What programs let me feel I'm weidling immense power?
What programs let me feel I'm weidling immense power?
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core impact
AutoHotkey is the secret to immense power and success
I don't get it. Why i have to pay the storage for YT vids? Am i a poorfat for considering this a problem? Using youtube dot com or invidio.us too much botnet for you to handle?
>youtube-dl is a command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and a few more sites
see the list here
>What programs let me feel I'm weidling immense power?
ffmpeg or busybox makes me feel the same way, even though busybox is kinda hated for its code quality by muh suckless retards.
>busybox+muslc, vim, tmux, elinks with javascript+lua+python support, fim, youtube-dl, ffmpeg, mpv, mpd, transmission-cli.
give me just these and i'm done for eternity.
you are a massive retard? youtube can (and does) takedown videos all the time for whatever reason they want, you can only trust your own backups if you want to keep a video around
Videos can get taken down for no reason, with no warning, at any time.
Also, this board is obsessed with mpv for some reason and youtube-dl gives them an excuse to make smug posts about it.
shut the FUCK up you braindead
the adults are talking
not him, but i totally agree. if you like something, if it means something to you, you must keep a local copy of it. you never know when things will go away.
if you use mpv + youtubedl you can play youtube videos directly in mpv
FFmpeg and ImageMagick
windows 10
Mpc with madvr
I use it to play videos with mpv. It’s easier on the CPU than a full blown web browser.
And you can use all options ytdl and mpv offer while streaming. Or you could just download the file.
Very interesting software. I am taking a different approach to the same problem with my own software, which isn't public yet, but Hydrus takes some interesting approaches that warrant consideration.
WSL because I can open notepad files in grep
wield this: *unzips dick*