So I want to start coding because I'm bored as shit and have nothing to do...

So I want to start coding because I'm bored as shit and have nothing to do. I'm also very inexperienced in coding so I don't know half the shit you people probably do. What is the easiest coding language to learn?

Attached: coding.jpg (640x430, 42K)

Easiest? Python.


But honestly just take up drawing instead. Coding is a poverty tier job that will be outsourced to AI in the next few years.

Easy. First, you should start off with whatever assembly your processor uses, likely x86. Write some simple scripts such as printing hello world to a console. Look up some easy guides online.

Then, with your knowledge of registers, you can move onto big boy programming languages like javascript and HTML. The former is industry standard, used by experts across the globe for user interfaces. The latter is easier to program in but more limited. Either one will work, I recommend programming snake in HTML if you're a bit lost. On the other hand, go download java and javascript (similar to git vs github, both are the same frameworm) and try making asteroids in that using some assembly interface that you learned.

From there, you should be able to do a lot of neat things like making scripts to automate jobs or making video games. Make a resume with your personal projects (asteroids, snake, etc.) plus descriptions of familiar languages and send it off to your potential employers.

And if you want a REAL challenge, try coding in iOS. Apple's computer language is convoluted for good reason - it is the best, more versatile codebase out there. Famous programs like photoshop, discord, and instagram were made in iOS then ported to their other platforms for ultimate efficiency. But I warn you, it'll be a rough ride.


I'm not exactly sure what you mean with "whatever assembly your processor uses". Do you mean if it's 32 bit or 64 bit? Because I use an Intel i5-4210M and it's 64 bit. Sorry if I'm being retarded.

based advice, did this when i was 18 and now i work at google (19 (female (male)))

Tell us all the secrets regarding to the 2020 elections.

this is some high quality bait

No worries, each processor has its own assembly language that is the simplest form of instruction to the processor. E.g. calculate 1 + 1. You will need to look up what language your processor uses, just type it into google and you'll probably get an answer. Then, you should open up your favorite IDE (I use eclipse or netbeans) and pull up a starter guide to copy/paste from. It'll make more sense after you get it to run a few programs.
Nice, I did something similar but started by coding a grading system in python. Fourth application for a junior developer position at Amazon got me an interview, and one fizzbuzz in masm later I got the job.

that's bait.

first off what do you want to do. website front end? html basics --> css (sass) --> JS.
website back end? PHP / nodeJS
systems programming: C/C++/Rust
random apps windows: C#/C++
random apps linux: anything non-mac specific
random apps macOS: ObjC/Swift
random iOS shit: swift
random android shit: Kotlin

now go.

Alright, thanks a bunch.

(and stay go)

What exactly makes it bait? It seems kinda helpful.

lol you fucking retard

>css (sass)
fuck off with sass.

Linguine delicioso!

>Falling for every meme in the book

I don't know about the easiest, but I'd recommend C#


Oh, look, it's that thread again.
Scheme is the easiest, but just start with Javascript. Good luck. And sage.

>What is the easiest coding language to learn?

If you decide to go with JavaScript (your picture is jQuery, a js library), stay away from libraries and frameworks. Seriously, forget they even fucking exist. You'll never be a good JS dev if you go this route. Most of the people writing JS applications can't even build their own simple version of jQuery. JavaScript would be nice to jump into because there are just so many damn learning resources for it.

Python would also be a nice choice. However, I started with C, and you probably should too, but I doubt you will, so there you go.

cant cast type male to female

oh boy i remember when i finally started learning HTML, how much i felt like a big boy


Attached: 1453146056593.jpg (225x235, 9K)

I learnt HTML4 in high school and Shell script 2 years ago. Probably going to learn C++ or C# or another programming language at some point.

Scss > sass

rust rust rust rust rust rust
45% language users are non binary
rust rust rust rust rust rust

just go for python: very easy, very popular, perfect for doing hobby level scripting, and can do a very large range of things.

Actually this . You don't need anything more than a text editor and a browser to get started. Learn how to into DOM and AJAX manipulation directly and you'll learn a lot. Leave the frameworks for later until you get a good understanding of what is going on.

Where would one go after say completing the Python track (and 1/3 of the side exercises) on exercism? Read an actual book on programming? Algorithms? CS theory? My goal is to dabble into AI.