/cog/ CloverOS General

Homepage: cloveros.ga/
Forums: forums.cloveros.ga/
Wiki: wiki.cloveros.ga/Main_Page
IRC: #cloveros on rizon
Gitgud: gitgud.io/cloveros/cloveros
Current: uswest.cloveros.ga/s/CloverOS-x86_64-20190708.iso

CloverOS GNU/Linux is scripts that creates a Gentoo image and a packages repo (Binhost) that contains unique USE flags and CFLAGS. It aims to be a fast, poetterfrei, lightweight out of the box desktop.

Attached: cos.png (512x512, 22K)

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who does the compiling for free?

is this the gentoo equivalent of ubuntu/linux mint?

This is the gentoo equivalent of Artix

Is it based? How well does it work on old Thinkpads? Kinda wanna switch from Antergos now that it’s technically “dead” but still receiving updates from Arch’s repository. Does it have the Budgie desktop in its repo?

Not him but very nice. Might check it out later.

Doesn't CloverOS just use the Gentoo repos? If so then no but you can just add the Sabayon overlay easily.

It's Gentoo with an installer that does all of the work for you. At the end it's no different than if you installed Gentoo yourself.

>gentoo without the installation bullshit
That sounds like a pretty good deal. How hard did they fuck it up?

It seems too good to be true


If you want to be a cool haxer in 2019, install Guix.

gnu is bloated

Welcome back.
How did 8gag treat you?

I've been wanting to fork Void with s6 and debloated userland for a while now.
Any Void Jow Forumsentlemen interested in joining?

Pretty hard. Fvwm and command line meme programs because muh minimalism. Luke smith would cum relentlessly.

>CFLAGS="-Ofast -mssse3 -mfpmath=both -pipe -funroll-loops -flto=8 -fgraphite-identity -floop-nest-optimize -malign-data=cacheline -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -Wl,--hash-style=gnu"
this is their default...

Attached: sister_red_291.jpg (442x460, 125K)

Programs are just programs but what about emerge and stuff?

does this work on a modern laptop like one with 8th gen intel cpus?

Works on my 4th gen intel :^)

All packages come as preconfigured binaries, defeating the original intent of Gentoo as a system where all components are compiled yourself. You have to trust the Clover developer compiled everything correctly and isn't malicious in any way. With regular Gentoo, you can see the source code that gets pulled down and compiled.

The dev tells you how everything is compiled and shows his package.* file on gitgud. If you are that paranoid, switch to source with ./cloveros_settings.sh 5 and the recompile all packages with march native

>see a new OS advertised

Oh that's coo-

>it's yet another linux kernel, except this time with different shit packaged like every other distro!

Oh well.

it seems good to me that i can recompile everything by myself and have better operating system plus confidence about my packages

The whole idea was to set you up a base gentoo system in the fastest way possible. The installer takes like 2 minutes to install on my W500 and it runs so fucking smooth with KDE, and the fan barely turns on.

is it good for servers? I tried the livecd on my desktop and it would not boot, I assume it couldn't racognize my mech kb...
I'd love to use it if possible, so I am assuming there'd be little difference between this and a Gentoo based server?

I need the iso as a torrent, and the LinuxTracker page's release is 201905. Is there another way to torrent the newest iso?

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post archive full of wallpapers pls

It's not even a new OS, it's just an install script for Gentoo.

Last time I checked it is also a slightly elaborate set of configurations configuring a fairly extensive set of binaries.

It's no Gentoo, but not really less than other derivative distros.

a fucking hassle just for some anime tiddies
fuck you chiruno, meiling is too huge for my toaster to convert

Is this actually a real improvement or just 2% for autism? Why the fuck wouldn't they use march=native? That alone gives a decent bump on newer cpus

I think that is latest

Might be because multiple machines build the binaries and/or you were supposed to be able to generally reproduce most of them.

Is this working with uefi yet? I'd totally be on it as my daily driver if my current computer supported legacy. My last one was running it.

dude, it's gentoo amd it supports uefi. just use gentoo and set a desktop profile. if you want the CloverOS flavour so much, there are .bashrc and .bash_profile scripts on his git repository under /home

can we rig this to panic if it detects unapproved hardware?

it makes for a custom experience while allowing you to revert to defaut if you want. The dev said it himself, Gentoo is a meta distro that you can use to make your own kind of OS.
yes, it has a lot of server software available, and if it doesn't, beg the dev to add it
it can run on any hardware that supports the minimum instruction set provided, basically core 2 and up. I did try to run it on a pentium 4, but I could not get X to launch, so I was stuck in a tty instead.

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>not a single tiddy wallpaper yet

Attached: 1555965689775.jpg (1279x1290, 279K)

I would be interested, but I would like ppc or ppc64 support though

I guess I'll make some at some point

Attached: 2019-05-05-203321_1680x1050_scrot.png (1680x1050, 761K)

Are you legit asking if the default package manager in a distro works?

If I wanted to do the installation the hard way I'd install straight Gentoo. But I don't. You don't seem to understand, I can't boot the iso on my main computer seeing as it doesn't come with uefi support.