/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ %command% -h/--help
$ help %builtin/keyword%

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>Which web browser performs best on GNU/Linux?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


What linux os have the most pretty interface?

Depends on your chosen DE or WM.

Linux is a kernel. You probably meant GNU'/Linux.

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Does anyone have the rms version of pic rekated?

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What screensaver does everyone use?
Does anyone know one which works and automatically suspends itself when watching videos in a web-browser or video players?

Right now I'm just using X blanking and turning the screen off for maximum power saving. I use a simple program which detects if a video is playing in a browser using Pulseaudio and then toggles the X and DPMS screen blanking. It's kind of unreliable in the way it works.

I found someone mention a way to utilize dbus which most programs use to signal that the screensaver should be suspended, but I haven't looked into it more. Does anyone have any keywords to look for? Or ideally, an already existing solution.

I'd just use xautolock with the "-corners" option to launch the screensaver/locker.
-corners lets you assign corners of the screen that you can just put your mouse in and it disables itself. Then just remember to move your mouse to that corner when watching a video or whatever (I always move my mouse to the corner when watching a video anyway).

I haven't used any screensaver in years. As far as I'm concerned they are pointless with LCD screens and DPMS.

As far as 'suspending' screensaver when videos are playing - this problem was dealt with a very long time ago, I don't remember how it works but video players and browsers have a signaling mechanism to stop screensavers/blanking/suspending. What distro are you on? It shouldn't take configuration, it should already be working out of the box.

I think it only works automagically if it's fullscreen video. He may require disabling it in other cases.

well, like I mentioned, I haven't used a screensaver in years. However I think screensaver inhibition works similarly to sleep inhibition, and on my laptop which runs NixOS with KDE, if I am playing a youtube video in firefox the screen doesn't turn off and the laptop doesn't suspend (regardless of if it's fullscreen) So it shouldn't matter if it's fullscreen. Detecting fullscreen windows was an older method of preventing sleep. I think these days it works through PolicyKit or some part of systemd.

What's the best terminal based torrent client, if they're not a meme?

I seem to be having some nfs issues.

I run NFS on ubuntu server, I decided to update yesterday, but today I noticed that remotely my NFS files were now missing. I presumed this to be a result of the update so just restarted to clear all the mounts, but on reboot stlll no files.

I logged into the server and confirmed the files were there and they were. After some trouble shooting I managed to pin the issue down to nfs not behaving correctly with binds.

So I currently have a /mnt/shares/nfs dir and under that I bind directories accross the fs into it e.g. files. now previously this was all working fine, I have crssmnt in my exports file. But at the moment it appears that when I boot the server, I have to go in and unmount and remount all the binds then do an exportfs -rav and finally they show, but they're not showing after boot despite all the binds being in place and the configuration all being correct.

Any idea on how I resolve this or will I just have to drop using binds for now?

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i3lock and monitor off

>2) Do not dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.

I assume that's not a typo. If so, why is it a problem to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows 7? I need to use both of them

fuck systemd

You should not use Windows at all. It's malware these days and not recommended to use. It may also brick your dual boot from time to time - next to spying on you, of course.

If for any reason you really must run Windows, use it in a VM where it does less harm to you.

>do i fit in yet?

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fuck off

>I need to use

How do you even dual boot with macOS? Is this even possible? Not that I would want to. Just curious.

What are some cool terminal commands?

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I've seen this asked before but I never paid attention to the answers -
Where do you go for news regarding open source soft/hardware? I'm especially curious about the hw

Get yourself an RSS reader.
Hardware? Phoronix covers a bit.

sudo echo " boards.4channel.org" >> /etc/hosts

News feeds. I follow Jow Forums, EFF, freepost, hackernews, linux journal, lobsters, stallman, techrights, reddits and twitters.

Don't be boring for once. Please.

This won't even work, brainlet.

Writing papers with my PI who insists on using Word. Also I just want to be able to use both for whatever reason and don't understand why it would be such a bad idea. The dual booting in itself that is, not using Windows.

sudo sh -c "echo ' boards.4channel.org' >> /etc/hosts"

Have a friendly one.
for((;j=--i;)){ printf \\ec;for((d=LINES;s=++j**3%COLUMNS,--d;)){ printf %*s.\\n $s;};sleep .1;}

If anyone can golf it further, don't hesitate to reply.

how to install a software via tar.gz file?


It's probably a source package. You need to extract it, read the text files inside on how to compile it, and compile it.

/fglt/ approved podcast program? podboat is a pain in the ass.

does using a USB flash drive as boot disk have any performance penalties? bitrates of USB is as fast as and in some cases faster than SATA so loading times shouldn't be a problem

I use podcasts mostly only on mobile, here AntennaPod is the best. On desktop I just subscribe to the RSS feed and listen with mpv. Before I've been using newsbeuter's podcast feature - maybe it suits your needs. No idea about GUI stuff.

>Don't be boring for once. Please.
>Have a friendly one.
Please stop acting like that question deserves any respect in the first place.
Even if it was a respectable question it's still the kind of thing that you make a thread/post for maybe once a month or something, not every fucking thread. And then acting like a smug douche to anyone who decides to use it as an opportunity to joke around instead of taking it seriously.
I know it's the same faggot posting it because it's always the same smug douchy responses to anyone who make joke replies.

The sad things is you're probably acting like a douche to people who've actually given you legitimate "cool commands" in the past.

How do I make my scripts instantly accessible everywhere like programs? I tried adding my new script folder to path in . profile but that doesn't seem to work, or do I have to restart first?

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source ~/.profile

>I tried adding my new script folder to path in . profile
wut? path in current directory profile?

you're free to go to Reddit or 9gag to joke around

Do not put . in your PATH, that's a bad idea, security wise. First you create your own bin directory. Preferable in ~/bin. Then you add that directory to your PATH.

putting scripts into /usr/local/bin also works, so every user has access to them without editing $PATH

Wojak does not use douchebag laptop stickers.

that's what newfags do through

Which is the regularfag way?

Yup there's that same smug douchy reply you always give to people who don't take your request seriously.
But on the contrary, if anyone doesn't belong it's you. The fact that you think nobody can joke around on Jow Forums leaves 0 doubt that you're a newfag.
And the more you post the more confident I am that you should never be taken seriously by anyone. I regret ever giving you a serious response to your question.

And if you're going to act like an elitist asshole consider this:
Any elitist would say that if you want to be taken seriously you should demonstrate that you've first put in some work yourself. But you NEVER do that, do you? You just keep asking for 2 words (cool commands) like a newbie wanting to be spoonfed.

Either learn to take a joke and quit acting like a douche, or stop posting the same fucking 1 line question in every thread, or just fuck off altogether.

>other people use my computer
the absolute madman

does your mom know your gay?

Thanks, that made it.

Sorry, i just scribbled that off my tablet. What i meant was i appended
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/Scripts/Bash
in ~/.profile.

Good to know, but that wasn't my goal right now.

1) echo $PATH and verify it
2) You didn't set the execute permission on your script
3) Your shebang is fucked, fix it.
pick one (or more)

What text file? The install one? I've read it but its some code I don't understand. I tried to follow this tutorial howtogeek.com/105413/how-to-compile-and-install-from-source-on-ubuntu/ but when I enter the ./configure command it failed. I have no clue how to install the missing packages. But here's the missing packages.
checking for NCURSES_LIBS (pkg-config)... no
checking for NCURSES_LIBS (-lncursesw)... no
checking for NCURSES_LIBS (pkg-config)... no
checking for NCURSES_LIBS (-lncurses)... no
checking for NCURSES_LIBS (pkg-config)... no
checking for NCURSES_LIBS (-lcurses)... no
configure failed.

what do you even want? tl;dr version? is there any deeper meaning in your rambling or are you simply mad for getting called out for trying to post a malicious redditesque command that doesn't even work and shows your naked new?

i have a server that i and others use over ssh, so doing it with /usr/local/bin makes sense

In order to compile, first of all you need to install the build essencials package, which provides you with all the stiff you need to compile software on Ubunut. Then you run. /configure and read the error messages carefuly, which tell you which stuff is missing. You then get the missing libs and. /configure again. A non-faggot dev would inform you about the required dependencies in the documentation.

I didn't post that command dipshit.
And what I want is for you to learn how to take a joke and quit acting like that 1-line question you repeat over and over is somehow deserving of my respect.
In literally any other context you _should_ be told to fuck off and go learn some "cool commands" on your own.

But I can tell you're not here to discuss anything anyway:
>tl;dr version? is there any deeper meaning in your rambling
You want your spam question to receive respect from people and get all butthurt when someone doesn't take you seriously, but then you're doing the exact same thing to me aren't you?
If you want my respect then act like it. Or, like I said just learn to take a fucking joke.
I'll ignore the fact that you post the same question over and over if you ignore people who want to make a joke out of it.

Does no-one have any ideas, is there some reason an fstab bind mount behaves differently to a mount --bind?

Example of one of the binds in my fstab that works but is not visible over nfs until I unmount and remount it.

/mnt/data/files /mnt/data/shares/nfs/files none bind 0 0

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There are cool terminal commands you'd love to know about and which would teach you more than reading a shitty book on shell scripting, but you'll never know that feel because you think cool terminal commands consist of rm -rf and cmatrix and only deserve you, acting like a faggot. It must suck to be you.

There you go again acting all high and mighty like there's some noble pursuit behind your dumb 1 line question.

Can you honestly not even take a step back for 1 moment and look at what you're really talking about?
It's a 1 line request for "cool commands" that you spam in every thread. And I HAVE responded seriously to that request on more than one occasion (something I'll never do again because you don't deserve it).

All I asked is for you to take a joke. But you want to do it the hard way, so how about this:
If you want to actually _deserve_ the respect you demand from everyone with your 1-line question then you need to start showing us that you're putting in the same work you're demanding from others.
You need to start supplying a "cool command" with every request for cool commands you make.

If you can't do that then you're just asking to be spoonfed, and you don't deserve any serious replies.

are the very pretty (tm) DE's and WM's worth using now? or are they still crash ridden bug filled messes? I'm asking because XFCE + Mint have finally gotten to the point where dealing with the way xfwm play with nvidia drivers [not at all with 430 and CAD after logging in to log in twice) is getting to be a pain. I don't want to install something if I'm just going to have the same problems or worse / new ones.

what would be easiest solution to automatize clicking on button?
something with image recognition because button shows at random location and it isn't visible all the time

debian debconf is live debconf19.debconf.org/schedule/?day=2019-07-21
The "Time" table row opens live video streams (the "Auditório", "Miniauditório", "Sala de Videoconferencia" links).

Attached: debian_for_lesbians.png (2133x1200, 1.01M)

xdotool, I'd say, depending on the exact circumstances. No image recognition necessary if the button is at the same spot within the context of its window.

I'm gonna sound really retarded here, but I tried setting up Fedora dual boot for the first time and set the mount point for /boot/efi/ to be on the system partition for my Windows 10 efi.

I thought this was how you did it, but now my Windows 10 can't boot properly, says winload.efi is missing or corrupt. Do I have to do a clean install of Wni10 now, or is there a way to recover from this?

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Please don't use Windows.

I'm new to Linux and trying to dual-boot to keep Windows for games.

don't do this

Please read the thread's subject and original post before replying.

Look into

Yeah, I figured I'd be directed to here if I asked there, but I guess I'll just ask there anyway.

I've heard it's possible to use them dual-boot without issues, so wanted to try it. I think I just made a stupid move using the same partition over making another.

If debian is for lesbians and manjaro is for girls who know what they want. Then who is fedora for?

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>Run apt-get update
>It asks me to upgrade to buster, say yes
>Still on 4.09
This seems wrong right?

So i type
then close the window and it stays in the background? No switches or anything?

Yup, doing a test confirms:

Window 1:
sleep 35

Closing Window 1,

Window 2:
ps aux | grep sleep 35

Indeed I see the process still running.

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KDE (or lxqt with kwin) or Cinnamon are legit the best for graphical quality

thanks for the tip
i need to click on button that shows in stream from phone


What's the best gamecube emulator for linux? Is it still Dolphin? Looks like it hasn't been updated in 5 years

Anyway to make a custom alias for a file location?

Let's say I have my external drive mounted on /media/name/External
is there anyway I can refer to that location without typing the whole thing out? i.e. instead of typing /media/name/External I can just do cd External?

Is this worth getting for being a sysadmin /fglt/? training.linuxfoundation.org/certification/linux-foundation-certified-sysadmin-lfcs/

Yes. man bash | less +'/cdable_vars'

Wasted money.


Thanks I'll try it out now.

Having difficulty trying to set Arch up. Specifically the difference between -Syu and pacstrap /mnt base

pacman -Syu updates the system
pacstrap bootstraps the system on to your hdd during inital setup

Ah, thanks for the clarification user

So changing the username basically means reinstalling. Cool OS, neckbeards.

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What is the kubuntu equivalent of lightm? I want to disable all graphics by default and have a machine that boots into a TTY.

systemctl --state=running

Won't that just list all the active services?

What's with this MXLinux hype? Where did it come from?

It's getting botted on distrowatch's rankings, so people who don't understand how that site works think it's legitimate.

What is the best way to replace all whitespace with a - if that whitespace is between ( and ) in a .txt file?

I know

sed 's/[\t ]+/-/g' input_file > output_file

would replace all whitespace with a - ,but not sure how to limit it to between a ( and )


Do this and reinstall Shitora again with its own EFI partition.

Probably botnetted into popularity. It's a shitty Debian with old-ass software.