main point is that the nuclear family only existed in some parts of the world for a few decades, with extended family households being the dominant form earlier and ones where it was simply a married couple and their kids being a rarity.

I casually say niggers aren't people to my Google Home and Phone and haven't had my account terminated so I don't know what you're talking about

You are in for a surprise once we lose voting power. Imagine being a majority shareholder in a company and no longer owning 51% shares. I'm not sure if you have seen the general anti-white sentiment but it's certainly worrisome once you understand in the near future you will be lumped in with the same "racist" group for voting or supporting for your own interests will be considered racist white supremacy.

Whites arent from the americas, they're from Europe. What you call hispanics is a mix of white people and the native americans they racemixed with by force. You literally invaded their lands and raped their women and now you're bawwing that what little is left of them are genociding you.

>Whites are one people
>Irish-Americans are at fault for what Spainards did
Not him but what the fuck?

I don't live in the US, but it would also be impossible for me to vote in my interests in the US since none of the parties represent my interests at all.

I actually have not invaded anyone's land or raped anyone, I believe that is what I am against happening right now.

Does anyone represent them? What exactly are they?

A lot of Europeans were sent to America or fled Europe because they faced religious oppression, ie they were migrants. Some bad eggs but many I'm sure were good people.

>pretending to be retarded

You cannot deny this: hispanics are from two genetic origins only. The first one is white european. The second one is native american.

The native american blood is sprung from the soil you're currently squatting on. They belong there, you do not. You're the invader. How can they be genociding you on their own ancestral soil?

Irrelevant rhetoric unless you are attempting to justify the great replacement.

>inconvenient counterfactuals to the fraudulent stormnigger narrative is "irrelevant rhetoric"


is this post even english? you have been completely derailing off topic the whole time ranting about shit that happened before the country was even founded and I asked for what purpose. It sounds like you are trying to sell a case to say we deserve to be replaced or eliminated.

I'm saying that your white genocide myth is laughable since the people who are supposedly genociding you are 1) also white, and 2) native american, meaning they actually belong there while you do not.

How long will you keep up this larp of being even more retarded than you already are?

Not that guy but who owns the land is irrelevant whether or not a group is genocided. If they are reduced to nothing they are genocided, regardless if they are migrants who supposedly don't belong or 'invaders' from some other place.

I never said hispanics are genociding anyone I said non white hispanics were replacing us which is a fact.

> I said non white hispanics were replacing us which is a fact
Non white hispanics = native americans. The jews are replacing the invaders with the people who were there in the first place. Ok.

I don't know what you are talking about I am saying that obstructing any and all solutions to the border crisis and defending illegal immigrants who are being used to actively replace us. I don't understand what that has to do with native americans or jews.

Illegal immigrants people pouring in did not build the USA, develop the law and government, or contribute to the success of the country. They have no right to disrespect our laws.

What do I care, I want working products for free.

The USA was built from exploiting those same people in their own countries. Immigration is just another step towards the ultracapitalist neoliberal utopia your leaders want.

I dont understand why you keep talking about unrelated bullshit when the subject is whether there is an ongoing genocide on whites in the United States. Please dont thread hijack, it's severely frowned upon by Jow Forums board culture.

>The USA was built from exploiting those same people in their own countries
Unbacked outrageous lie.

Legal immigration is limited and fine. Uncontrolled illegal immigration of the wrong type of people pouring in without the American spirit is punishing hardworking people and removing their voice for policy in their interests. It's not fair to us.

>literally stole rape and murdered until their ancestral lands was in your greedy hands
>"they didnt help build this country"

the eternal caucasian marches on

>genocide on whites
It's just another process of devaluation of labour force being carried out by megacorporations. There's no genocide. There's just money.
>Unbacked outrageous lie.
Pardon me?

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Today I will remind them

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every country has military and intelligence operations I don't see that as proof anyone was extorted.
poorly low quality ms paint created. white people are a global minority this is some of the worst propaganda I have ever seen.

Murder of Patrice Lumumba Exporting degenerate identitarian movement The Gulf of Tonkin incident 60 trillion dollars in private and public debt Supporting Idi Amin Dada and Ngô Đình Diệm and Suharto Operation condor Trying to steal venezuelan oil Supporting Franco and Salazar Financing Bin Laden and taliban Mossadegh 53 Brazil 64 Argentina 76 Greece 67 Haiti 15 Mexico 14 Honduras 2009 Stolen mexican lands Supporting pedophile paraguayan dictator Paying corrupt jurists and politicians in latin america War on terror Patriot act PRISM Edward Snowden Guantanamo bay CIA black site NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange Smuggling drugs from Vietnam in coffins My Lai Massacre Contras Chile 73 CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation Guatemala 54 Cuban missile crisis Bay of Pigs Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii haole invasion Okinawa rapes Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages One drop rule Lynchings and hangings of African Americans and italians Racial segregation Ostracism of german, italian and irish immigrants Concentration camps for Asian Americans Immigration act 24

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I didn't do any of that and two wrongs do not make a right. Purposely replacing natives in their homeland is wrong.

You're not a native. Simple and clear. You were born here, but you have zero connection to the lands. You're an European, first and foremost.

>white people are a global minority
Niggers are also a global minority. Why is it whites against all other ethnicities in your head? Whites east-asians and pajeets are all capable of grorious civilization and together they dwarf the other ethnicities in number.

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>You're an European, first and foremost.
Yes I am and so were the people who died founding this country and worked so hard to build it.
I am a native actually read a book.
>native: a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.

Purposely reducing and replacing people in their homelands is wrong and if left unaddressed eventually will result in inevitable genocide of a race.

no i'm not white im jewish so i don't mind using it also google its jewish so everytime i use google i feel like happy since it was made by one of us

By that definition anchor babies are natives too you idiot

Races are uniquely adapted and conditioned to the circumstances in which they evolved. Your race ties you to your lands, to the lands you belong to. Europeans have no business in the Americas, just like Native Americans have no business in Europe.

Based and blut-und-boden pilled

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Not and idiot and I never said anything about anchor babies. You are a very nasty person.
>Europeans have no business in the Americas
We build this country and we do have a right to it. we have business here in our home. Illegal immigrants have no business in our country. They were not born here and have no birthrights to our wealth.

You keep claiming that anchor babies have a right to live in the US since they were born here and worked here. Also you dont believe in white genocide. Let me guess, you're one of the literal boomer migapedes who came here from The_Donald arent you?

If I don't like how a program does something, I write my own version that does it how I want it to, stop using web based solutions for everything.

genius. Build your own card catalog system for finding websites and information.