Is this a terrible meme or are discord cucks actually screwed?

Is this a terrible meme or are discord cucks actually screwed?

Attached: (850x685, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The only time it's not a meme is when pablo.gonzales.2007 clicks the "free nitro please do the needful sir" link

Ah, a man of culture I see


41% of discord users attempt suicide.

what is that stupid domain?
not discord.

Phishing site that managed to fool a good amount of fucking IDIOTS before it was taken down.

>Want free Discord Nitro? Click this link and sign in!!!1!!

Im seeing a lot of articles trying to associate this with the "kawaii bot virus" that's recently started spreading.

Ahahahahaa nice.

simple phishing site proving once again that discord users are the dumbest bunch of fucking morons in the entire universe.

Attached: 1560347158380.png (985x734, 59K)

>chromatic abberation + felix
Why do edgelords like this combo so much?

fucking this

this can be done even easier with steam and facebook.
Just fucking rebuild the login form and use this on any random website. You wouldn't believe how many retards try to 'login with google'.


And this week some e-prostitute got an assisted suicide by another Discord member.

>You wouldn't believe how many retards try to 'login with google'.
oh i believe it. people just never learn.

that was glorious. highlight of my week.

Thats my birthday

There is no kawaiibot virus, the kawaiibot dev approached the one sperg who's been saying this shit and posted the DM screenshots and it's pretty fucking funny.

The guy is spreading this rumor because since kawaiibot can be used to @everyone (if given permission to do so) it's clearly a virus guys!!1!

what? Source pls

Wasn't she murderized by one of her beta orbiters? Or has there been 2 discord whore deaths this week

The close family friend that conducted the assisted suicide was one of them yes. Communication between all parts was conducted on Discord. The e-prostitute also used other advertisement platforms like Patreon, Instagram, etc.

I ain't an online search engine, chief. Search for it yourself.

oh I was talking about the other e-thot that got her throat slit last week by one of the 6 discord orbiters she was fucking and posted pics of the dead body on her server

We are discussing the same event.

This is the girl. Many lulz were had.

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>what? Source pls

holy shit, it doesn't get more based than this.

Bianca Devins aka oxy or ecsty was killed by an ex called brandon who was so much of a fucking failure he couldn't even manage to off himself. I think she even has her own ED page now.

Attached: 1563226201835.jpg (352x431, 88K)

based thot destroying robot


I'm not even incel, usually I'd be disturbed by shit like this, but she was a literal instathot constantly begging for attention. Plus, I believe in perfect justice like Terry. She was probably very evil in a past life.


Virus, don't click


Very nice

And yet again, kids shouldn't be allowed online, simple as that.

discord is basically the instant messaging and voicechat platform for children. its easy to make a server, invite your friends and play house. the oldest kid will play daddy, the girl will play the mum and all the other kids will get their colored roles so they can feel special too. they have a lot of fun shitposting and roleplaying, butting heads until someone cries then drama will ensue and the butthurt kid will make his own server and invite his most loyal friends over there while keeping those he doesnt like out. with the community now split and the activity levels halfed, some of he children will get bored and either leave or stay offline. whith the most active members leaving the activitly levels will further drop until both servers are dead. THE END

Attached: adventure.jpg (600x400, 33K)

its mustard gas. you do have a polish ready?

>Is this a terrible meme

that exact same shit happened on IRC all the time back in the day

that's not even the discord url though