Learning python. Is this the true power of python?

learning python. Is this the true power of python?

for i in range(len(array)):
#kill me

Attached: python.png (340x340, 14K)

amount = 0
for braincell in ops.head():
i += 1

# prints 0 still, why?

for i, _ in enumerate(array):

for i in array:

Rewritten in Haskell

show array

Attached: satori_original.png (419x262, 69K)

whats the problem retard?

OP wanted to print all the indexes in the array though, not the values.
for i in 0..array.len() {
println!("{}", i);




If you're struggling with Python you're going to love C++

>tfw superior nippon ranguage
puts array.each_index.to_a

array.iter().inspect(|v| println!("{}", v)).collect::();

array.iter().for_each(|v| println!("{}", v));



no, this is confusing a variable that counts how many items there are in your array (which you already had with len(array)) and printing the first value of the item, which would be print(array[i][0]) with your terminology

Oh, my bad.

show [0.. len array - 1]

for i in arrary:
print(i) #god user is so dumb holy shit I hope he gets better

Well, you could also use
for i in list:

but that's going to be slow for large lists.

Oh, and it'll also fuck up if your list contains a value several times.

print([i for i in len(array)])

len inside range, sry

.say for @array.keys

let _ = arr.enumerated().forEach { print($0.0) }

what the reason for getting rid of

for (i = 0; i < len(array); i++)

There are no semicolons on python

Wtf is this disgusting syntax? Kys

for i, _ in enumerate(array):

Jesus what embarrassment in this thread.

What exactly is your problem here?