What's a book every software engineer should read?

what's a book every software engineer should read?

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i like this one

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definately not ops pic related

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All of these: a.co/cH4pS0N

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Cracking Fucking Coding Interview

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>not epi or adm or laaksonen or literally anything that isn't the equivalent of a 600 page long medium self-help article

Attached: epi.jpg (333x499, 29K)

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Not that one lol.

pic unrelated I presume

These for sure. I cant say there is a single technical book that is universal to all disciplines that involve writing software. Languages, techniques, etc. really all goes out the window. People will mostly use whatever tools they have and know and will program whatever way they know and can get away with. You might not, but guaranteed you will have to deal with it. Pick your battles smartly. Don't spend your time on shit that doesn't matter. If it's a one of product, get in, get out, learn from how shotty it was and do it better next time. If you or someone else is going to have to touch it again, please put some thought into it. Trust your gut, if it feels like what you're doing is going to end up causing you grief or blowing up in your face, you are probably right. Take a step back and think of a better way to do it. And keep redoing until it's done. Please please please don't think a rewrite is more work than a refactor. 50% of the time, it's just as much or even less work. And I guarantee you'll write it better the second time.

Checked and based

Basics of Linear Algebra for Machine Learning by Jason Brownlee.