/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: 1491914788310.png (392x568, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Now that grsec is dead, how do do secure your system?

what is your / partition's size? Is it true that 20 gb is enough for root?

stop mentioning the kernel already
look at android, they do it right

all in one comfy

finally finished SuperTuxCart

how do i use the freebsd kernel on Linux?

Depends on distro. Source based distros need more space.

you can use a freebsd kernel on GNU.


Linux is a kernel.

>Source based distros need more space.
how much more?

*tips tinfoil hat*

You probably mean GNU. There's a Debian GNU/kFreeBSD variant, which uses the FreeBSD kernel instead of Linux. No idea how usable it is through.

trying out linux, and just got comfy with debian in a vm, but gnome isnt a very satisfying DE to me. is kde plasma a good switch to make? or something else?


What is the best distro ever? I'd like to install it and go on with my life.

The Guix System

only for compilation. just because it's a source based distro doesn't mean you compile on the computer running the os

yes, kde and gnome differ like a crew of accountants and a baby in a propeller hat.


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>assuming i havent used bsd or hurd
nah, jk, but for real i don't there was any confusion as to what i meant

say, 30 gb will be enough?

Text editors are bloat. Real programmers simply run cat > project.c, write the fucking program and CTRL+d.

more or less double the size
for web browser:
install: 70mb
source: 600mb

C is bloat. Real programmers operate Assembler directly.

What is the vimtutor for Emacs?

>more or less double the size
you mean partition? 60 gb?

Remove ASAP

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Linux is a kernel, and FreeBSD has a kernel as well.
Do *not* use any of these shit GNU/kFreeBSD operating systems, they're extremely low quality and give the BSDs a bad name. Either use *BSD completely or don't use *BSD.

say, you have 1000 packages and it takes up 20gb of size, then for a source-based distro it would be around 50gb more or less

I agree that 50 is good for source based distros in general. I've had installs around 5-8yrs old without doing any cleaning of source files that got close to 50gb. So it should be safe.
But you can probably get away with less if you have a binary distro.

How can I insert xcrop -o inbetween other commands?
command "xcrop -o" [OPTION]

The UFO of operating systems.

Attached: gentoo.png (392x78, 20K)


Attached: 6Ng44vH.png (1920x1080, 28K)

Not sure at all what you're trying to do, and I don't know what xcrop does. I'm guessing its for cropping images though, and that you're trying to pass image data from one command to another. If that's the case then you need to pipe it.
>xcrop -o ... | command
The "command" has to know how to read from stdin though. It might do it just without any arguments, or a single dash character like "command -" will tell it to read from stdin

Would the gnu look good as the letter U?

Why the heck isn't my keybinding working on i3?
I want to do a keybind to be able to quickly run xkill.

Here's what i've tried so far:
bindsym $mod+Pause exec --no-starup-id xkill


bindsym --relase $mod+Pause exec --no-starup-id xkill

What am I doing wrong fellas?

I think --no-startup-id should go before exec

Attached: Guix_logo.svg.png (1200x1090, 66K)

Just tried that and there wasn't any difference.

Oh nevermind I'm wrong.
The only other suggestion I can make is to try running xkill through i3 manually and see if it's reporting any errors like:
>i3-msg exec 'xkill'

It runs the command and outputs the following:

$ i3-msg exec 'xkill'

I'm quite baffled.

>xcrop -o
Sorry it's actually xclip -o. Basically I want to paste a magnet-link copied in buffer to a streaming client and then keybind it (which part I can manage).
It looks like this in terminal:
peerflix "magnet-link" --mpv
I tried pipeline but it doesn't work:
xclip -o | peerflix

Well the command looks perfectly fine to me, but maybe something is preventing i3 from defining it. Maybe you have some other error (you are telling i3 to reload the config, or restarting i3 first right?)
Try replacing "xkill" with some other command, like launching a file browser, and see if the same hotkey will work. That should tell if you if the problem is with "xkill" or with the binding.

>Perens left OSI in 1999, a year after co-founding it. In February 1999 in an email to the Debian developers mailing list he explained his decision and stated that, though "most hackers know that Free Software and Open Source are just two words for the same thing", the success of "open source" as a marketing term had "de-emphasized the importance of the freedoms involved in Free Software"; he added, "It's time for us to fix that."
At least he tried. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Perens

Oh in that case you don't want to use stdin and stdout, you just want bash to expand the xclip command and insert its output into the peerflix command. You can do that either with `` quotes or $(). Like
>peerflix "$(xclip -o)" --mpv
If I understood you correctly.

Best distro for basic web browsing and watching movies?

Any GNU/Linux distro will do, senpai.

This But if the point is you don't give a shit about anything else you probably want something low maintenance and with a large community. Just use Ubuntu.

what are some cool

Attached: fragezeichen mädchen.jpg (500x500, 109K)

Thank you user, you're a life saver.
Should've learned basic bash commands but I'm still new to Gnu/Linux.

I'm reloading the config rather than restarting but it shouldn't make a difference in this case.

I changed the line to

bindsym $mod+Pause exec --no-starup-id firefox

and it opens firefox as expected.

I believe the problem is with xkill because I've never encountered anything similar.

It's fine. Learning as you go is the best way to learn anyway.
Just remember the term "expansion" when searching for info on things that modify the command line. I had trouble finding information on this stuff until I started adding that term to my queries.
Bash "expands" shit before the command is executed and that includes variable manipulation.

muh hackers

Well yeah, if you just replace "firefox" and it suddenly works the the problem should be xkill. That's really weird. And you tried it with i3-msg so i3 should have no problem running it.
All I can say is try searching for i3 bindings specifically with xkill and see if someone else has had the problem before. Good luck.

Terminal commands?

$ aafire

mpv pornhub.com/random

python3 -c $'import math,random,subprocess,time\ns=int(subprocess.check_output(["stty", "size"]).split()[1])\nn=0\nwhile 1:print(" "*int(s/2+s/2*math.sin(n))+"\e[38;5;"+str(random.randint(17,231))+"m*\e[m");time.sleep(.05);n+=.1'

engage in coitus

That's what I did before posting here but I will continue looking, thanks for taking your time.

Oh, one other thing to consider is environment variables. My gut tells me it shouldn't matter and i3-msg should use i3's actual environment but I'm not 100% sure. It could be possible that i3-msg uses its own environment and is picking up something that your shell has defined which i3 itself isn't getting when xorg is launched.
Just a thought.

Some cool what?

brainlet here
how do path variables work they come up everywhere when I try to install stuff but I don't get what it is, like PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable, I know about $PATH but not how to change it but I haven't needed to, how does it work, frens?

*tips kernel*

Hmm, I'm using zsh with oh-my-zsh installed.
I've just uncommented a few lines that were in the config already and added a few of my own.

Is this what you're meaning or did I miss the point?

I don't know about zsh, but for example what if "sh" or "bash" is being used by your system to launch i3, then it might not have environment variables you're setting for zsh.

All I'm saying though is to try looking up any essential variables that might affect xkill (maybe do a general search for anyone with xkill problems involving variables, not necessarily including "i3").
Chances are there's nothing important, but I just thought I'd throw the idea out there.

They're just search paths. It's a list of directories separated by colons.


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I tried this on my laptop which has i3 installed also.
It's running an unmodified bash shell by default but also has the option to switch to my riced zsh.

I was able to replicate this issue.

Could someone else have a go with this on their machines and confirm it doesn't work?
bindsym --relase $mod+Pause exec --no-startup-id xkill

Either the xkill doesn't like i3 or I'm doing something incredibly stupid which is making the binding not work.

Both machines run Arch but the laptop can also dualboot to Void.
I'm pretty confident that I don't even need to try it on Void.(?)

have you just tried it without the no-startup-id?

Yes, I have.

What distro would you recommend for a Pi?
Want to try pentesting and what not.

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Is there a proper text to speech program for Linux?
I dont mean a robot voice i need a proper human voice, akin to microsoft sam back in the xp days. I cant imagine there isnt something of that quality normal human voice. But i havent found it

>proper human voice, akin to microsoft sam
>microsoft sam
>human voice
u wot

Check out arby n chief from machinima, they only used microsoft voice for it and its very easy to listen to and its not robot voices like what i've found on linux



Robot voice, not presentable at all

Top kek
>Microsoft Sam saying, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1234567890 times.", followed by a demonstration of a glitch that occurs when the words soi/onions are entered (soi cannot be uppercase in Windows XP or it will say the letters)

You said like Microsoft Sam.

Which you can use as a presenting voice.
espeak is a very robotic interrupted non smooth "voice"

I've tried finding a decent solution in the past too without much luck. Oddly enough I could get better Japanese text to speech than english.
One that I found a while ago but haven't tried yet is pico2wave (see video below)

I get what he's saying and you can see a clear difference in this video youtube.com/watch?v=cziGpZTKZko
The first 2 are fucking awful (1st one is espeak).
The 3rd seems more similar to Microsoft Sam and is just easier to listen to.

does a wayland compositor use fewer disk space than xserver and a window manager?

if i want to play gayms should i dual boot

Has anyone gotten any problem with firefox not using the dolphin filepicker even with GTK_USE_PORTAL=1 on lately?


I have no fucking idea on why the spacing on that post ended that way, wtf.

Anyone have experience with OpenBSD?

Just installed and getting stuck at:

pckbc0 at isa0 port 0x60/5 irq 1 irq 12
pckbd0 at pckbc0 (kbd slot)
wskbd0 at pckbd0: console keyboard, using wsdisplay0

Nothing happens after that and nothing resembles an error

Should I try booting bsd.rd?
Will previous logs still be in /var/log?

Only two partitions
EFI and root.

How do I fix yellowish tint for video-amdgpu? I am sure it's not from redshift

$ xbps-install -n -r /tmp/void sway | awk '{total+=int($5)}END{print total}'
$ xbps-install -n -r /tmp/void i3 | awk '{total+=int($5)}END{print total}'
$ xbps-install -n -r /tmp/void i3 xf86-video-amdgpu xf86-input-libinput | awk '{total+=int($5)}END{print total}'
sway and dependencies require 230M of disk space on void with just the base-system package installed
i3/xorg and drivers weigh a bit more
i never used wayland so i don't know what you actually need to run it though

>when you start replacing everything with a small shell script

>when you have more files in ~/.bin then /usr/bin

Who else cheated and looked for the answer on level 25 of bandit? I think the solution is pretty cool but who the fuck would figure out you need to shrink the terminal and then use vim to access the password?

What's the cheapest laptop I can get that will run Debian for at least 6 hours under normal work load (listening to music/browsing the web/writing none heavy code in sublime)

I think you meant machine code.

It was the only one I had to look up. I reget it a bit. Pretty sure it's solvable without cheating. Also please don't spoiler.

Does xkill work if you run it from a terminal? From dmenu?