Meet girl

>meet girl
>takes her laptop out
>webcam is taped
based and redpille-
>launches chrome

Attached: 1556844315928.jpg (306x306, 20K)

you'll get her next time user


>complains about girl being oblivious to spying
>owns a smartphone

Attached: smug-anime-girl-gif-9-300x200.gif (300x200, 29K)

>sends nude pictures of herself to others

>>owns a smartphone

Attached: very tiny.png (800x871, 250K)

>keeps her nude selfie photos on cloud storage

>implying she's not my gf


>not owning an unregistered satellite transmitter that only few people know the frenquencies of

Keeping your nudes is strange in general. I doubt if many people hold THEIR nudes on the cloud.

If you're a woman, you do

yeah gotta keep them on hand in case they meet someone they gotta send nudes to, they can't always get away to take new ones

What if they keep YOUR nudes in their cloud lmao

Knowing how sexy I look, I don't doubt it

>ex gf keeps her nudes in her photobucket
>know her password
>log into it occasionally to fap to them still
she'll never catch me

There's different levels, user. She's probably somewhere in the I don't like creeps but don't know/care about your peticular form of autism.

>tapes her webcam
she probably doesn't want incels spying on her

I knew a girl that collected pictures of herself covered in jizz. She'd always tease me and show me them

So I think girls definitely store their nudes

Attached: 1562602086270.jpg (608x493, 36K)

>Implying women don't have massive folders of nudes and lewd pictures of themselves

post her accounts

>tapes the webcam
>mic remains untouched

more like to talk about something illegal within earshot (... micshot?) than you are to do something visually illegal right in front of an open laptop

>she doesn't tape her cam because she uses open sauce and knows what's going on under the hood

>owns electronics with baked in user input

Judt shut off camera at BIOS brainlet

i've no idea why but that made me fucking laugh.