Dissenter browser

Wouldnt you want free speech on Jow Forums?
Use dissenter browser.

Attached: dissenter.jpg (1366x691, 84K)

>based on Chrome

Attached: The_Young_Pope.webm (480x480, 1.26M)

man i just stopped to think how insane it is that the addon actually got removed from the addons thingy, we truly live in a clown world

>pushes proprietary software
>claims to be for free speech

>can't say NIGGER
>free speech

Please read the global rules and fuck off.

>can't talk about lolis or shotas
>free speech

>a fork of brave a fork of chromium a fork of chrome

advertising / begging

are extreme left wing views allowed on dissenter or is it just extreme right?

Chrome is a fork of Chromium, but you're still right.

Is it "free speech" free speech or will comments mysteriously start evaporating when I mention racial IQ gaps and the over-representation of Jews in positions of power?

it just adds a fucking unfiltered comment section to every website, as if we don't get enough interaction with strangers on here.

only extremely gay views are allowed

This is now a glow nigger thread, dump all imags related to the space niggers and how we ran them over in 1999.

Attached: cianigger3.jpg (789x730, 53K)

Stop advertising this garbage.

>oh look, yet another chromium fork

Attached: tiresome.jpg (807x659, 37K)

>cant even say nigger

That looks like Firefox.

but it's chromium

>A chrome fork you cant say nigger on

Extreme left views are allowed but it's a hugbox full of christcucks, QBoomers, and natsocs

>Jow Forums
thats not it, but take any other image board engine make it use udp instead of http and you have new IB shitposting protocol