Say something nice

Say something nice

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something nice

He cute

something nice

both ugly as fuck

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His kids will be cute

he made his own kernel

>a redditor gets mad at high status white men for not choosing washed up roasties

Please stop advertising here

They look happy together

I rarely have anything nice to say about Canadians, but I hope that they're safe.

Something nice


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He honestly could've done a lot better.



This makes me feel pretty lonely ngl. Cute wife when?

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Yes, I would think so.

something nice


It's a coinflip. Either cute or grotesque mutts.



90 percent of the time cute. Two best races after all

cook the rice, pay the price

dont they have kids already? p sure ive seen them and how fucking ugly they are. just like zuckerbergs kids

Zuckerburg is a dirty Jew you can't judge his kids. They have shitty rat genes.

Here is what hapas actually look like from white men and asian females.

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the blackest eyes...
the devil's eyes

Left or right?


Best at being the worst yeah

she'll turn into an ugly insect once puberty hits
they all do

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What universe do you live in?

No they dont. And look at the guy.

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I don't live in an incel echo chamber like you

>the smartest, most advanced races with the most advanced societies are the worst ones

Wakanda isnt real blacky

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You just know it's always a Chink, half chink, a yellow knight putting yellow roasties on a pedestal or a kike when they say "Chinks are cute, the best, traditional etc" or "half Chinks are cute" because they want someone to talk to who looks like them.

Chinks are definitely the best at looking and being the worst.

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Nice cope

They aren't even that ugly. Posting crowds of "ugly people" doesnt mean anything.

No cope.

>what a fag, he went for the ugly asian whore instead of classy white women

Why do so many relatively good looking guys end up with disgusting chinks?

i'd rather fuck linus desu.


Based and sponsorpilled

It's true. They are all just cattle to the real master race.

>drugged up / drunk dumb degenerate bitch
nigga fuck you. Enjoy your happa or mulatto kids who look and act nothing like you.

lol this



>act nothing like you

He could have done way better.

The only reason you people are powerful is whites being subverted by christianity. In the future if Asians take over the mantle it won't be the same. Keep pretending like it will last forever though.

dont you dare post my loli waifu

damn, his wife is a qt.

>marrying that flat assed, flat chested chink that barely resembles a woman
but then again he wears socks in sandals so..

Its his sister

She is too adorable I would marry her

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>The only reason you people are powerful is whites being subverted by christianity.
So there are people around who realize this. Thank g-d, it would have been way too easy otherwise.

Have you seen Loonis wife's sister Esther?


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Its clear as day with even a cursory glance at history, christian rulers, preferential usury, and more. The only people who dont see it are those too hopelessly brainwashed. At this point I'm not sure that our entire race isnt too far gone. At least Asians will take up the power vacuum left.



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something rice

something rice

say something rice

just a reminder; if you are the dad of these 2 kids, and don't actually regularly fuck them, you are low test

have sex

Hong Kong are basically Chinese and that makes them Insectoids. Shame on Linus for wasting his White seed on this species that is not of the Human species.

baste. The boys too old though.

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Say something nice about der8bauers hot pornstar girlfriend!

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This cuck should be made fun of far more. Intel fag and a literal cuckold.

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>Posting crowds of "ugly people" doesnt mean anything.
Those "ugly people" are Asians and that's what they look like before they go under the knife to get Caucasian traits, you retarded uneducated sexpat.

If you find this attractive you're basically outing yourself as a pedo

>my cherry picking is truth

no. There are plenty of good looking Asians with NO plastic surgery. I'll see if I can find that webm showing some Asians from childhood to adult. I think they were kpop. No plastic surgery

If you think that isnt attractive youre a faggot.

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why do ugly girls get more sex than ugly men when women are less likely to care about looks?

jesus christ what's wrong with her goddamn face?

Modern society is extremely heavily woman centric

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Imagine being that successful and stuck with a low/mid tier gook. Even Zuck wound up with one.


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Wrong one

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damn the only thing that makes a young chinese look like an old chinese is their eye lid development or lack of

At least it's not a negress

They age with grace. first one is so cute

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>when women are less likely to care about looks

They care the same amount for relationships, and men care less for sex