Hello Jow Forums

Hello Jow Forums

So I finally decided to get off my ass and start learning some programming.
I got an app for my phone, and im currently learning HTML5. It seems pretty simple and so far, a good accessible way to get into programming languages. I would like to move on after getting this down into more advanced languages, and see where it takes me.

Does anyone have any advice for someone starting out? How easy is it, once you get comfortable with html, to get into freelance stuff?
I'm not looking to get rich or anything, just learning a skill I've always been curious about.

Pic related is from the app im using, I didnt write the text or supply the image, the app did. I just put in the tags. It's really cool how simple the app makes it, I remember years ago trying to get into this but was too poor and lazy to pay for an actual course.

Any advice, at all, would be appreciated.

Attached: Screenshot_20190718-222626_Mimo.jpg (1080x2220, 442K)

What it looked like.
Again, I know the text and image is stupid, the app provided it haha

Attached: Screenshot_20190718-222636_Mimo.jpg (1080x2220, 302K)

U should be a writer

Why in the fuck would you ever try to learn programming on a smartphone? Tell me this is bait.

Whatever you can do, rajesh and nikolov can do it at a fifth of the price.

surprised no one has mentioned the absolutely classic and tragic


Bro come on

Whatever your doctor can do, a doctor from India can do it at a fifth of the price. If you just want a routine check-up sure you might go with Pajeet, but for anything serious you'll pay a good doctor even if it costs you 5x more.
The only people who complain about Indians in tech are shitty programmers who are so incompetent they can't come up anything better than poo-in-loo code.

Best of luck! My first programming language was also HTML and now I make six figures writing in Go

This is a terrible analogy

t. tranny koder

Can somebody explain all the hate for R? I spend all this time getting good with analysis, implementing some ML methods, performing visulizations and cleaning junk data only for Reddit to tell me that Pythons the new craze and R is about to become obsolete? Is this true? Do I have to learn Python(of which I know the very basics) now for my data scientist path?

Also any other software beside SQL to give me a leg up? Im in my junior gear of engineering(non CS) and could probably get good at it by graduation.

Learn C

>I got an app for my phone, and im currently learning HTML5. It seems pretty simple and so far, a good accessible way to get into programming languages.
HTML is not a programming language you idiot. Go buy a computer and learn C if you want to learn programming.


Cool. Next step, learn Rust and make an HTTP server to host your webpage.

Then cut off your dick and start writing CoCs

It was easy and accessible, and the app takes you at a snail's pace, so I figured it would be a good way to introduce myself to it

I feel like an idiot, I didnt even know there was a difference. Literally 2 seconds of googling that confirmed it though, thank you, that's the kind of information I was looking for. I'm planning on getting another computer soon, I know im extremely limited in what ill be able to accomplish without one. Hitting the library today to get some books to read on it

>HTML is not a programming language you idiot
yes it is. HTML is a declarative GUI programming language

Don't listen to this, R is still the easiest and fastest way for data science. Sure, it won't hurt to learn python cause not everything can be done with R (and I'm not talking about data analysis).

>It was easy and accessible, and the app takes you at a snail's pace, so I figured it would be a good way to introduce myself to it
Nothing wrong with what you're doing especially since web developers should probably be thinking "mobile-first" anyway. That said, when you outgrow the app, you'll have enough background to know what to look for in a desktop learning workflow. HTML, CSS, and javascript are an extremely powerful combo. With those, you can write mobile apps (React), desktop apps (Electron), server apps (node), scripts (node again), and obviously websites. It's extremely versatile. Not best of breed for most stuff but it can do whatever you want. I started with Python 15 years ago but if I had it to do today, I'd go with the web stack. Good luck.

to be fair 90% of people when they first start learning development start with HTML and think it's a programming language. even tho its not it gives people a non intimidating and easy entry into software development.

>hTmL iS nOT a prOGraMmINg LANguaGe
yes it is you fucking morons
it's a markup language which is a subset of programming languages

I'm an INI programmer.

People always praise Python, but honestly, I feel like as a starting point, R is better, or at least for me it was.

>learning html through an app on your phone
This is what normies actually do hahahah.

This guy has to be a larping faggot, it's impossible to be such a faggot.

>learning some programming.
>I got an app for my phone

Attached: 1494107702447.jpg (547x547, 58K)

>to be fair 90% of people when they first start learning development start with HTML

desu this is a good thing

ofc he's larping

you made what's analogous to a Microsoft Word document by hand and opened it on your phone

now start learning python, c, java, golang, php, javascript or whatever

I'm a .bash_profile ninja.

You can’t tell for sure this is bait?

Op here, sounds like solid advice, thank you. I tried years ago as a teenager to get into python, but (without looking too hard) I couldn't really find any good, free tutorials and the whole thing just felt a little inaccessible at the time.
I'm definitely trying to go towards designing some things, apps, websites, etc, so I'll make those languages a priority.
Thanks again for the advice!
I know what I posted up there is dead simple, but I definitely felt a sense of pride planning it, writing it, and seeing it come together. I'm pretty excited to see how far I can go with it

Webshit is not programming

I thought tags were phased out

I count something as a "programming language" if it's turing complete. Markup languages aren't turing complete. Have fun with you "HTML Programming" though brainlet

Wow, formatting documents really gets the noggin going on software development huh? People need to stop spreading this meme, HTML provides nothing in the way of learning anything about software development, unless they just wanna be some frontend monkey. And even then, most of the work there is in JS.
I prefer the "Learn Python first" meme over this shit

Don't pay for courses, pirate books from Library Genesis.

CSS is turing complete

Yes, CSS technically is, but CSS isn't HTML baka