post some funny shit
Post some funny shit
ok you start
Why the fuck is his head so fucking tiny?
Cause black bois can't compete. All in all he should top himself.
You sound insecure
t. headlet
"ayo cracka is this really how you hol it like this?"
Mfw I googled durgasoft.
Haha, laughed too hard
>won't even change the filename
>is it good yet
doesn't even believe in what he's shilling
I remember this thread. Guy got chased away by ifunny wojak niggers.
>Someone please tell me the best alternative to Brave + Startpage?
>I've been using this combo for a couple of months now and I've finally realised it's a pile of utter shit.
I don't know the entire DSM-5 but I'm almost certain that deserves it's own entry as a mental illness.
ultimate plot twist: tyrone used to be white but from repeated exposure to niggeranium and poor soldering practices he became black.
fucking kek on so many levels. thank you user.
What would this even be possibly used for
Apparently people use it when they fuck up setting up their Christmas lights and do it backwards.
I don't into these, why are they so often requested, what do people see in them and think they need them for? What should they be doing instead?
i made one of these once to share power between houses
we were moving out and and roommate called and got the power disconnected before we had a chance to do any vacuuming and cleaning
So how is this at all better than an extension cord? Are you plugging it into their outlets?
Spoon feed me. How tf do you do your light backwards, and how would a dual male plug help?
The set it all up, and then find out they fucked up and have the female side near the socket.
They can't be bothered doing it again or running an extension cable to the other side of the lights, so they try to get a male-to-male cable.
It "works", but is obviously dangerous because you have the exposed male side at the other end.
its for connecting the two closest power outlets of two houses together.. its fine to run a few lights and appliances but wont support the load of a normal house. That would be a bad idea.
Plug one into a generator, plug the other a wall outlet to power your whole home when there's a power outage.
Then the electric company fixes the outages and your generator explodes.
For moving your Frogger arcade cabinet without losing your high score.
Nah man, you have to plug everything in together, like a mesh network, every power strip plugged into another power strip fir maximum distribution.
>tfw ED
>waaaaah....110V exposed
Those are made, though. They're used for generators, and called dubbed "suicide cables." They're used to reverse feed power into a socket.
So is like AMD like dog-tier multi-tit?
Is it possible to have TOO many tits?
What about those three tit processors where you could activate the disabled tit, but it ended up being a crap shoot since it could have actually been a defective tit.
Do processor tits get bigger like they normally do after pregnancy? What would be computer pregnancy?
And what about hyper-threading? Is that like a tit with an extra nipple?
>5% battery
In theory it's better to have one fucking amazing core than multiple weaker ones. The entire reason we have multicore processors in the first place is because nobody can make 30Ghz single-core processor.
I can fap to that.
At my local super store they have really long isles so several sections are put together in each isle
One particular isle I call the hell hole
It starts with children's sugar cereals
Halfway through is children's sugary treats like cookies and chocolate bars
The finish line is the wine section
Ingenious design
After walking down that headache inducing isle I'm sure 80% of mothers grab a bottle of $10 wine to chug the whole bottle because they're civilized unlike those filthy beer drinkers
i dont get it
You start OP
Based pedobros
>steal Nazis tech and scientists
>disrespect them even after death when they lead to pioneer some of the greatest achievements of human history
This pisses me off beyond belief. Fucking virtue signalling niggers belong in a mass grave.
"Once ze rockets go up, who cares vere zey come down? That's not my department. " says Werner von Braun
So THIS is what American's fought for.. truly... freedom...
>far left out nazi-ing nazis
what a time to be alive
They fought so their children could never had what they had and their ancestors had. Truly based jewish slaves.
That is not the dangerous part. You could put it backwards in a same cord ending up with short circuit.
He has 8 drives in raid 0 and one failed.
Really more for a tech gore thread than a lol thread.
Is this real?
Honestly, if the money were good and the bosses reasonable, I'd do it. But only because I've done all of those things before.
kek based beta dad
The fact that these people have ANY power over white society is simply foreshadowing a violent, bloody future.
Yeah the Durgasoft meme stands out from most of the tech humor threads in that they themselves continue to unironically and legitimately create this stuff
thank you based tom lehrer poster