ITT: What sort of IDEs do you anons use?

ITT: What sort of IDEs do you anons use?

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VS 2017 Professional
VS 2019 Professional
VS Code


Same here, I used Eclipse for a while too...



>Everything else

Visual Studio with Resharper for .NET, C and C++, JetBrains IDEs for any language they have an IDE for (besides things I use Visual Studio for), vim for editing config files and with SSH, VS Code for everything else if needed.

>features are bad
>my time is worth less than the price of additional 1 GB of RAM

yes I too love gimping my productivity for no reason.

>we optimize for man hours not computer hours
funny that, is that why twitter and facebook employs literal thousands

No, they employ thousand because they have lots of different projects. Especially Facebook tries to either create or buy something successful, so that they don't die when their site inevitably dies (as opposed to e.g. Microsoft, which has diverse income sources and would still exist and be profitable if Windows died). But I wouldn't expect a retarded text editor fetishist and likely a freetard to understand why businesses operate the way they do.
Also if an IDE performs a task slower than a text editor, it's time to upgrade your 20 years old shitbox.

Where would Geany users land?

>funny that, is that why twitter and facebook employs literal thousands
no true, most of those employees work on design marketing, etc. When Instagram was bought by Facebook it had less 20.

but Resharper slows VS down by about tree fiddy

Android Studio
Visual Studio

Qtcreator for c++ and visual studio for c#

What are the ones at the top of OPs pic?

VS 2019 and VS Code. IntelliJ for java shitting and I suppose Android Studio. Pretty much everything else is hot trash.


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I don't get the last one.

Eclipse for Java and Scala because I can't stand intelliJ's interface
Pycharm for python because i haven't found anything better
VS for C# and C++ because i primarily dev on windows atm
Nodepad++ for anything else

wow... how does your brain manage to keep you alive?

IntelliJ IDEA

Kate. Who the fuck needs an IDE, seriously? Kate has a file manager, keybinds, vim mode, is comfy and has tons of plugins.
>Source management
Make your own git wrapper you lazy fuck.
>Debugging in the IDE
You can't debug or unit test in your terminal window? Again you can make your own scripts, which is far superior to what any IDE can offer.

Jupyter notebook/Atom
Android Studio/Eclipse
>Everything else
Vim/Atom depending on time I need to work on the file.


How do you pronounce geany?

Visual Studio 2019 and Eclipse at work.
Emacs and Eclipse at home.

IntelliJ Idea, Pycharm and CLion because I'm a Jetbrains loyalist dyed in the wool fucking bleed jet fuel lads no other ide 6 million users already fucking lit boys

You might have been mistaken for your entire life, but I'm sorry to inform you that autism is in fact not required to live.

vim for most things
webstorm that company paid for for some special stuff like git conflicts

here, I'm not the other ones you tagged. So any answers to my question? Help me get rid of the brain damage.

How is kdevelop? Kwrite is nifty.

>transcended the mere restrictions of mortals and reached an enlightened plane of existance.

Seriously I love geany. Lightweight with minimal gui clutter. I use it for python/bash projects. Cant get the hang of vs and pycharm is kinda...I feel like I'm not ususiususinususiususing 90% of it.

Also the other day I noticed that geany was auto closing my html tags. Like I write and it auto spawns a

I also love how I can launch it from command line with project name and file extension and it just goes "yup yup 10-4 out the door bang the whore and hit the floor its coding galore"

Bam. Project started, file created, geany launched, and it's ready to handle whatever file types you need it too.

Gedit, more than enough for coding in Ada

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Do they still have have that retarded licensing thing going on where you need to pay annually to keep using their IDE? Or did they stop at some point? I got a licensed copy of the 2012 version lying around somewhere which was the last one where you actually owned the license.

Combines lacking features of proper IDEs with lacking being lightweight like vim. Worst of both worlds. Maybe not as retarded as some absolute garbage like Dev-C++ that some people actually still use, though.

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you just imagine and your code becomes real

IntelliJ babby here

I'm pretty sure it's pronounced like Jeany or Genie, correct me if I'm wrong.

Do you want to make a quick python script or bash script and have it be done quickly?

Also I do want to try vim/emacs eventually but I'm still learning. I like geany because it justwerks, its lightweight and easy. Has enough features for me, I wonder how much pycharm load time was to maintain tools and features I'll never need.

What would you like to see added to geany btw

How old is your PC if PyCharm doesn't open within one second?

>no Vim
user, be realistic.

You can’t actually be taking any of this seriously can you?

Neovim + plugins is all I need desu

>no Vim
I'm sorry user that I'm just a pleb who doesn't really care about software that is almost 3 decades old.

This one. Goes especially well with 98SE.

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fair enough

clion at work
vs code or vim for random stuff

Moderately, at least trying to.

This one is better. Works like a disk-on module, but faster, somewhat cheaper and smaller in size.

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>paying for a shitty ide

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yeah if you use IDEs you are gimping your productivity

Some of us like to use perfectly fine and stable software that is extremely fast, doesn't crash and uses minimal system resources. Notepad++ takes fucking ages to do anything and lags like shit.

what's a best editor for multigig xml files
vim fucking dies on me with syntax coloring on so I have to resort to grepping

Try Ultraedit, it's particularly good at handling large text based files.

I >fell for the emacs meme because it's the only thing with support for what I'm working on and it's so difficult for some reason. I get that it takes practice but it was designed by a guru neckbeard from your 70s and it shows

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Do you use an operating system that is Windows, macOS or Linux? It's not like Vim hasn't been updated since it was created.

Don't forget that in the terminal you can use fantastic linters and debugging tools.

Who the fuck has time to use gdb from the terminal?
Also, enjoy your print statements. I value my time too much. Step debugging >>>> your shit

t. Brainlet

Why use both vscode and notepad++?

code::blocks for c++
it's got a big easy compile button


All you stupid faggots don't even use ed.

VS code and when I must, android studio.
C++ dev also working a lot with the Android NDK horse shit.



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sublime for the colors
(notepad doesnt have colors)

what is the second ide?

looks like netbeans java shit

For most purposes I use Geany (or Kate when I'm under KDE) with a bunch of plugins, and obviously a terminal window open. Also Notepad++ under windows (with a cygwin terminal open when necessary), and Brackets sometimes (but only for webdev stuff). I really only do shellscripting, webdev, and occasionally optimize other people's small C++ programs to run better on my machines. I'm sure if I was working on some gigantic projects though I'd feel more inclined to get into some big ass IDE or a tricked out Vim configuration, but it's unnecessary as it stands.

Oh, and I forgot to mention Lazarus. I do some hobbyist freepascal stuff and lazarus is just fucking great.


based and gnomepilled

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Vim and intellij

Based. There is literally no language you can't code in Emacs.

vim pimped out with about 10 too many Vundle packages


please help me

IntelliJ and notepad++ on Windows
Vim on Leenux


excel is fucking awesome

GNOME Builder

IntelliJ for Java/Scala and Spring boot

Visual C++ for C/C++ mainly to make wangblows DLL's most of the time

MPLAB X for embedded-C for programming AVR microcontrollers

Atom for React.js

CodeBlocks for C++ Linux .so files and to fool around in SDL, OpenGL

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I know it's hip to shit on Microsoft here, but the absolute bare truth is the Visual Studio + VS Code combo kicks serious ass and there's really no competitor within the scope of intended use.

Sunplus, and Sunplus only C:<

Oh wait OP was posing an actual question. I just use Notepad++ for HTML, and use VS2019 community for compiling my code by copypasting it.

The matlab IDE if I'm doing matlab, sublime text for everything else.


is jupyter even an ide?
isn't it more like documentation?

>evil mode

MS Word

>i will never have a job. ever. the post

> everyday a new update comes in. new shits broken new shits fixed.
> switching computers is impossible because you can't setup your environment.
> "telemetry" is collected on you.
> You can buy the RAM, but its still slow.
> new job. Have to relearn all the tools.

I mean if im writing some java monstrosity, you bet im not going in without eclipse or android studio, but this is not the ideal way to program.

Atom is the official text editor of github
IDLE is the official ide of Python

The BSDs, Solaris, Haiku, and fucking Genode all have current ports of Vim.

None because I'm not a nigger.

I've been playing around with Eclipse Che and think it's got potential - your IDE lives in k8s, your dev environments are containers, and all your client PC needs is enough power for one fat browser tab. It seems to be very focused on enterprisey use - beyond the basic architecture it takes like two minutes to set a new developer up with an existing multiuser setup. The challenge of course is that someone whether in house or as a third party has to manage the cluster.

>Eclipse Che

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