Gnu Emacs General /geg/

C-h t (Interactive Tutorial) (general introduction) (org-mode)
>Self Documentation
C-h k (Keybinds)
C-h f (Functions)
C-h v (Variables)
>Programming in Elisp

>Packages (package repo) (short list of recs) (the big list)
>Premade Distros / Configs
Make your own (heavy) (Basic config with sane defaults) (Centaur Emacs) (Minimalist Emacs Starter Kit)
>Muh Startup Time
use-package defer (increase GC during startup)

>Muh Default Keybinds (Fixing Emacs Default Keybinds)

>This pasta:
>org source:

Attached: emacs2.png (256x258, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

first for witchmacs a cute

Attached: __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_darjeeling_reley__048e68b36f8041d9e26c950650a082fa.jpg (3072x5346, 1.61M)

second for fuck pre-made configs

I like this picture.

Attached: astra.jpg (715x402, 203K)

Any org mode fag to explain me how to do presentations in org?
I just tried export to beamer but it's much more convoluted than doing plain beamer slides in latex.
Reveal.js looks popular too but I don't like depending on an internet connection to give a talk or read some notes.

gnu archive is down again

It can't be melp'd.

Attached: 1535035149864.png (1242x1080, 494K)

Don't say "fag", please.

I just do everything in mousepad

Anyone else having trouble running Emacs in daemon-mode? It produces a very noticable lag (a second or so) on my machine for a lot of common operations like switching or deleting buffers. I use Spacemacs so that might be part of the problem.

hello is this the thread where I extoll vim
and BTFO "escape meta alt controls shift"

setting up my own config starting from vanilla emacs after getting my feet wet with doom

so far i've added use-package, which-key, evil (with evil-collection and evil-easymotion), and counsel/ivy/swiper

what other must-have packages do you guys install? any recommendations for window/buffer management?

also post emacs themes

i have a problem with loading init file , it wont load my theme .

what to do , what must i put into my init file ?

emacs --debug-init, post result. Or use the GUI to install it if you're a brainlet. M-x customize-themes

You can try out eyebrows, coming from vim it seems apt. I'm still just starting getting into it myself so YMMV. Lissner uses persp-mode for doomemacs I think? Probably worth checking out

I need groff preview in orgmode, is it possible? What is the alternative wysiwyg with orgmode? I need it for math and chemical equations.

Attached: 1540848467098.jpg (441x441, 26K)

Gruvbox-medium-dark, there is no other.

Magit, the only decent wrapper for Git I've ever seen.
Org-mode if taking notes, tracking tasks and the like is relevant to you

I use Gruvbox dark soft as my theme, since it's really easy on the eyes and looks pretty

No groff, time to surrender to TeX mode?

>its slow
thats probably it

>what other must-have packages do you guys install
telephone-line, smart-tabs-mode, hungry-delete.
also avy, if you jump in a file a lot.
I use sanityinc-tomorrow-night

fucking shit , still a brainlet , will see tommorow , am tired.


helm, multiple cursors. For managing buffers I just remap C-x b to helm-mini.
Using sanityinc tomorrow day. Light themes are based.


Attached: Vim.png (1200x1202, 106K)


Attached: gotapenis.gif (1000x500, 303K)

>not using ed

I use org- reveal, which exports slides to reveal.js presentations as you said. It works alright.
Here is the repo

Doesn't reveal.js slides require an internet connection to work properly?

Why would it? You just open it in a browser. It is no different than exporting to HTML.

Ok. I assumed the .js meant the JavaScript was loaded from the internet each time.

backup-each-save bug-hunter switch-window swap-regions rainbow-delimiters multiple-cursors helm-descbinds flycheck expand-region elfeed dired-ranger calfw

solarized dark

I want to remove the "created on" footer on org-html export but even with :with-date nil it keeps displaying. Amy idea how to fix this?

I use moe because of the meme name but it's so good I use it on my work config too.

undo-tree isn't necessary but has been absolutely fantastic for me

how can I make Emacs a good IDE for Javascript like VSCode? And no, Tern is not that good (at least compared to vanilla VSCode)

#+OPTIONS: timestamp:nil
Should do the trick

Attached: 1538326697228.jpg (400x400, 28K)

I know about js2-mode and even skewer but they are not as good as vanilla VSCode.

So go and use VSC

thanks, that's the point of my post

They're better, actually, because they run in Emacs.

setting up Tern with npm and the completion is not as good as VSCode. Some people say use Tide but it's a lot of work only to get something similar to intellisense.

What about Indium? I don't know much about JavaScript.

If you want intellisense outside of vscode, why aren't you just using LSP?

Attached: 1552512914023.jpg (986x657, 380K)
Is /geg/ too attached to buffers for tabs?

Attached: 1561257744230.png (1919x981, 120K)

Tabs are visual clutter in my opinion.

What is the purpose of tabs? There are already frames, or just have separate emacs windows and handle it with your WM.

It works!
Thanks Dad!

Any idea how I could do that on a per project basis instead of a per file basis?

redpilled thread

never tried, I guess I will check it out. So far, I use Emacs for anything not related to programming (I am learning Javascript), org mode is just too good that it makes the only (and enough) reason to use Emacs.

people say it's still not reliable. Maybe in the future.

Emacs is white man software.

Post cute elisp functions!

Attached: 1560198376160.png (500x500, 91K)

You prefer mobile AIDS repository?

What do you like so much about org? I've used emacs for all text processing and editing for 5 years and I've never really found it that useful.

Spacemacs phones home.

(setq compilation-finish-function
(lambda (buf str)
(if (null (string-match ".*exited abnormally.*" str))
;;no errors, make the compilation window go away
"1 sec" nil 'delete-windows-on
(get-buffer-create "*compilation*"))
(message "No Compilation Errors!")))))

>light themes are based
yeah I use gruvbox soft light

dashboard : a nice startpage
flycheck : syntax checking
magit : best git wrapper known to man
yasnippet : quickly insert code boilerplate

evil-commentary : quickly comment out lines
evil-exchange : quickly swap the positions of two pieces of text
evil-lion : align characters in text (used on : in this post)
evil-magit : evil bindings for the aforementioned
evil-surround : easily add/edit/delete "" [] type stuff around text


No, you just have to download the .js file somewhere and set the variable to that path.

Neat. Thanks

I came here to say that I respect all of your life choices but vi is superior in every way and that's not including vim which achieves what emacs wants with less onions.

also please donate to uganda sir i need money for transition surgery yes thank you

name things where vi is superior

Not him, but I'd like to have this "go to the other delimiter" in emacs too. I miss jumping to the closing semi column.

what is it in vim?

Percent or something?
It's been a long time since I used vim.

what you said is behind you not knowing how to configure things, not about emacs not being able to do it

What's the config then?

One million years in a search engine

Witchmacs theme

it's my agenda, task manager, web bookmark manager, notetaking, word processor, etc. Right now I am still trying to use it for saving passwords but I am looking for a reliable and safe way to do it.

Org capture, org markdown, org babel, org agenda, all that shit work incredible and replaced a lot of applications (inb4 BLOAT)

I think after taking all that work to learn org (and I don't know elisp), why I don't do that too for configuring an environment for Javascript development? I guess I don't have an answer for that.

You try pass?
It's a thin wrapper around gpg.

nice, I played with pass before but never migrated completely to it. I didn't know there were so many clients for Emacs.

you know not of what you speak
Found a cute package that rices out company.

evil does this though

I feel like installing the whole evil mode just for this feature would be an inelegant solution

I assumed he was coming from vim tbf. Anyway I reckon emacs supports this natively

I use it at work daily.
Works much better than vscode.

I use tabs just for the visual indication

(defun sudo-edit (&optional arg)
"Edit currently visited file as root.

With a prefix ARG prompt for a file to visit.
Will also prompt for a file to visit if current
buffer is not visiting a file."
(interactive "P")
(if (or arg (not buffer-file-name))
(find-file (concat "/sudo:root@localhost:"
(read-file-name "Find file(as root): ")))
(find-alternate-file (concat "/sudo:root@localhost:" buffer-file-name))))

I used to use vim. Then changed to vanilla emacs. This is the last thing that I missed from vim.


Wait so you were a vim user and converted to emacs, but don't use evil mode?


(defun reload-xrdb ()
(when (equal buffer-file-name (substitute-in-file-name "$HOME/.Xresources"))
(message "Reloaded xrdb")
(shell-command-to-string (format "xrdb %s" buffer-file-name))))

(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'reload-xrdb)

Attached: 1534084810267.png (467x482, 129K)