What tech isn't Japan exporting to the rest of the world?

What tech isn't Japan exporting to the rest of the world?

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i don't get it.

ur mom

Japan hasn't been a major tech innovator since the early 90's. Today, they can't protect their trade secrets from the coreans or chinese so they don't even bother.

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Their building standards and fire abatement systems, absolutely unrivaled the world over in how fast they can trap over 30 people in a tiny 3 story building.

recent attempts by japan to innovate in tech have just been sad honestly, they're so far behind
but if you look at their business culture it's easy to see why. they were great at competing with old corporate monoliths, but they can't handle the modern startup culture at all. it's completely at odds with the conservative japanese business style.

Is this why they need immigration, you British faggot.

it's one of the many reasons they've started rapidly ramping up immigration to match other developed countries. god save us.


>can't handle the modern startup culture at all
Don't know anyone who actually can. At this point, it only seems to benefit VC with more money than sense to gamble and the owners themselves who have way too much power over the actual talent. The megacorps of today have actually been cleaning up on the job market as a result.

RIP Nippon.

the other big advantage megacorps have in the job market is that they have structured systems to train junior talent whereas small startups basically require competent employees on day 1

They do actually.

Could it be somehow related to this too?

Better solution: stop working people to death and only caring about muh economy and corporations.

Then how would they stay competitive?

capitalism and a focus on building the economy has done more to improve the lives of the poor than literally anything else in history

Who cares? All that matters is that people in Japan, Japanese people, retain themselves and have good lives.

Japan live fulfilling lives, because they work, and earn money. They would have absolutely nothing good going in for them if they didn't have money.

the yamato's wave motion gun

No one is saying to not work at all. Japanese work culture is unhealthy and harms the family.

Japanese work culture us the only thing keeping that island together. Without it they would be a shithole.

Japan made all it needed to make
There is no direct need for innovation anymore
back then when it came to making good electronics when everything was analog there was some engineering that had to go in
We live in a digital age now and everything is trivial to accomplish

Yeah no. They are intelligent with good culture and people. The men not working themselves to death wouldn't destroy their country

Buying into the modernist meme of infinite economic growth and importing people and destroying your demographics on the other hand.

>They are intelligent with good culture and people.
They only act intelligent, and good natured as long as the times are good.
They literally have to have a good work ethic to live. Their economy isn't as good as it was during the 80's/90's, so they have to put in the extra effort to work.
The Japanese ego, and personality will force them to go apeshit if they didn't have enough money.
Without their worth ethic Japan would be trash. Their economy will drop, and they tge whole fucking country won't be able to afford their social services like education, medicine, or be able to handle natural disasters.
Just look how ethnic Japanese act outside of Japan. They don't have a good work ethic as their Japanese bred counterparts, and they aren't as successful. In fact they're usually completely lazy, and stupid compared to their born/lived in Japan contemporaries.

>they only act intelligent

Thats not how intelligence works.

>The Japanese ego, and personality will force them to go apeshit if they didn't have enough money.

Sounds more like technology than money really. They act like locusts in foreign affairs when it comes to acquiring new technology's.

Meaning that they only have the capacity to act intelligent, or cultured when they can afford it economically you dumbfuck.
They get nigger tier when shit gets too tough, and end up offing themselves.

They need to be competitive. It's a survival instinct, so I'm not going to shit on them for trying to buy into new tech.
Japan is Japan because they can afford to be.

Calling me a dumb fuck when you do nothing but spew conjecture because you clearly hate Asians?

To imply they act like "niggers" if they have less money is fucking nonsense.

And they can afford to be, because they have that work culture in place. They understand how to do business, and will metaphorically slit throats to maintain their lifestyles.
That's what it takes to keep Japan functional.

It has and it is continuing the lives of poor people around the globe

Why do whites care about Japan?

I'm Asian retard. I'm calling you stupid, because you're fucking dumb, emotional, and too irrational to view anything objectively.
You're so fucking stupid that you view any real world assessment as racial discrimination. Crying racism to deflect from people pointing out the truth only works on CNN.

>I'm asian
>were niggers if we dont have a lot of money

Yeah I believe you dumb fuck who has no idea what IQ even is or how intelligence works. Youre not as smart as you think you are stop acting like your retarded theories are cut and dry proof of how an entire populace acts.

>ur IQ drops if u lose sum small amount of GDP
Big brain poster here everyone.

>To imply they act like "niggers" if they have less money is fucking nonsense.
Because a rich nip burned down kyoani, so I'm instantly proven wrong...

Almost every country is stagnating. I think Russia is doing alright..

>Yeah I believe you dumb fuck who has no idea what IQ even is or how intelligence works.
I know that Japanese I test can be taken multiple times, and that the questions remain the same.
I incidentally have a high IQ according to Japan btw.

What does citing a singular incident have to do with anything? Are you sure youre not black?

>Japanese people have high IQs
Nah just easy to exploit testing. Also Japanese people are dumber the further away they get from Japan.

Youre not even Japanese and you have no idea how IQ even works, and your brainless insinuation that if the Japanese stopped working themselves to death they'd somehow magically become niggers and drop 30 IQ is just asinine.

You are incapable of admitting how stupid this is so instead you persist in this thread and make yourself look even dumber.

There's many "singular" incidents though, and an entire war to back up my claims.

>will metaphorically slit throats to maintain their lifestyles.

I always thought they wanted to have a frugal life so a extravagant lifestyle isn't their concern. At least according to their traditionalists.
I think it's more loke the instinct to not be left behind tech wise either because of the humiliation when Perry opened the country or the thought that they lost the second war simply because their tech wasn't high enough.

It isnt easy to "exploit" IQ tests, especially not G loaded portions.

War doesnt mean low IQ...

This entire thread is riddled with modernist parasites who can't understand having a non jewish drive through life. They only think in terms of economy at the most base numeric level.

>Japanese stopped working themselves to death they'd somehow magically become niggers and drop 30 IQ is just asinine.
They don't work themselves to death, because their smart user. They work themselves to death, because they can be exploited, but their economy does well since they are easy to exploit, and if they had a shitty economy they would intrinsically start eating each other.

>if they work less they will turn to niggers

Source is your jewish asshole. There is absolutely no reason to think this and you continue baselessly asserting it.

My fucking god dumbass, you write in English, but you can't comprehend English that well.
Are you dare I say Japanese, or just an American that's as smart as a bag of bricks?

japs are brainlets, their only good export are writers and mathematicians.

>acts like a diaper shitting retard
>accuses others of being dumbasses

Hurrf IQ drop 30 points if nation dont work to death durrrffff

Are you sucking Shinzi Abe's dick right now as you type?
Also Jews saved the Japanese economy post ww2, so I find it hilarious that you would bite the snipped penii that nursed you back to health.

>They only think in terms of economy at the most base numeric level.

More like racial national darwinism, their anti-Semitic writters, anti-chinese or western rants or even their Christian converts that made a cult of believing themselves to be the lost tribes of israel and the chosen people betry their thoughts.

They didn't have that 30 points to drop in the first place.

>Jews saved the Japanese economy

Do us all a favor and slice your throat. You actually are a kike.

Nice projection faggot

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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Japan is in the same boat as USA. Korea soon will be too. This China issue with currencies is fucked.
Though arguably this is karma for Japan and Korea who tried similar shit with their currency a while back.

So you don't know history, but you are content arguing based on pure emotion, and estrogen as your guide.

Christfags are the most delusional mental gymnasts around. Racial Darwinism makes sense to some level and natural in group preference is a thing.

You are literally defending the notion that Japanese would become niggers if they worked less and have the nerve to accuse others of arguing with emotion. You are braindead.

Revels their real thoughts*

>but if you look at their business culture it's easy to see why. they were great at competing with old corporate monoliths, but they can't handle the modern startup culture at all. it's completely at odds with the conservative japanese business style.
Imagine believing that a conservative style is uncompetitive with having no style at all because you're an apathetic progressive.

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>Nanjing massacre
>Pacific war crimes
>Japanese soldiers eating each other
>The Japanese surrender, and loss of a godfigure
>No forensics testing for rape, or murder
>Police ignore crimes for 20 years, because of statute if limitations
>Karate is korean

The point is their take on Christianity. They practically dropped everything else about the faith when the chosen people concept came in. Shows you the type of mentality they have really. Most other Christian nationalities don't even care who are the modern physical descendants of Abraham.

>You are literally defending the notion that Japanese would become niggers if they worked less and have the nerve to accuse others of arguing with emotion.
Yes, and the Japanese government knows that as well, and that is why they structure Japanese society to not be idle.

A revulsion towards people who mutilate kids should be a natural response. Christians of that type hate certain things but dont even know why, they try to reconcile the revulsion with the lunacy that they worship what they revile.

>Samurais wore western armor
>Ramen isn't Japanese
>Sushi isn't Japanese
Is your world shattered yet!

>a government structures people around working

What an absolutely profound statement....

Thats what every government and economy does. The point Is in degrees, and the point is your asinine conjectural statements that Japanese somehow become niggers if they work less.

>implying Japan has a wordfilter
>implying I'm Japanese

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No they literally keep Japanese people busy, so they don't have time to be niggers, as in they know that it is exactly what Japanese people revert to when left to their own devices.

That would happen to anyone really.

The Japanese educational system is their word filter user, and I feel sorry for you if you're not Japanese, but going this far to deny history, or real life just to suck Japanese dick.

More conjecture and more blind insistence that Japanese would be savages if they worked less. Holy fuck youre stupid.

In denile.

No one is in denial you butthurt negroid. Trying to drag everyone down to your level.

Sorry Tyrone someone working 10 less hours in a week doesnt become a nigger.

Pho is 10 times better than ramen.
And you should really brush up on post ww2 Japan, so you could learn exactly how Jews, and Americans shaped modern animeland.

When over half your population shits in an outhouse, it's hard to go anywhere but up in 2012+7.

But Moscow is fine.

good flip phones maybe?

Yes the modern (((american))) influence is shameful, they aren't to the level of america yet though with their jewish subversion.

Americans literally turned the Japanese into passing humans.

Also your favorite isekais are western influenced, and the best sumos aren't ethnic Japanese.

Japanese were always human, just because you dont like traditional society or honor cultures and prefer modern Jewish workaholic ones doesnt mean anything.

I dont watch sumo and have no interest in it.

>not workaholics

Yes they are now. I'd say that the amount they work now is unhealthy and unnatural though, and one of the causes for suicide and not good for the family.

The family comes before economy

What if you're married to the game?

They got cucked in WW2 and since then have resorted to being manchildren living in an anime world, pathetic.
Post in english not ching-chong letters.

Then the family suffers and you have higher suicide risk and unhappiness. Unless youre some freak of nature unicorn that doesnt want a family, a wife , free time or anything besides blind work.

>facts I dont like are Jow Forums

Please shut up.

Just so you lads know, somebody ITT got really, really butthurt and made a thread on Jow Forums to try to gang up on you

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What about those holograms they will use in the Olympics?

No, rants about politics and economics are Jow Forums.


>Reeeee-ing internally
Retaining my honour lads-dono degozaru.
The based yakuza might be the only Japanese thing left that isnt influenced by Westerners.

it's the only developed country in the world that didn't fling it's doors open to the 3rd world
it's the only non-white country that resembles white countries

I'm so distraught that I forgot image.

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Look at this thread you fucking retard. The very topic is economy and politics related as well as tech. If you dont like it you shouldn't be in this thread at all or should instead try and get IT deleted. Dumb whining newfags.

summerfag/phoneposer detected.
it's off topic and should be stopped.

>Japanese were always human
It only seems like it now, because Americans did a good job training them.

That may change very soon.
They are only doing it with fellow Asians for now but who knows what happens when it becomes irreversible.

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Then whine about the thread not someone posting content related to the thread in it. You newfag.

No. They were always human even before western influence. Just because you despise traditional society and honor doesnt mean that they werent human.

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They need to be workaholics though, or else the country wouldn't be able to maintain itself. Nips would turn into Muslim tier niggers if they dropped an economic notch.